
週末は横浜にBryan Kest ブライアン・ケストのパワーヨガとロング・スロー&ディープのWSレッスンを受けてきました。彼は世界的に活躍するパワーヨガの第一人者です。
On the weekend, I went to Yokohama for power yoga and long/slow & deep workshop lessons from Bryan Kest. He is known for a matchless range of power yoga.
Last year, I took his lessons and had a thrilling shock, so I was looking forward to taking this lesson for 1 year.

今年もまた新しい衝撃でした。楽しかった~~。彼のパワーヨガのクラスは正直私はついていけていない・・。ダイナミックで。 でも楽しくて仕方ないんです。前屈のポーズをとる度に、汗が目に入り、口に入り、マットに水玉が出来ていきます。意識を集中していく自分と、’できるか?’と自身に問いながら。。また彼の紡ぎだしていく言葉が耳に入ってくると、楽しくて仕方ないのです。時たま、クラスに笑いが広がります。
I was impressed again and enjoyed it a lot. Actually his class is hard for me to follow... It is so dynamic... But I just enjoy it.
When I do forward-bending pose, every time I get sweat in my eyes and mouth. I also get a dot pattern on my yoga mat because I'm drenched with sweat.
Concentrate into the mind and asking my self 'Can I do this?'. And I caught his juxtaposing words and enjoying it, too. Sometimes there was laughter in the room.

He says that sometimes people ask him about the level people should have for taking his class, but he teaches so that people of all levels can take the class. That means he wants student to find their own level.
"For example, at the class in LA, a granddaughter and grandmother were taking the same class next to each other. So they understand their own level and that is why they can take the same lesson together.
Don't push yourself too hard.
If someone shows a face like they are being in a torture room.
It's not my fault.
If someone gets hurt.
It's not my fault.
It is your fault if you push yourself or twist your body too hard. Don't push yourself too much. If you feel like having a rest, you should have a rest. If you feel like challenging yourself, do it as well. But both people have to remember to do conscious breathing.This is important."


All in all, the most important thing was told in the beginning of the class. So I could do yoga with resting myself.
It was releasing my self in the true sense of the word.
He left Japan for his next classes somewhere else in the world.
I am looking forward to seeing him next time.


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