笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
I got a sand colored breeze from South Africa.
This is a mail from one of my friends Sato-chan has been to South Africa for volunteer work. I wanted to introduce for all but I picked some parts from the mail.
It has feels like the festival is over since the world cup has finished. A local newspaper says that the world cup was successfully closed so it seems like they have determined to think they can be a host country for the Olympics 2020 or 2024.
(Newspaper says that they got good evaluation by FIAFA, too)
But there is not only good news. The government is on alert against the xenophobia by South African people. In fact, there are some cases existing already. It is not against Asians like me, seems like it is against the people from neighboring states of South Africa (Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique) are getting worse damage from the campaign. The original cause of the problem is that people from such neighboring states come into South Africa and take jobs away from South African people. Actually, this problem has occurred before the world cup but...
自分の担当教科はMathematical Literacyという教科で、純粋な数学じゃなくて例えば%の計算とか銀行の領収書の読み方とか、生活に直結するような算数を交えた数学の様なものを担当しています。
I am teaching in a 'vocational training school, with students age being intended for over high school students (sometime seems like older than me). Students behave impertinently and it makes me feel emotionally stressed. But they still have pure part of them so I enjoy with them every day.
I'm in charge of the class for Mathematical Literacy which is not pure kind of mathematics, for example, how to read bank receipts, how to account percentage such kind of use for mixed with usual life.
Most of the time, it reminds me that they are no good at figures. The students who come to this vocational training school are people who couldn't go to college because of money or people want to get jobs more than go to school, so some people don't have basic academic skills. They use a calculator even if it easy one and sometime they don't understand English questions. Also sometime there are mistakes in English words of questions, too.
There are many problems.. But on the other hand, sometimes I have learned English from them, they take me around the village, teaching me religious things. I can say which is the volunteer?! haha.
So I can say that I'm having enjoyable time. I will tell you again.
These are some animal pictures I took in the Kruger National Park.
That means there are no lions or elephants around my house.
こういった友人からのメールって刺激になります。I love it!!!
This is a stimulating e-mail for me..