
★Nail art ネイルアート

ジメジメした日本の梅雨が続いています。でもこれが草木の成長を助けてくれるものね。ガマンしなくちゃ。 そのジメジメを吹き飛ばせるように、気分を変えようと、友達のユカリンゴにジェルネイルを施してもらいました~~☆ちょっとハデかしら?!でもいいよね、気分転換!! こういうのって、女子には必要!!

The marshy rainy season has come to Japan now, which gives big influence to vegetation.
But I got nail art by my friend for something refreshing on me from this marshy mood.
Is it a little too bright?!! Haha, but it is a good change for the mood some times!
If you want to try my friend's nail art, let me know. I will give you the number. First time is 3000yen, Next time 4000yen.

おめでと~~う!! 技術と知識が認められたね!!一緒に東京行った甲斐があったよ(笑)。私は両手を伸ばしておく手伝いしかできなかったけど、ほんっと自分のことのように嬉しい!

As for Yukaringo's nail examination which I posted about before on this blog, she passed the exam!!! Congratulations!!! Your skill and knowledge got credit for nail art. I could help you just by holding out my hands to you, hahaha but I experience your delight vicariously.


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