
So, here I introdue Jonathan and his wife Cathy.
Jonathan is a very kind and polite person. When I visited US for first time, sometimes people feel separated from their friends. Maybe I tend to be like this because I'm a shy girl? Maybe.... He cares about others, so he was talking to me even though I speak broken English. I like the person who can care about others like him.

ジョナサンはとっても優しくて、礼儀正しい人。 私が初めてUSに行った時も、輪になって話す友人達との会話からアウェイになりがちなシャイな私(ということにしておいて)にも、気を配ってくれるような人です。 たどたどしい会話の私にも、ちゃんと語りかけてくれます。こういう気を遣える人って、ステキだな。。と思います。

He is a member of a bluegrass music band and is active. He has been to on the local radio, too.
At our wedding party last year, he and my friends made a one-day band for the party. They boosted the party mood. They did an amazing job. Actually, the mandolin he is holding is made by his father Ron. So surprised!!

They enjoyed staying in Japan. He tried any Japanese food and enjoyed. And started to study Japanese language now. He wrote me "Zekko cho desu!" (mean "I feel like a million") or "so desune "etc... I wonder where he learned words like this. I can see that he has a good memory.

今は少しずつ日本語を勉強しているそうです。”Zekko cho desu!絶好調”や、 "so desu ne" ”そうですね”  どこで学んでくるんでしょう・・・ この言葉。。。教科書ではなさそうです。でも覚えるのが早いことが伺えます。

This is a my favorite picture of them.

Next lady is Cathy! Jonathan's wife.
She is a verrrrrrrryyyyyy charming girl, bright and sunny disposition and smiling all the time.
I respect her about what she is studying. She has been back to school and study about natural resource economics. The main objective of the discipline is to estimate values of natural resources and to study the trade offs between different uses of resources. This I got from her in an e-mail.
"There are many natural goods that we value but which don't have a price attached to them, like wildlife habitat and scenic views. By placing a value on these goods, they can better compete with market valued goods like housing subdivisions."etc...

要約すると”天然資源の推量(評価)と 資源の異なった用途間での取引についての研究だそうです。”

すばらしいでしょ?!今学期で一度学校を終了して、環境エコノミストとして就職活動に入る予定です。そしてYoga仲間でもあります。 次回会ったときには一緒にYogaをするのが楽しみ。
Isn't she great!? Now, she is going to finish her semester and look for new job as a environment economist.
And she does yoga too, I'm looking forward to doing yoga with her.


This is my lovely family. Their lovely puppy Gus.


Nowadays, many people talk about environmental problems and ECO is used a lot in Japan. Do you have some interest about ecology?
私は正直ありません。勿論大切なことは重々承知だし、協力できることはしたいな・・と思っています。ただ、どれほど真剣に知ろうとしているのか・・・ ただ社会的な話題についてゆくため?
Actually, I don't have. Of course I know how important it is and I want to cooperate as much as I can. But, I'm not sure how much I have been thinking about seriously. Could be just want to follow a social conversation?! That would be sad....

Although, many companies are having campaigns using the catch-phrase "ECO." How many people deeply understand about it in the company. How about you?


If people can talk about ECO, not just for show, will be wonderful. Don't you think? Why don't we take a chance of having mind to do something about ECO, it is good to have at least one policy about the environment or something you can talk about, like her.


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