
★Collaborators   協力者

いよいよ3月6日のSHINBI Spring Partyあと数日にせまってまいりました。
生徒さんのWalking show の準備ものこすところ、後はこまかい動きのチェックに入る段階です。 笑顔作りも忘れ、皆練習中は真剣!! でもその集中が一人ひとりのブラッシュアップにつながります。
The SHINBI spring party is comming soooooooon ! Haaaaa....pika21
Now is the step for checking little movements to finishing their walking show.
But they forget to smile because they are so absolutely sincere.
This concentration is how they make rapid progress for themselves.

・・・・・・で? ............and so what?

チームSHINBIの私達はというと・・・・?  How about our team SHINBI?!!

Yah, we have been trying to have time for practice as much as we can.
Our feet are exhausted sometimes since we spend over 4 hours for practice.

We are good at SHINBI walking!! But, this time, we are so jacked with being panicked because trying to add some dance trick movements for the walking performance for the party.
It so us, we have dear collaborators! SHINBI studio front staff, Mai-chan.
She has experience with dancing so she has a better memory for the choreography than us.
When our dance teacher is absent, she gives us advice for our practice.
I could imagine that our progress will be tragic without her.
Sometimes she said to me " I think you should do this...." etc.
"You are kidding with how to put on your hat!" hahaha... she gingerly talks to me.
That helps us a lot, she is open and above-board to us.biggrin

These are her pictures, Mai-chan on the right and our team SHINBI as beauty stream Yoko on the left. Yoko is well-proportioned beautiful lady, naturally easygoing so she got a nickname as a beauty stream. I like her a lot, too!

そんなおちゃめなMai姫でした。 いつか家に連れて帰ろうと思いますcoolムフフ。
I asked them, "Are you sure I can use these photos?! On my blog?!
She said Ok! She is a mischievous princess. I might take her to my home someday..haha

You may wonder what is SHINBI walking?!
Our walking is not just for exercise and not for the catwalk. We walk the right way using our own muscles, bone structures, and cell balance in our own personal walking. This can supplement your heart and body. Actually, I fixed my posture with this.


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