笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
Last time, when I went to my parents house, there was a landscape like this around there.
I like the view on the way.
Hear oneself think, sing a song, bring back to memory.......
And every time, my thoughts come up to my mind that 'I wish I could see this view forever'.
Air is stimulating
When I arrive in the house and get out of the car, at first, I take 1 deep breath of cool and fresh air. Then open the red door as I say 'Hi!!'
ラベル: Thinking
One of my friends Atsuko has started cleaning up to put her belongings in order. I knew that she likes cleaning up originally, but this time, she is taking a long time for clothes which hasn't been worn for awhile, and papers such as receipts or details of cards and documents, too.
It does make me interested, so I borrowed books from Atsuko.
What was inside is...
・Luck will improve if you clean up.
・It makes you feel free or light after taking out extra.
・It can be the first step for your dream.
・Specially, when you feel stuck in your life, it will be good to have a habit to cleaning up your house, you can turn things around in your life...etc.
and other fortunate things.
Also, one book says 'Cleaning the toilet everyday appreciatively. Actually this, my mum does that kind of thing since some years ago.
I am not a serious cleaning person but I do when I have time during the weekend.
確かに・・あらゆる引き出しには、カードの詳細用紙や電話やガソリンの明細、保険の書類、あらゆる参考資料 etc
True.... There are detailed cards, phone bills, gas and insurances letters. Many of these documents,etc, are in many of drawers.
I ignore the kitchen drawers even though I want to organize them well. Now, I decided I will do! (sometime soon!) Yes, we can!
I think that it is good to try to add 1 action for daily work.
For example, splash cold water in the bath room before get out of the bathroom, it interfere with the reproduction of mold because of cool down and doesn't leave soap foam around.
このお掃除の本、読んだだけでも「よし!お掃除しよう」とテンションがあがります。 オススメです!
Book about cleaning! it makes high tension for 'Let's do it'. I like it.
ラベル: Thinking
Where has the extremely hot summer gone? Now, it is getting chilly little by little in Japan.
Many years ago, I met a friend in London. Her name is Chako, it was a season like now. At the time, she was studying hard at an antique art school in a famous auction company in London. We became good friends and she taught me many things when we visited museums together. Those were nice days.
Such an effective person Chako, we started the Persian & Kilim carpet exhibition at my mum's gallery Chez Keiko 5 years ago to convey Persian & Kilim's good points. Last weekend, we had a 5th anniversary party for customers as a token of special thanks.
The party was planned by Chako and I. We had contact by phone and e-mail many times.美術館でしか見れないような絨緞、キリムや更紗(当日のみ展示)とイラン料理を楽しんでいただきました。。
私が担当した料理はスーぺ・ジョー(押し麦とトマトのスープ)とボーラニェ・エスフェナージ(ほうれん草入りヨーグルト)。作り方を教わりました。とても簡単なので後日レシピをUPしますね。メイン料理はチャコが担当。We enjoyed presenting some rare collections of carpets and kilims (only on show that day) and Iranian dishes.
I cooked Suppe Joe (vegetable with barley soup) and Borani esfenaj (spinach and yogurt salad. Chako taught me the recipe. It is easy so I will post the recipes next time. The main dishes were made by Chako.
It is all because I saw many smiling guests. I was relieved when I heard 'Thank you and enjoyed the party' from them.
The party planning, setting, cooking, her hospitality... I saw another admirable part of her and learned a lot. Good friend and an encouraging partner.
いや~でもこの週末、皆で協力して頑張ったな~~。二人のママ、お父さん、兄、クロちゃん、もっちゃん、ありがとう!やりきった!! 彼女は終了後、貴重な絨緞を持つと、まだ数ヶ月の息子が待つ東京へと、絨緞に飛び乗るようにして帰っていきました。家に戻った彼女からは、膝に子供を抱きながら打った、お礼のメールが届いていました。スーパーママであり、良いお手本の女性です。
Whoof!! I think we have done well for this weekend. We work well together. Our mums, dad, brother, Kuro-chan, and Motoshi. I give special thanks to them, too.
After finishing the party, Chako rolled up the carpets and went back to Tokyo like a hop on to the carpet as soon as possible since her little son was waiting for her back at home. After she arrived, she sent me a thank you mail while typing and let her infant sitting on her lap. Such a super woman and a positive example.
The Persian carpet and Kilim exhibition is going to held 5th-10th of October at Chez Keiko.
The carpets will take you on an enjoyable journey. They make you happy.
ラベル: Chez Keiko
Speaking of Autumn....pumpkins! and..... chestnuts!!!
I got chestnuts from my friend Atsuko.
These are slightly shiny and rounded. They look cute.
I'll take a usual recipe for these first chestnuts of the year.
栗ごはん Rice steamed with chestnuts
・栗chestnuts (10-15)
・米(我が家は玄米ごはん)3 cups of rice(we use brown rice)
・酒 大さじ 2 table spoons of Japanese liquor
・塩 小さじ 1.5 teaspoons of salt
・水 適量 proper quantity of water栗の皮をむいたら水にひたしておく(変色を防ぐ)。その後他の材料と一緒に炊くだけ。
Peal off the chestnut skins, then soak in water to prevent discoloration. Steam with other ingredients.
We had yummy yummy chestnuts, I felt like being a squirrel.
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
Yummy pumpkin season is coming.
Do you like raw food?.
Do you want to try pumpkin recipes other than baking or steaming?.
Do you like easy cooking?
Then, why don't you try this recipe!?
生で食べる かぼちゃ かぼちゃのタイ風サラダ
Use raw pumpkin ~ Pumpkin salad (Thailand style)
かぼちゃ(中) 1/4 皮ごと細く(短い方が食べやすい)
1/4 Pumpkin (middle size) cut very thin (inc: skin)
醤油 大さじ2
Soy sauce 2 table spoons
レモン汁 半個分以上
Lemon juice 1/2
水 大さじ2
Water 2 table spoons
青唐辛子 薄く輪切り(今回使用したのは甘唐辛子)
1 Green pepper sliced in thin rings
ピーナッツ 荒みじん切
Peanuts chopped in small pieces
Sesame (ground)
Mix all the ingredients together. That's it! Actually, according to a vegetarian cookbook you can add Hijiki (a kind of seaweed), but I didn't use this time because I didn't have any in my refrigerator.
But still tasty enough!!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
昨年に引き続きオーダーを受けたツインリンク茂木INDY JAPAN(インディジャパン)300マイルのお仕事が終了しました。
I had work at the 2010 Series Round16 INDY® JAPAN 300 mile race held at Twin Ring Motegi in Motegi these last 3 days.こちらのお仕事は、仕事といえど(笑)毎度楽しみにしています。予選から決勝の間会場はお祭り騒ぎ。それを支える側の一員になれることも嬉しいですし、お客様と対応していると、いつもとは違った意識を持つことも楽しめます。
仕事=大変 と考えるより、何が楽しめるのかを考えるのもいいですね。
Every year I enjoy this job even though it is work. There it is like a flurry of festivity from elimination round to final day. I'm glad to be there as a staff on the support side and I'm enjoying my self having different conscious feeling as usual from meeting customers.It would be better if people try to find some joy from their own job more than thinking "Work= It's a heavy job."
This year, participation of driver Takuma Satou added more excitement to the festivities.空き時間に会場を散歩すると、HONDA車の展示も多くしていました。
I had a walk around when I had free time. I saw that some HONDA motorcycles were displayed.
Oh, speaking of HONDA, I saw the president of HONDA Mr,Itou. He appeared at the entrance of the VIP room riding his motorcycle HONDA CB1100 and wearing a riders jacket. Nifty walk in to the VIP room without his cronies. Even other VIP showed up with black executive cars and wearing suits. That was cool.
Also, one of the other presidents of a big company. He greeted all staff there politely while smiling and was a gentleman. I find something in myself from that kind of situation.
The circuit brings excitement and sensations to the people.
It makes me emotional to see the view of the morning calm of the circuit, before the festival.
ラベル: Thinking
Recently, we enjoy eating ginger (ha-shouga).
We checked our miso paste (soy bean paste) which we have been making (brewing) since the end of last winter. It has a nice color. I can see fermenting rice molt.
We tried the miso paste with fresh ginger.
I can tell that this year also the miso will be proudly delicious miso paste! I will let it sleep more...
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
The other day, I was listening to the radio and they were talking about 'listening to others with your eyes.'
They say when someone was a student, she was listening to teachers talk but didn't pay attention by playing with her hands. Then the teacher rebukingly told her, 'Listen with your eyes.' Since then, the lady grew up and thinks that she learned some manners.
That's for sure, sometimes I also get into doing something and not listening very well. The radio was thought-provoking about manners that show the other person I'm listening.
もう一方、先週は仕事で連日通訳。通訳といっても、今回の場合、試験を行う人達とそれを審査する外国人審査官とのやりとりの中で、互いに伝えきれない時に補助する・・というもの。 なので双方のやりとりを隣で見て聞いている時間が多いです。
Meanwhile, I was doing interpretation in my work last week. In this situation, I just help a conversation when it is need between test staff and the inspectors who came from abroad and are involved in the test. So, mostly I am standing next to them, watching and listening.
One day, a new young guy was administrating a test and it was the first time for him. I could feel that he was straining with the tension.
But he kept smiling, explaining slowly while watching the inspector's eyes even though his English wasn't perfect. There was a good atmosphere even during a serious test. In my view as a third person, it was a good impression I had from them.
On the other hand, in other tests held by other staff, they used to do the test and explain in English so the test goes smoothly. But, sometimes people have a neutral expression on their face and don't see the inspectors eyes. It maybe because they get used to doing it. There is no problem with that. But the atmosphere is a little bit gloomy and not easy.
The time taken depends on the test but if you spent 1 hour together or if you do it at all, why don't you try to spend time in a conciliatory mood.
Even for business, it isn't like socializing only with email. I think it is good if people remember to 'talk with your eyes' even though they speak fluently if people are across from each other. At least, that is what I think.
ラベル: Thinking
明日9月10日より、実家のギャラリー シェイ・ケイコでは「島田恭子展」が催されます。
My mum's gallery 'Chez Keiko' is having 'Kyoko Shimada pottery exhibition' from 10th. Sep.
Kyoko Shimada is a famous and popular artist in Tochigi-prefecture. Mainly she shows her work in famous department stores or galleries in Tokyo.
Also she published collections as a kimono designer in recent years. She also enjoys a flourishing modeling career.
So if you hear about those, what will you imagine of her...
Yesterday, she showed up to the gallery for installation.
Simple white T-shirt and blue denim pants. Incessant natural smiling.
Speak naturally and sincere lady.
She is just the way she was when I met her at a party, she was wearing white simple shirt and black simple jacket stylishly.
Her quality is just like her work, with an inner fortitude in kindness.
One of her points is Sakura (cherry blossom) patterns. Delicate flush of pink sakura came into a gentle color of back with a brave presence. You can see humble confidence.
This time, she made a few pieces special for Chez-Keiko.
There are also many autumn flowers and leaves other than sakura, too. Japanese silver grass, maples, they are waiting for you to see them. The exhibition will be held until 20th of September. Why don't you feel autumn's footsteps with some tasty coffee?
ラベル: Chez Keiko
Utsunomiya Grooves というイベントでジャズやらファンクやらソウルなど・・
The other day, we went to a live music show where my cousin Tadashi was performing.
The event was called 'Utsunomiya Grooves' with Jazz, Funk, Soul, etc. It was sooooo fun!The location was a bar named 'Nohkin's', they have a good atmosphere.
I went there with my husband, my parents, and my brother Hisa's girlfriend, Kuro.
My mum was excited and dancing like crazy as seen from the picture...
Same as always.
So the day was her birthday.
そしてなんと、当日会場でライブペイントをしていた、クリエイターのDai Klimtダイくんからはライブで描いてくれたパネルをBirthdayプレゼントで!
She got a bouquet and a message as a surprise present while Tadashi was on stage. Also we gave her a birthday cake!And she got a painting from Dai, who was doing live paint during the event. The picture used my mum's favorite colors.
Mum, she is already passed 60 years old now. But she is still enjoying dancing to lively music and parties on her birthday.
ラベル: Family
I had a birthday yesterday.
I was expecting ' It is going to be 'Special day!!!!!'." I don't know why I thought that way..
But finally we couldn't go to hiking, which we were planning to do, so I was just disappointed from the morning and whimpered. Even I knew that it wasn't anybody's fault.
Then, in the afternoon, my husband said to me ' I'm sorry that we couldn't go to the hiking and not having something special day for you.'
Then I realized.
What I was expecting to be 'special'?..
What makes me satisfied?
What is special?!?!
I had the birthday healthy, and got messages from family and friends...
This is what I appreciate most, this is special... isn't it?
I grateful for the messages.
And I had another thing.
I got news about one of my friends Matsu-chan had a motorcycle accident and he is in ICU-room in hospital now. Finally I got a picture and message from him that I can tell he is all right now, but still I am concerned about his injured body.
それが友達なのかな。。 早く良くなってくれることを願うばかりです。
If you think about friends....
They give so much joyousness, but sometimes I get hurt in my heart when they get hurt.
This is friendship. I just hoping he get well as soon as they can.
At night, having dinner with my husband. We could talk and think about the future with upward feeling together.
This was the day, I spent with some kinds of feeling.
I am grateful for all of them.
ラベル: Thinking
結果 アレンジしてランチのソーメンに付け加えてみることに・・
The other day, we got Malta in our vegetable delivery box.
I usually make boiled malta with soy sauce and wasabi. But this time I found some interesting recipe for malta.
So I decided to use malta for Japanese vermicelli with yams.
Boil malta and chop into small pieces. Chop yams into small peaces. Then mix them. It is good to put on Japanese vermicelli. It matches with either soy sauce based soup or sesame (miso) paste soup.
そしてもう1つ、夕食のおかずの1品に。。 あまりにも手をかけなかったので(いつもか!)ブログに載せるつもりはなかったのですが、一口食べてから「これウ マっっ!」ってことで、「教えた~い!!」食べかけ(スンマソン:笑)を急いで写真にとりました。
・小麦粉 (適量)
・青海苔 (あれば)
・玉ねぎ スライス
And also I made another dish with malta. Actually, I wasn't going to post so we already started to eat. But it is yummy!! So I took the picture after one bite!!haha
・Chopped malta
・Sliced onion (4-5mm)
・Green laver (if you have)
Mix together and bake like a pancake.
It is good to have with Worcestershire sauce or Soy source mixed with vinegar. Try it!!!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking