笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
母のおにぎり。 昔(私が小さな頃)から変わらず・・・。 まるくて、平たくて、真ん中が少しくぼむ。
Today, my mother had day off so she visited me and brought onigiri (rice balls) for our lunch.
My mom's onigiri hasn't changed since when I was a kid. Round, flat, and sunken in the middle.
ラベル: Family
Today's my topic is about 'housewife work'. Actually this time, I putting about me aside since I haven't done house work completely.Uuuummm.
以前ギャラリーに来て、「あすこさん、企画展中お昼準備する時間無いだろうから、お弁当作ってきたわよ」 と、手作り弁当をいただきました。 驚く私に「これくらいは仕事の合間に一緒に出来ちゃうから~」と。
One of my older lady friends Mrs N and I went to a cafe the other day and had chat. Her job is 'full-time housewife'. I impressed about her stance for the job.
The other day, she visited my gallery and brought a lunch box for me and said 'You might not have time for fixing lunch for your self aren't you?☆' I was surprised and glad. And she continued to say 'I made this during my work so it is easy things to do for me.
結婚して、企業の社長さんであるご主人を支えるため、それまでの会社勤めを辞めて専業主婦になったそうです。 最初は外で働かないもどかしさや、世間や情報からの距離感を感じたそうです。
So thinks 'housewife work' is her job as a professional. She was working as an office lady then quit the job when she got married with her husband to support him as a housewife since the husband owns a company. She says that first of all, she feels frustrated not having a job and felt a way from social life and information.
主婦としての家事を、 自分の仕事ととして考えるようにしたそうです。
たとえば、ご主人が仕事で帰宅した時、いかに早く、焼きたての温かい食事をテーブルに並べるか。毎日のことだからこそ、タイミングを大切にするそうです。たまに食事を用意して待っていても、急な会合でご主人が食事して帰ってきてしまう時もあるそうです。不平を言うのも簡単ですが、そこは、言わず。。それより残ってしまった食事を、ムダにしないように、上手に翌日に生かすコツを考えるそうです。 健康でいてもらうための食事。家族が笑って過ごす時間を作る。掃除、洗濯・・・etc.
Then she changed her thoughts and actions her self. She start to think about housework as a wife as her job.
How to arrange the valance of family. For example, when the husband came back to the house, how fast and hot fresh from oven meals are put on the table. It is important to care timing because of those on a daily basis. Sometimes it happens that even though she prepared dinner and waited for the husband, he came back late after there was an urgent business dinner party. She won't complain to him even though it would be easy to say that. (Actually I would!!) She thinks that how she can reuse the meals as good as for next day, not waste the foods. Care about healthy food for family. Take time for family smiling time. House cleaning, laundry... etc. 'housewife work' tends to be considered a matter of course, but she does with her sense as a professional from experience and confident.
「Asucoさんには まだ無理よ~、だってあなたはプロとして別の仕事を持っているでしょ。その代り、私にはあなたのように、ディスプレイやお客様と対していくことはできないもの。
I asked her "How I can be like her and do professional house work?"
She said "No, you can't be that yet, Asuco. Because you have another job as a professional. Instead, I can't do such things your professional job like for displays or serve customers, etc.
So that why some time I take break from my work and have rest by visiting your gallery and have chat with you.♪"
'Housewife work' as a professional job. I think it's a cool thought.
今日の庭 Today's garden.
The other day, I had natural stone accessory lesson at my gallery HANNA. I entered myself for this time. The course was for beginners, we made a pendant-like necklace. We chose colors at first.
I picked vermilion with carnelian and Jasper stones.次に、自分の好きな並びに、石を並べていきます。 ここが意外と難しい!!センスも問われるし、石を並べる順番で印象もガラリと変わるのです。参加してくれた生徒さんも先生とよ~く相談しながら慎重に。。
Next, lay out the stones as you like. This point is not as simple as it seems! You'll need a good sense although atmosphere can change easily by how you lay them out. Other students were taking time to ask the instructor about it carefully.
About me?... I'm always picking something not normal. So I made an asymmetric one. And also lay little-bit bigger stones on back side since I wanted to have a point for back of neckline because I have shorter hair now. Then thread them by using parts and tools.わいわいお喋りや悩みながらやっているとあっという間の2時間。
こんなんできました~♪ 可愛いでしょ!!←これは参加者作品。
We spent 2 hours so quickly for class and chatting. And voila! Isn't it cute?! Other students were making for present for mother's day, but seems she likes so much her self.
I took it with hanami -picnic next day as a my hat ribbon. It is nice! It can be used in many ways
Next lesson is on 25th May and 30th of June. Details→here
Gallery Hanna-絆和-が
2012年4月4日版 東京新聞 夕刊
2012年4月5日版 東京新聞 栃木版 (同内容) にて掲載いただきました。
I got in Tokyo-shinbun newspaper with my gallery on 5th of April ☆.ラベル: hanna
One day, I got an e-mail from a friend who visit exhibitions every time which I produced. It was right after the previous exhibition has started.
I was startled when I read the e-mail.
メールには「いつも楽しい時間をありがとうございます。 また作品展が始まりましたから、楽しい時間を過ごせますね。そういう時間は、また始まって大変というのではなく、その時間を過ごせて良いですねという事です。
(自分の)じゃがいもの種まきも大変といわれますが(ご本人、実際のお仕事以外に自宅で畑も持っている方です) 、それに関われる時間が増えて嬉しいのです。
あすこさんも楽しんで作品展をやっていきましょうね!」 という内容でした。
It says "Thank you I enjoy your exhibition every time. You'll have good time because the new exhibition is started. That means you are able to spend enjoyable time, it is not feeling lot of trouble since an exhibition started again. Some friend says that I have a lot of work for planting potatoes in the season (he has big field), but actually I enjoy that time since I can have more time with it. Aren't you enjoying the time having exhibitions."
私がドキっとしたのは、良い刺激からでした。 企画展が始まると楽しむというよりは、どうしても、あれしなくちゃ、コレしなくちゃ!!と慌ててしまい、目の前のことに追われがち、楽しむ余裕が無かったような気がします。その時の自分には、必要な言葉でした。
So why I was startled is because I was stimulated. I think I didn't have room to breathe and enjoy an exhibition myself since I rush things caring what I should to for exhibition and following focus on a task at hand. So I needed that what he said.
仕事を楽しむ! それが来場してくれた人への一番良いおもてなしになるのかな・・・と、メールを読んで気付いたことでした。
Enjoy the work my self! That can be a best service (hospitality) for people visiting my gallery. This is what I realized from the e-mail from a friend.
When I was kid, there was spaghetti called 'Napolitan' which was popular in Japan. Napolitan is spaghetti with stir fried onions, ketchup, and bacon. So you could find napolitan spaghetti at any family restaurant.
Now in Japan, Italian restaurants got popular and so may places you can find around. So people prefer to have spaghetti which is closer to real Italian style. So we don't see napolitan spaghetti as often as 20 years ago.
Today, I stopped by my friend's cafe OVAL COFFEE. They change lunch menus every week, so I always look forward to having different dishes every time.
今日は友人のお店、おなじみの宇都宮のOVAL COFFEEに寄ってきました。
仕事の打ち合わせ後の昼食休み。 ここはランチメニューが週替わりなので、行くたびに「今日はなんだろ?」と楽しみなんです。
They had napolitan spaghetti for the menu today!! Other customers also had a nostalgic feeling so I was happy to see it.
I took a picture quick right after started to eat, because realized it was sooooo good. And reminds me of my child food.
今日は「ナポリタンスパゲティ」 他のお客さまも言っていましたが、私も「懐かしい~!」嬉しい感じ☆
なんとなく食べ始めたら、「すっごっく美味しい!」ということで慌てて写真撮ってみました(笑) ということで食べかけです。ゴメンなさい。
The sauce is creamy (asked that she has secret seasoning) also they use thick spagehtti for it. Usually I've been using thin spaghetti these 10 years. Uuuummm, this is fondly remembered but also makes me feel new! I just glad for I find today.
Some time, tastes make me nostalgic feel also sometimes fresh or new on one plate. What is your nostalgic one plate?
そして嬉しかったのが太い麺。 昔って、パスタの麺は太いのが多かったような・・・なので、ここ10年私は若干細めの麺を使っていたので、これもまた美味しくて、懐かしい気がして・・・。気に入りました。 来週にはランチメニューが変わるので、また復活してほしいですね。
〒320-0863 栃木県宇都宮市操町9-19福田ビル1F
Fukuda bld, 1F. Misao-cho 9-19
OPEN 10:00~20:00
日曜日のみ Sunday ~18:00
定休 木曜日.第1・3水曜
Close: every Thu, 1st and 3rd Wed.
We had a warm nice spring breeze today. It might be burdock root season is finishing soon.
I made burdock root steamed rice with cumin spice which I found in my kitchen. I will miss this recipe while out of the season.
I have made this recipe before, referencing a vegetable cookbook we like so much. This time I add some of our favorite things a little bit.
●材料: 2~3人分 Ingredients for 2,3 people.
ごぼう(ささがき)1/2本 Half of burdock root. 1inch sliced.
にんにく1片(刻む) Chopped garlic, 1clove.
クミンシード 適量 Cumin seeds
塩 適量 Salt
油 Oil
米(我が家は玄米)2合uncooked rice 2cups
ナッツ(好みで。ピーナッツとか刻んでおく) Nuts (peanuts or whatever you like, chopped)
青菜・野菜 (ワサビ菜・パプリカ・レタス・香菜等) Green leaves (lettuce or cilantro, bell-pepper)
Wash rice. (Better to soak in water at least 1 hour, if you use brown rice)
2. フライパンに油をひいて、クミンシードから香ばしい良い香がしてくるまで弱火にかける(焦がさないように注意!)
Put oil in a frying-pan and add cumin seeds at a low-heat. Fry until the cumin seed smell good with nice spicy flavor. (Note! It is easy to burn, so don't take your eyes off of it)
Add garlic and burdock roots then fry well. Finish with salt seasoning. (You might want to think about the amount of salt for rice)
4.お米と3を炊飯器に入れ、水は普通の量で炊く。 (玄米の場合はほんの少し水を多めにしても良いかも)
Set rice and (3) in a rice cooker and start to cook them together with normal amount of water for the rice. (You can add a little bit of water more than usual if you use brown rice)
5.盛り付けに刻んだナッツ類のせ、冷蔵庫にあったワサビ菜と一緒にいただきました。(本では香菜を使用) 青菜で包みながら食べるのがオススメ。生野菜を添えて。
Put on a dish then after cooked sprinkle chopped nuts on top. I had with wasabina leaves which I had in the refrigerator. (The book says good with cilantro, too) I like eat them wrapped in green leaves.
クミンと一緒にカレーパウダーとかも良いですね。 ゴボウは美味しいダシがでる☆
Or you might like to use curry powder with cumin seeds. The burdock root has good flavor by frying well.
Uuuuuuummmm, I've been skipping the blog...
Actually, I didn't mean it intentionally...
昨日、ギャラリーHANNAでの企画展。宮原楓翠(みやはら ふうすい) うるしのうつわ展が無事終了しました。
I finished the second exhibition at my gallery HANNA yesterday. It was Urushi work (japan lacquerware) exhibition by Fuhsui Miyahara. I'm thankful for having so many people come.
「粗製な漆と良質な漆の違いは?」 等々。 ギャラリーに入ってくるなり聴くお客様の声。
I'm glad that this time, we could learn about beauty and good points of urushi. Many customer said when they came in the gallery at first.
"I don't know about urushi well."
"Isn't it difficult to care for?"
"what is the different between good and low quality of urushi?" etc....
This time, Mr.Miyahara gave in-depth explanations to people. How they make. Differences between chemical coating materials and urushi. About Japanese urushi culture.
There were some times I saw that people surrounded the artist so it looked like a lecture.
とっても明るい、キラキラした目と笑顔。 お顔に「楽しんでいただけた」のが現れます。
それを見たら「あ~ギャラリーやって良かった!」と思える時です。 When they left the gallery, I hear
"Surprised how urushi is amazing!"
"urushi of Japanese culture is awesome!"
" I could understand that is not so difficult to take care for urushi ware"
People are smiling and have shining eyes. I could tell by their faces that they had a good time.
People are innocent.
When I saw that, I feel glad to have opened my gallery.
今日は楓翠さんと、片付けをしていました。 その後、お茶をしながら、まだまだ駆け出しのギャラリーHANNAにアドバイスをください・・と訊いてみました。
「ただね、一つ・・・。気になったこと。 あす子さん、頑張りすぎ(笑) 長く続けてゆくには、ちゃんと休憩もとらないと、身体がまいっちゃうよ。 あす子さん自身がちゃんとお昼ご飯も食べてください。休憩のルール付けをしてね・・・(笑)」約束だよ。お昼食べてね。。と何度も。
Mr Miyahara is not yet 40 years old, but he has been doing urushi-work over 20 years. So he has professional eyes since experienced to have exhibition and know about technical art and art circles.
Today, I was cleaning up with him because the exhibition finished yesterday. After that, I asked him for advice for just starting Gallery HANNA and me.
He said "You doing good and is solid gallery! even though just started the gallery. "
And continued with smiling.
"But.....Just one thing I should tell you. You exerting your self too much! If you want to continue this job, you should know how you take a break and take care of your self. Have lunch properly at time. Have rule for break time in your self. OK? Promise! have lunch break!
Set rule for to have break time properly in your work. That is a professional worker.
I deeply thank for his good advice and thoughts for my health.
I learned many things I studied during the exhibition. That is from his color, too.
I enjoyed myself, too.
I hope to give back to the costumers of Galley HANNA that which I learned.
ラベル: hanna