笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
Uuuuuuummmm, I've been skipping the blog...
Actually, I didn't mean it intentionally...
昨日、ギャラリーHANNAでの企画展。宮原楓翠(みやはら ふうすい) うるしのうつわ展が無事終了しました。
I finished the second exhibition at my gallery HANNA yesterday. It was Urushi work (japan lacquerware) exhibition by Fuhsui Miyahara. I'm thankful for having so many people come.
「粗製な漆と良質な漆の違いは?」 等々。 ギャラリーに入ってくるなり聴くお客様の声。
I'm glad that this time, we could learn about beauty and good points of urushi. Many customer said when they came in the gallery at first.
"I don't know about urushi well."
"Isn't it difficult to care for?"
"what is the different between good and low quality of urushi?" etc....
This time, Mr.Miyahara gave in-depth explanations to people. How they make. Differences between chemical coating materials and urushi. About Japanese urushi culture.
There were some times I saw that people surrounded the artist so it looked like a lecture.
とっても明るい、キラキラした目と笑顔。 お顔に「楽しんでいただけた」のが現れます。
それを見たら「あ~ギャラリーやって良かった!」と思える時です。 When they left the gallery, I hear
"Surprised how urushi is amazing!"
"urushi of Japanese culture is awesome!"
" I could understand that is not so difficult to take care for urushi ware"
People are smiling and have shining eyes. I could tell by their faces that they had a good time.
People are innocent.
When I saw that, I feel glad to have opened my gallery.
今日は楓翠さんと、片付けをしていました。 その後、お茶をしながら、まだまだ駆け出しのギャラリーHANNAにアドバイスをください・・と訊いてみました。
「ただね、一つ・・・。気になったこと。 あす子さん、頑張りすぎ(笑) 長く続けてゆくには、ちゃんと休憩もとらないと、身体がまいっちゃうよ。 あす子さん自身がちゃんとお昼ご飯も食べてください。休憩のルール付けをしてね・・・(笑)」約束だよ。お昼食べてね。。と何度も。
Mr Miyahara is not yet 40 years old, but he has been doing urushi-work over 20 years. So he has professional eyes since experienced to have exhibition and know about technical art and art circles.
Today, I was cleaning up with him because the exhibition finished yesterday. After that, I asked him for advice for just starting Gallery HANNA and me.
He said "You doing good and is solid gallery! even though just started the gallery. "
And continued with smiling.
"But.....Just one thing I should tell you. You exerting your self too much! If you want to continue this job, you should know how you take a break and take care of your self. Have lunch properly at time. Have rule for break time in your self. OK? Promise! have lunch break!
Set rule for to have break time properly in your work. That is a professional worker.
I deeply thank for his good advice and thoughts for my health.
I learned many things I studied during the exhibition. That is from his color, too.
I enjoyed myself, too.
I hope to give back to the costumers of Galley HANNA that which I learned.
ラベル: hanna