
★Housewife work 主婦業

Today's my topic is about 'housewife work'. Actually this time, I putting about me aside since I haven't done house work completely.Uuuummm. 

以前ギャラリーに来て、「あすこさん、企画展中お昼準備する時間無いだろうから、お弁当作ってきたわよ」 と、手作り弁当をいただきました。 驚く私に「これくらいは仕事の合間に一緒に出来ちゃうから~」と。 
 One of my older lady friends Mrs N and I went to a cafe the other day and had chat. Her job is 'full-time housewife'. I impressed about her stance for the job.
The other day, she visited my gallery and brought a lunch box for me and said 'You might not have time for fixing lunch for your self aren't you?☆'  I was surprised and glad. And she continued to say 'I made this during my work so it is easy things to do for me.

結婚して、企業の社長さんであるご主人を支えるため、それまでの会社勤めを辞めて専業主婦になったそうです。 最初は外で働かないもどかしさや、世間や情報からの距離感を感じたそうです。 
So thinks 'housewife work' is her job as a professional. She was working as an office lady then quit the job when she got married with her husband to support him as a housewife since the husband owns a company. She says that first of all, she feels frustrated not having a job and felt a way from social life and information. 

主婦としての家事を、 自分の仕事ととして考えるようにしたそうです。
たとえば、ご主人が仕事で帰宅した時、いかに早く、焼きたての温かい食事をテーブルに並べるか。毎日のことだからこそ、タイミングを大切にするそうです。たまに食事を用意して待っていても、急な会合でご主人が食事して帰ってきてしまう時もあるそうです。不平を言うのも簡単ですが、そこは、言わず。。それより残ってしまった食事を、ムダにしないように、上手に翌日に生かすコツを考えるそうです。 健康でいてもらうための食事。家族が笑って過ごす時間を作る。掃除、洗濯・・・etc.
 Then she changed her thoughts and actions her self. She start to think about housework as a wife as her job.
How to arrange the valance of family. For example, when the husband came back to the house, how fast and hot fresh from oven meals are put on the table. It is important to care timing because of those on a daily basis.  Sometimes it happens that even though she prepared dinner and waited for the husband, he came back late after there was an urgent business dinner party. She won't complain to him even though it would be easy to say that. (Actually I would!!) She thinks that how she can reuse the meals as good as for next day, not waste the foods. Care about healthy food for family. Take time for family smiling time. House cleaning, laundry... etc. 'housewife work' tends to be considered a matter of course, but she does with her sense as a professional from experience and confident.

「Asucoさんには まだ無理よ~、だってあなたはプロとして別の仕事を持っているでしょ。その代り、私にはあなたのように、ディスプレイやお客様と対していくことはできないもの。
I asked her "How I can be like her and do professional house work?"
She said "No, you can't be that yet, Asuco. Because you have another job as a professional. Instead, I can't do such things your professional job like for displays or serve customers, etc.
So that why some time I take break from my work and have rest by visiting your gallery and have chat with you.♪"       

'Housewife work' as a professional job. I think it's a cool thought. 

今日の庭 Today's garden.


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