
When I was kid, there was spaghetti called 'Napolitan' which was popular in Japan. Napolitan is spaghetti with stir fried onions, ketchup, and bacon. So you could find napolitan spaghetti at any family restaurant.
Now in Japan, Italian restaurants got popular and so may places you can find around. So people prefer to have spaghetti which is closer to real Italian style. So we don't see napolitan spaghetti as often as 20 years ago.

Today, I stopped by my friend's cafe OVAL COFFEE. They change lunch menus every week, so I always look forward to having different dishes every time.
今日は友人のお店、おなじみの宇都宮のOVAL COFFEEに寄ってきました。 
仕事の打ち合わせ後の昼食休み。 ここはランチメニューが週替わりなので、行くたびに「今日はなんだろ?」と楽しみなんです。 

They had napolitan spaghetti for the menu today!! Other customers also had a nostalgic feeling so I was happy to see it.
I took a picture quick right after started to eat, because realized it was sooooo good. And reminds me of my child food.
今日は「ナポリタンスパゲティ」 他のお客さまも言っていましたが、私も「懐かしい~!」嬉しい感じ☆
なんとなく食べ始めたら、「すっごっく美味しい!」ということで慌てて写真撮ってみました(笑) ということで食べかけです。ゴメンなさい。  

The sauce is creamy (asked that she has secret seasoning) also they use thick spagehtti for it. Usually I've been using thin spaghetti these 10 years. Uuuummm, this is fondly remembered but also makes me feel new! I just glad for I find today.
Some time, tastes make me nostalgic feel also sometimes fresh or new on one plate. What is your nostalgic one plate?
そして嬉しかったのが太い麺。 昔って、パスタの麺は太いのが多かったような・・・なので、ここ10年私は若干細めの麺を使っていたので、これもまた美味しくて、懐かしい気がして・・・。気に入りました。 来週にはランチメニューが変わるので、また復活してほしいですね。 

〒320-0863 栃木県宇都宮市操町9-19福田ビル1F
Fukuda bld, 1F. Misao-cho 9-19


OPEN 10:00~20:00
日曜日のみ Sunday ~18:00
定休 木曜日.第1・3水曜

Close: every Thu, 1st and 3rd Wed.


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