笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
I went to a yoga class last night since I've haven't gone for awhile. I missed a chance to do it in my schedule recently.
I know that the best way to do it is to practice by yourself in the house but I get distracted with housework or other things that need to be done.
I definitely decided last night. "I can't wait to go!!!"
And, to be honest, I was worried about how much my body has changed being out of practice.
行ってよかった。 やっぱり。。 気持ちの中でうるうるしている。私には必要なんだ。 手放せない。 心と身体の特効薬らしい。
I'm really glad I went. I knew it. It is necessary for me. This is my remedy for my heart and body.
As soon as I started to breath, a sense like I was diving to the sea-bed, deeply, deeply.
I was almost crying in my heart.
My teacher Hiromi said...
"Most of the time, people pay attention to one's outside in daily life.
But during this time, start to pay attention to one's inner life."
"Find the inside of your self"
"Find the inside"
"Feel your senses"
The sense of your body become extended little by little, and the sense of the diffusion of your wind (breathing).
I'm glad I came today.
My manas and body have been rebuilt by yoga.
ラベル: Yoga
いよいよ3月6日のSHINBI Spring Partyもあと数日にせまってまいりました。
生徒さんのWalking show の準備ものこすところ、後はこまかい動きのチェックに入る段階です。 笑顔作りも忘れ、皆練習中は真剣!! でもその集中が一人ひとりのブラッシュアップにつながります。
The SHINBI spring party is comming soooooooon ! Haaaaa....
Now is the step for checking little movements to finishing their walking show.
But they forget to smile because they are so absolutely sincere.
This concentration is how they make rapid progress for themselves.
・・・・・・で? ............and so what?
チームSHINBIの私達はというと・・・・? How about our team SHINBI?!!
Yah, we have been trying to have time for practice as much as we can.
Our feet are exhausted sometimes since we spend over 4 hours for practice.
We are good at SHINBI walking!! But, this time, we are so jacked with being panicked because trying to add some dance trick movements for the walking performance for the party.
It so us, we have dear collaborators! SHINBI studio front staff, Mai-chan.
She has experience with dancing so she has a better memory for the choreography than us.
When our dance teacher is absent, she gives us advice for our practice.
I could imagine that our progress will be tragic without her.
Sometimes she said to me " I think you should do this...." etc.
"You are kidding with how to put on your hat!" hahaha... she gingerly talks to me.
That helps us a lot, she is open and above-board to us.
These are her pictures, Mai-chan on the right and our team SHINBI as beauty stream Yoko on the left. Yoko is well-proportioned beautiful lady, naturally easygoing so she got a nickname as a beauty stream. I like her a lot, too!
そんなおちゃめなMai姫でした。 いつか家に連れて帰ろうと思いますムフフ。
I asked them, "Are you sure I can use these photos?! On my blog?!
She said Ok! She is a mischievous princess. I might take her to my home someday..haha
You may wonder what is SHINBI walking?!
Our walking is not just for exercise and not for the catwalk. We walk the right way using our own muscles, bone structures, and cell balance in our own personal walking. This can supplement your heart and body. Actually, I fixed my posture with this.
最近時、野菜を十分にとっているのに、何かが足りない・・ というか、何か食したい・・と感じていました
Since I started to have vegetarian cooking at home(over 6years), I can know what my body wants to eat at certain times.
For exanple, if I want to have a lot of fruit, that reminds me to have vitamins or if I want to have leaves, that means I need iron...etc.
Recently, I was feeling something lacking even though I was having a lot of vegetables.
温かいものを多くとるようになっていました。 なので野菜も加熱したものが多かったのです。
Then I realized that we are having root crops seasonally and it is cold so we have been eating warm dishes often. So there turned out to be a lot of cooked vegetables.
This is reminds me that my body wants to have some kind of "living food".
I don't know about living food yet but it seems diet methods work actively to get enzymes from foods like vegetables, fruits, and raw nuts. It is bit difficult to change your diet completely so just try some of your dishes when you are cooking.
I'm trying to take raw food actively. I got a new recipe for salad.
This time it is carrot dressing.Grind the carrots, add salt, vinegar, and pepper, then put it on cut lettuce.
You can try with ground Japanese radish with soy sauce and sesame oil.
It is good to put nuts or sunflower seeds too.Very colorful!!
今回はにんじんのドレッシング。にんじんを摩り下ろして、塩、酢、胡椒を加えてそのままざく切りレタスの上に。ナッツ類やサンフラワーシードも一緒に。 はい、簡単なの得意です・・・
This is how you can have root crops plain with salad although the grating is a way to activate the enzymes by destroying the cells.
All told on this, I try to cook raw food and warm food together as much as I can.
Oh, yah! If you want to add salad recipes for your recipe corrections,I made this too.
Prepare sliced carrots, then rub with a little salt.
Add chopped kiwi. This is kiwi dressing.
It looks delicious so I forgot to take a picture before finishing. Carrot sweetness, acidulant sweetness of kiwis make a good match.(You might like to use ripe kiwis)
Try it!!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
So, here I introdue Jonathan and his wife Cathy.
Jonathan is a very kind and polite person. When I visited US for first time, sometimes people feel separated from their friends. Maybe I tend to be like this because I'm a shy girl? Maybe.... He cares about others, so he was talking to me even though I speak broken English. I like the person who can care about others like him.
ジョナサンはとっても優しくて、礼儀正しい人。 私が初めてUSに行った時も、輪になって話す友人達との会話からアウェイになりがちなシャイな私(ということにしておいて)にも、気を配ってくれるような人です。 たどたどしい会話の私にも、ちゃんと語りかけてくれます。こういう気を遣える人って、ステキだな。。と思います。
He is a member of a bluegrass music band and is active. He has been to on the local radio, too.
At our wedding party last year, he and my friends made a one-day band for the party. They boosted the party mood. They did an amazing job. Actually, the mandolin he is holding is made by his father Ron. So surprised!!
They enjoyed staying in Japan. He tried any Japanese food and enjoyed. And started to study Japanese language now. He wrote me "Zekko cho desu!" (mean "I feel like a million") or "so desune "etc... I wonder where he learned words like this. I can see that he has a good memory.
今は少しずつ日本語を勉強しているそうです。”Zekko cho desu!絶好調”や、 "so desu ne" ”そうですね” どこで学んでくるんでしょう・・・ この言葉。。。教科書ではなさそうです。でも覚えるのが早いことが伺えます。
This is a my favorite picture of them.
Next lady is Cathy! Jonathan's wife.
She is a verrrrrrrryyyyyy charming girl, bright and sunny disposition and smiling all the time.
I respect her about what she is studying. She has been back to school and study about natural resource economics. The main objective of the discipline is to estimate values of natural resources and to study the trade offs between different uses of resources. This I got from her in an e-mail.
"There are many natural goods that we value but which don't have a price attached to them, like wildlife habitat and scenic views. By placing a value on these goods, they can better compete with market valued goods like housing subdivisions."etc...
要約すると”天然資源の推量(評価)と 資源の異なった用途間での取引についての研究だそうです。”
すばらしいでしょ?!今学期で一度学校を終了して、環境エコノミストとして就職活動に入る予定です。そしてYoga仲間でもあります。 次回会ったときには一緒にYogaをするのが楽しみ。
Isn't she great!? Now, she is going to finish her semester and look for new job as a environment economist.
And she does yoga too, I'm looking forward to doing yoga with her.
This is my lovely family. Their lovely puppy Gus.
Nowadays, many people talk about environmental problems and ECO is used a lot in Japan. Do you have some interest about ecology?
私は正直ありません。勿論大切なことは重々承知だし、協力できることはしたいな・・と思っています。ただ、どれほど真剣に知ろうとしているのか・・・ ただ社会的な話題についてゆくため?
Actually, I don't have. Of course I know how important it is and I want to cooperate as much as I can. But, I'm not sure how much I have been thinking about seriously. Could be just want to follow a social conversation?! That would be sad....
Although, many companies are having campaigns using the catch-phrase "ECO." How many people deeply understand about it in the company. How about you?
If people can talk about ECO, not just for show, will be wonderful. Don't you think? Why don't we take a chance of having mind to do something about ECO, it is good to have at least one policy about the environment or something you can talk about, like her.
I got a challenger for my drink recipe!! (just kidding)
His name is Jonathan! whoo!
My partner's younger brother.
He saw this blog about the beverage recipe and sent me a nice comment and his favorite other recipe whiskey & hot lemon.
OK, let me try.... Is this a rival of my recipe?? Pfft.
So, I tried it.
彼いわくOishii desu! とくに計量せずに、適当な分量だそうです。のどが腫れてしまった時には特効薬になるそうですよ。(よい子はマネシナイデネ:笑)
Here is his comment below.How to make...
Combine lemon juice (I like to use a whole lemon, but half is good too), shredded ginger, honey, whiskey and hot water. Oishii desu! The proportions of each ingredient are variable and I generally do not make exact measurements. If I have a sore throat, this is my best remedy. Whiskey wa dai suki desu!
お、お、美味しい!! あららららら、あら、悔しいけどいけるじゃないの!!
Wow!! this is quite gooood!
体が温まるぅぅ~~~。 イイ感じにぽかぽかします。
Yah, I can tell this makes me stay warm. The lemon flavor and whiskey aroma make me feel calm. Although the honey sweetness is tender so feel myself compelled to have second?! It is tempting. You should be careful! Other wise you might drink a lot because is tasty.
It seems that chilly, windy days continue.
If you want to relax in the home or help ease fatigue, you might want to try it
ラベル: Family, vegetarian cooking
I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging or anything, (Yah, might be I could?!....) but I got appreciative words from one of my friends in the office.
She said "I get the urge to stop and to have a chat with you when I pass by you, because you are such a nice person."
And another friend who lives in Kumamoto in Japan, she said to me "I saw your blog, I can feel Asuco power and enjoyed getting a supportive push!"
いつも思うんです。。 こうしてありがたい言葉をもらった後。。
I felt really good and stimulated a lot.
Don't you feel good or appreciate when you are praised? I would be swell.
I always think so after getting appreciative words from someone.
"I surely think that a person who is so nice is one who can present a neat compliment "
So I think that the person who says so is nice as well.
褒め言葉=心の花束。 物としてのプレゼントではなく、遠慮せずにいつでも快く受け取れる花束。だからありがたく頂きましょ。
文学的な表現として、フランス語のbouquet =花束です。 ステキですね。)
I think that "praise" is like a magic word. It makes people happy. What is important is to tell as much as you can if you find good in others.
It makes people happy and is comforting for both the receiver and the sender. That is 'Magic words.'
One of my mentors, Chitose, says that 'Compliments are the same as a spiritual bunch of flowers'.
It is not like you giving a physical present and anybody can receive this bunch of flowers without hesitating.
Actually, I had searched for the English translation of the Japanese word for 'compliment' before in a dictionary. It says another way to say is a bouquet (it mentioned that this comes from French) as a literary word.This is neat, isn't it??
Of course you don't have to find it against reason, just praise someone when you find something you like. Maybe to your friend, family member, co-worker, or otherwise to a shop assistant?
Anyway, I am pleased to have friends like this who can command good words and I can learn from them. Thanks.
Picture from my friend Juri in Barcelona
ラベル: Thinking
2・フライパンで両面焼きに(片面→中火で焦げ目をいれて もう片面→弱火で蒸し焼きに)
3・火を止めて オリーブオイル・醤油・レモンをしぼり、塩・胡椒でととのえて はいOK=できあがり.
いいでしょ、いいでしょ、この簡単さ!!ルンルン →ミョウなテンションデスガ
家の中でも、外でも楽しめるレシピでした~The other day I got good onions from my vegetable delivery.
And although I was feeling like doing second-best cooking for that day, (yes, I'm lazy).....
I found a recipe that seems so easy!!! It is 'Fried onion rings'.
And I like it so I will post on this blog.
If you have onions, soy-sauce and lemon, you can try to make it now.
1. Cut onions in rings and attach the onions with a toothpick.
2. Fry on both sides until lightly colored. ( One side- over medium heat, the other side - steamed fry on low heat.)
3. Turn off the heat then sprinkle soy sauce, olive oil, squeezed lemon, finishing salt and pepper and you are done!
How is this?!? Quite easy ! Isn't it??!!
So you can cook these fried onions at a summer barbecue with refreshing lemon, as sometimes I see miserably burned onions in the corner of the barbecue pan.
You can enjoy natural sweetness, melting texture, roasted soy sauce taste and lemony clean after-taste of these fried onion rings.
Enjoy this recipe indoors or out!!!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
I have lived in England before. I like interior design and at that time, I took an interior design course at an art school, and visited some interior material shops and manufacturers in order to
get cheaper material fees for doing tasks at the school. I think I was young...
If I found a nice house, I asked to the owner if I can see the inside or take some pictures of the house. Many people are very particular about the interior of their houses in England, so some people would show me the house and talk about the history .
So, I liked seeing the houses since I like to see interiors.
I introduce Mr. Kawamata's house which is one of my favorite houses.
だ~~~~~い好きなスタイルです。 私にとっては「トトロ」にでてくるような家。癒しの家。行くと何時でもいたくて、心地よくて、目に入るものが愛おしくなってしまうような場所。
I love this house. This place makes me feel happy and relaxed. I always feel like staying as long as I can. It seems that I like anything I see here.
先生は益子と鹿沼にも工房兼住宅をもっていて、陶芸家の宮田先生(←ダイスキ!)と共同で利用しています。なのでインテリアもお二人の共同作業です。 アイデア満載!!
He has 2 houses in this prefecture, and his partner is Mr. Miyata, who is also a potter artist. This house has been made by the 2 of them.
I show some pictures here.
Mr.Miyata on the left and Mr. Kawamata on the right.
What is great about this house?
He always says, " Do not spend too much money for it"
If you pay much money, you possibly can have a designer or get something fashionable.
Some people might say ' That is a nice interior '
But I have another opinion. I can tell this place has something warmer...
They use waste materials or make things they need if they do not have even taking time, or find something cheap in the secondhand shop then they decorate so nicely. I tip my hat to their sense.そう、自分スタイルなんです。
2つと同じものはないので人気なんです。Yes they have their own style. I like this kind of place.
This is his work for a traditional festival for boys known as Tango no Sekku.
They made a tea ceremony room last year.
They always welcome with good coffee and sweets when I visit. His talks give me inspiration.
Can you see the white bird?? I want to have it someday !!haha
Their 2 houses have been in some magazines and published before.
I wish I had a house that was this gooood.
ラベル: Friends