笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
While we were in Ashikaga, we stopped by BAGEL&BAGEL, which is my favorite shop because they have labels on the shelf so I can find vegetarian style easily. This time I got 10Grains bar and Potato pepper. These turn to be bagel sandwiches next morning for lunch box.
1つはクルミのコールスローサンドに One is for walnut coleslaw sandwich.
ベーグルを半分に切って軽くトーストしておきます。べジマヨまたは豆乳バターをうすく塗っておく。ぶ つ切りキャベツやきゅうりに刻んだクルミとベジマヨを加えて。ナツメグなどのスパイスをちょっときかせると、さらに美味し。
Slice a bagel in to two and toast. Spread soy butter on it. Cut cabbages and cucumbers into lumps and put them in a bowl. Mix them with chopped walnut and vegan mayonnaise. Add some spices as you like. My recommendation is nutmeg and thyme.
Another one is zucchini, mushroom(elyngii) and tomato sand
ベーグルを半分に切って軽くトーストしておきます。オリーブオイルと粒マスタード(ウチは少し多め)を塗っておく。スライスしたズッキーニとエリンギを焼 いたものに塩で味付け。プチトマトをのせてサンドしするだけ。
Slice a bagel in to two and toast. Spread olive oil and mustard (we put extra) on it. Saute sliced zucchini and mushrooms (elyngii) then put salt. Sandwich with cherry tomatoes.
Roasted potatoes for a side dish.'ランチボックスは会社の社食よりもパワーがでるよ!'・・と旦那様。
My husband says 'The lunch boxes you make give me more power than the canteen lunch!', I say in my mind 'That's natural."
I can make it gladly if it makes his happy workday lunch.
ラベル: Shop, vegetarian cooking