笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
私もリビング・フードを通じて知りました。ナツメヤシの実です。詳しくはこちらで。 日本でも馴染みがないので、ここ宇都宮でもなかなか見かけない。。しかも見つけても割高のような。 でも、これで作ったローフードレシピは美味しいんだよな~~。干し柿で代用もできるそうですが、若干甘さも変わるしね。
Raw food style, what I like currently. They use 'dates' for their recipe. I learned dates from raw food recipes. This is dried fruits of the dates palm. I usually don't see in Japan and if I find in Utsunomiya-city, it is relatively expensive. I like raw food recipes that use these dates. Sometimes people say it can be replaced with dried Japanese persimmons, but still have a bit of different sweetness.
このデーツ、エジプトやイランではよく食べられているそうです。イラン??!ムフフッフ。イランといえば~~ 彼女!!
Dates are eaten commonly in Egypt or Iran (Middle eastern).
Iran?!!? Woooo! Talking about Iran, what that brings to my mind !! My friend!!
数日後、早速届きました。あの、珍しくて、高級デーツが!!!!我が家に。 彼女が女神様に見えました。。 彼女いわく、デーツは栄養価がとても高いので、中近東の国では日常的な栄養補給食だそうです。ラマダンの直後の栄養補給にも使われるとか。。美容にもよいとのこと。
I e-mailed to ask my friend Chako, "Have you heard of dates?! Do you know?." She said "Of-course!! I have in the refrigerator now." Someday later, I got dates from her. Those dates!!! Unique and high-grade dates are in my hand now! I could imagine her as an angel for me! haa..
She said that dates are rich in nutrients so people eat daily for nutraceutical food. Also they use it for nutraceutical food after Ramadan.
Raw food recipeブラウニー(ローフードのレシピ本を参考に) Brownie( based from raw food recipe book)
・デ―ツ Dates 40g
・くるみ(生) Walnuts (raw) 100g
・ココアパウダー Cocoa powder 20g
・カシューナッツ(生) Cashew nuts (raw) 30g
1.くるみを一晩水につけておいたものを水気をとる。くるみ、デ―ツ、ココアパウダーをフードプロセッサーに入れてなめらかになるまでかける. 麺棒で平らに伸ばして冷蔵庫で一晩冷やす
Soak walnuts in water overnight then dry out water. Put walnuts, dates, and cocoa powder in a food processor and make smooth. Roll out the dough using a rolling pin then leave in the refrigerator.
Put cashew nuts in water and soak overnight, put them in a food processor with a little bit of water and make cashew nut cream.
3.ブラウニーにカシュークリームを飾って できあがり。
Put cashew nut cream on top of brownie. It is ready to eat.
Not baked, but tastes like it. Good to have cold so you can enjoy for summer time. You might feel plentiful rich taste even for the first bite without butter, eggs, and sugar.
Banana & dates smoothie
・デ―ツ 好みで(私は4粒くらい) Dates (as you like. I used 4)
・バナナ 2本 2 Bananas
・生カシューナッツ 1カップ (ローフードにこだわらなければ、豆乳を使っても。ナッツを入れるとさらに美味しいです) Cashew nuts 1 cup (if you don't care for raw-food, it is good to use soy-milk, too. You might like to put some other nuts as well)
Soak cashew nuts in water overnight, put the cashew nuts, frozen bananas, and dates in a mixer to make smoothie.
I used to make smoothies with just bananas, but after adding dates, it makes more well-seasoned sweetness and a rich sweetness fit for adults.
Today, Japan had a warm day so I enjoyed this smoothie. I thought I might leave half of it for my husband, but he was having a nap. I decided to put in the freezer to make ice cream so we can enjoy ice cream together. haha~
そう、ペルシャ絨緞を探しに・・また今年も素敵な絨緞を見つけていることでしょう。 自分で現地に飛び、目で確かめ、触れて確かめる彼女だからこそ、良いものを見極める目を持っています。
今年もシェイ・ケイコでの秋のペルシャ絨緞・キリム展を楽しみにして待っています。 My friend Chako who gave me this dates, she is flying to Iran now from yesterday to look for Persian carpets. I am sure that she will find beautiful carpets this year as usual. She goes to the local scene to see carpets with her naked eyes, and touch to determine for herself, so that is why she has a discerning eye for quality carpets. I am really looking forward to having the Persian carpets and kilim exhibition at Chez Keiko this autumn, too.
This is my wool Persian carpet which I got from her some years ago. I enjoy looking at this carpet every day. It wasn't a high rank and expensive carpet but it becomes something in my bottom drawer as a treasure now.
ラベル: Chez Keiko, Friends, vegetarian cooking