笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
The fat is in the fire... I fell off by mistake and got ligaments insertion injury, so I have to stay quiet for 1 or 2 weeks. I feel sorry about causing all kinds of trouble for my friends. Especially, for share class, which has been canceled. I was preparing and studying for the class so I feel frustrated and ashamed. My teacher Chitose advised me that I should have the class when my condition is perfect, rather than trying while injured. I feel I've given SHINBI and people who already reserved the class a hard time.
そして初めての松葉杖生活。 いろいろ勉強になりました。
Why now?!?! I asked my self. It should have some meaning. I could have time so that I can think about making the class more specifically.
And, this is my first time for using crutches. I learned a lot.
I could ask to the doctor about intriguing questions about the body other than about my injury when I went to the hospital.
またエレベーターでは、他のお客様がドアを押さえてくれたり、モタモタする私に店員さんが親切に声を掛けてくれたり。 こういったところでCS(顧客満足度)にも影響してくるんだろうな・・とふと思いました。後ほど気づきましたが、さすが企業理念が「親切一番店」だそうです。
私も、もう少しこういった不自由な方達に目を向けることを考えなおされました。And, I learned about how people feel who have to use crutches or have physical imperfections. When I went to a department store, one of the shop assistants passed by in front of me but then he came back and held the door for me. I was impressed. At the elevator, a customer was holding the door for me. A shop lady asked me nicely what she can help while I was dillydallying. I thought that such things will be influenced for customer satisfaction. I found later that as may be expected thier corporate philosophy is ' No1 hospitality shop'. And also that makes me cast new light on caring for people who have physical imperfections.
In the house, another person seems trying his best. My husband, usually, he never adjures me. But this time, he orders me to lay low for a couple of days. 'hhhhmmmmmm, OK, maybe for 1 week.'
One time, he made a dinner himself. This is his favorite instant noodle. This time public debut here!!
In addition, we get this vegetarian instant noodle in health food store. No animal products, no deep frying and uses lye water. They have several flavors and all of them are good so we always keep some in our pantry. I order him to use vegetables in the refrigerator so he put fried eggplants and mushrooms.
He eats all with a satisfied look on his face.
All told that I made trouble to many people and I am thinking it over and feeling people's heart warmth today.
ラベル: Motorcycle