笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
This weekend, I went off road bike riding. It was wonderful weather, not strong sun, no rain (even in a rainy season) so that was perfect weather for having a fun ride.
I wonder why I don't see any improvement in myself even though I do off road for more than 3 seasons...
But I want to do it. Actually, I enjoy challenging myself for that which I can't to do in regular life. There is the tense excitement that I can enjoy. It could come from the belief in my self.今回はコースにちびっ子ライダー達も遊びに来ていましたよ☆ほんっとかわいいの!7歳のお兄ちゃんと5歳の妹ですって。
I met cute kid riders there. They are so sweet!! 7 years old brother and 5 years old younger sister.
妹の方に質問 I asked to the 5 year old girl.
私: 「何歳から乗ってるの?」 'When did you start riding?'
女の子: 「5歳のときから」 She said 'Since 5 years old'
私:「あらはじめたばかりなのね・・*☆d(゜▽゜*) でも何で私よりはるかにライディングが上手なの?!教えて~~~!!」
'Oh! You just started!! ,,,,,,,,mmmhhh but, why you so good at riding? I'm dying to know! Put me out of my misery!!
7 years old brother's riding was great, his skill put the adults to shame. (I heard that he has got a championship in a class of a race recently.)私はテキトーに数周走り、楽しみランチは今回’’胡麻だれ冷やしうどん’を用意し
I enjoyed riding then had lunch - that's part of the fun of it. This time I made 'Cold udon (wheat noodle) with sesame soup!! I am so happy to hear 'Oishii! (yummy!)' from kids and friends.
I hope I can enjoy this season, too...
At that time, I didn't know what was gonna happen after this on the weekend.
ラベル: Motorcycle