笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
The other day, I went to a local radio station for a visit. Announcer Chiho Kahimada is our 'speaking class' teacher so she invited us to visit there.
I was so excited for this since I listen to the radio often when I drive.
There was a program named 'SatokameGT" on AIR and they had a pro wrestler and Cook Man (with white mask) as a guest.
I noticed that highーtensioned fun atmosphere is not just in the studio. There is a control room where the director or managers are, also they make nice atmosphere making all of them together, it looked like they were talking together even though there was a glass wall.その他、デイリーニュースを読む部屋や、他のスタジオも見せてもらいました。(なりきりアナウンサーデス)
Also we go around the radio station to other studios, for example a room for reading daily news. I ask some question which I was wondering about radio so it was precious time. Hope I wasn't interrupting them.
After visiting the radio station, I had a party with Kashimada-san, Kawamata-san, Yoko-san, Honjo-san, Kamiuchi-san, and her daughter Hikaru.
We went to a korean-style restaurant nearby Utsunomiya city office named 'Tsuki-no-Tsubo (means "moon's pot" ). I had my favorite Korean liquor called 'makgoli' with healthy food - these are good for beauty, too. A Korean lady, who is the owner of the restaurant, is very bright and explained to us about dishes and how healthy they are. She said the taste and price are good for us. We can enjoy the authentic Samgyetang if you order in advance. It has ginseng in the soup, too.
I can tell how it is good to have time with optimistic ladies!! Also Ms Kachimada is a friendly person. She works with prominent people in radio but her way of talking to us is the same. Beautiful voice, friendly and speaks naturally. She gave us cheer as a progenitress. I am glad to meet her and thank her for having us over to the radio station to visit.