笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
May is over this year. Japan has a season for 'Sansai (wild leaves) ' so we enjoyed it on our table, too.
鍋に湯を沸騰させたところに重層を入れて溶かしワラビをいれて火を止めます。そのまま置いて冷めるのを待ってOK(私の場合は一晩放置)。This year, I tried to use Warabi (Bracken sprouts).
First of all, skim the scum.
Prepare boiling water in a deep pan then put some saleratus and stir. Put the warabi then turn off the heat and leave them until they get cold. (I left over night) The prepration is finished!わらびの混ぜご飯
-Warabi rice -
Cut warabi 3-4cm and stir-fry with sliced shiitake mushrooms and season with soy sauce. Mix with white sesame and steamed rice.
―フキFuki(bog rhubarb)―下ごしらえ preparation
Preparation for this vegetable involves pre-treating with salt and soaking in water, a technique known as itazuri, or removing harshness. Then boil for a few minute.
Fuki pickles
Cut Fuki into round slices then mix with lemon juice and salt. Leave for over 30min. (I prefer to leave over night)フキの湯葉巻き
-Fuki wrapped with Yuba (soy milk skin)-
Wrap prepared fuki with sheeted yuba. It would be good to tie up with sea weed or gourd strips but I didn't have it so I used tooth picks, which works well. Steam with sake, soup stock (Japanese) and soy sauce.
This is a kind of native grass, we call wild onion or Chives.
Boil and dip into vinegared bean paste. Put chili pepper as you like.
Someone told me that he thinks I'm likely a person who eats wild leaves if I found. ,,,,,?? No way!! now.
But, when I was child, I like to find wild leaves which looks yummy on the my way home from school. haha
Pick a something look nice and peal outer leaf then eat it. I remember that it tasted like a cucumber. I thought I should bring some salt from the house.
One day, I saw a TV show, the host was Masanori Hata (nicknamed Mutsugorou-san) he is a popular and famous naturalist in Japan. He was eating field horsetail spores on the show, so the next day, I went out to pick field horsetail and cook.
Other things what I use,, dandelion leaves. Sometime my friend's mother invited to pick grass to make Kusa-mochi, that time I was always excited!!そこら辺で採ってきたひまわりの種を水と醤油で煮て、なぜか弁当箱に入れて凍らせてみたのは美味しくなかったこともありました。真似しないように。
One time, I picked sunflower seeds. I steamed with water and soy sauce then I don't know why but I froze them. It tasted terrible. You probably wouldn't like it.
I guess I was a brave girl who liked to try eating anything..
This is a kind of berry we can pick near my parents house during this season.
ラベル: vegetarian cooking