笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
On the week end, I joined a class for Sanskrit language in Tokyo.
This time, my husband came with. I think he is curious about other languages since he has experience for language study (ex,Japanese).
Most of yoga words come from Sanskrit so I wanted to get more understanding of yoga.
Sanskrit is a very traditional language and also is a source or influence of many other languages (included Japanese, English). Currently it has been permeated for religion study or academic field widely. Also we can hear Sanskrit in daily-life.
For example, in Japanese 'danna (means:man or buddy)', 'kawara (roof tile)', the Buddhism word which we know well like 'Namiamudabutsu", etc, these are derived from the Sanskrit.
In India now, Sanskrit is classical language so people don't use for usual language but many people study for academic or intelligence.
ヨガが役にたちました。 他の若い審査官方は勿論サンスクリットやマントラは知らず・・。
About my Sanskrit story...
I had experience working with an elder inspector from India. He is a learned literacy man. Sometimes I have to concentrate to keep up with his conversation when we chat out of work conversation (Ex deep historical story on each country...etc) .
Meanwhile, when I talk about my yoga study, I sang a mantra song which I knew, then he joined me and harmonize together. We laugh together because such conversation can be had on strange occasions. I was helped by yoga! Other young inspectors didn't know about Sanskrit or mantra.さてさてクラスの話に戻りまして・・
先生はアメリカ人のジョシュア・マイケルJoshua Michell。
現在アメリカン サンスクリット インスティテュートを拠点として世界各地でワークショップを開催しています。
OK, pick up on my earlier statement. The teacher was American his name is Joshua Michell a senior teacher with the American Sanskrit Institute. He leads Sanskrit and Yoga Philosophy workshops throughout the US and internationally.
彼の師、パタビジョイス Sri K. Pattabhi Joisからの言葉として、サンスクリットを学ぶことで、全てのヨガを学習することができる・・とわれています。
He says that his teacher Sri K. Pattabhi Jois said " If one has knowledge of Sanskrit, then knowledge of yoga is possible as well " .
My first impression of Joshua was, 'His sound of voice is beautiful". This is why I notice was, I had learn about enunciation from teacher Kashimada (an announcer) so I could appreciate it.
Oh yes, I understand why...
The 3 of most important things when you speak Sanskrit.
・Position of enunciation in your mouth.
・Length of sound
Ummmmmm Actually, I thought it was difficult!!
A long, long time ago, the Sanskrit was handed down only orally for 3,000 years. It is quite serious learning. He says that Sanskrit is like a deep, wide ocean. But you don't have to be nervous about difficulty for example, pronounce correctly, etc. If you try, the language will be your guide.
The vibration of sound was so beautiful, I felt that my mind and body were purified by singing mantra.
I found another window of inquiry for yoga.
ラベル: Yoga