笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
週末の朝、Natural Flowのヒロミ先生がPark Yogaを企画してくれました。しかも私のお気に入りの長岡公園です。ここは先週もガールフレンドと一緒にピクニックしに来たばかり。広~~いくて、それほど混雑していなくて、の~~んびりできます。しかもなんといっても、沢山のワンコに会えるののも魅力に1つ。
On Sunday morning, we went to a Park yoga session planned by Hiromi from a yoga studio called Natural Flow. Nagaoka Park is one of my favorite parks, I came here last week, too, with a girlfriend to have a picnic. It is a wide, uncrowded leisure location, and I can meet many dogs!!外でするヨガはと~~~っても気持ちがいい。でもね、以前ある先生に外でするヨガについて相談した時がありました。そのときにアドバイスをしてもらったのは、確かに外で行うのは空気も新鮮で気持ちがいいのだけれども、虫がいたり、強い日差しの下だと、太陽のエネルギーがとても強いので、意識が集中しずらいから、虫のいない木の木陰を探すとよいとのこでした。
It is such a wonderful feeling to do yoga outside. But, I asked a yoga teacher before about doing yoga outside. He said that doing yoga outside is good because you can breath fresh air and it makes you feel good, but on the other hand, have insects around or strong sun can be disturbing for your concentration. So, it is better to find a place with less insects and in the shade.
そこで今回パークヨガ初参加の私・・。実験してみました。はい、先生ゴメンナサイ。 今回はあえて日差しの下で。。他の皆さんはちゃ~んと木陰でしているのにもかからず。
So, this is the first time to join the park yoga for me, I tried to do under the sun. Yes, sorry my teacher.. I just wanted to see what would happen.
OK, now I understand how strong the sun energy is. Very very much. I was almost losing ground with my unskilled concentration in the sun. I will be a good girl like a lamb for next time, and do under the shade o a tree, maybe..
But! With a feeling of being connected to the ground, great reaches of sky gave me a great feeling. It is free style!
いつも練習しているヨガは、自分の身体の中とつながるために意識を集中していきますが、外のヨガはうっすら目を開けると広がる緑の景色と青い空、草の感覚と風の香り、暖かい太陽の日差し・・・ それら自然とつながりながらのヨガを楽しみます。
Concentrate to the inside of my body, this is what I try to do for the practice of yoga, but outside yoga, slightly open eyes and look across the broad panorama of greens and blue sky, feel the grass under the foot, smell the air and warm sunshine...Just enjoy getting the feeling of being connected to nature.
Listening to Hiromi's instruction had been changed from 'Raise your feet to the ceiling' and 'Put your hands on the floor' to 'Raise your feet to the sky' and 'Put your hands on the ground'.立ち木のポーズ すばらしい先生が沢山そばにいます。足をしっかり地面に根付かせて。
Tree pose. There are the greatest teachers around us. Have your foot take root to the earth.
Had a pleasant breeze.終わった後は、なんとヒロミ先生が炊いた玄米おにぎりと野菜のおかずでランチターーイム!!。なんて優しい味なんでしょう!!
After training, we had lunch together with Hiromi's handmade brown riceballs and vegetarian lunch boxes. It is such a kind taste!
Actually when I was training, I was so excited about this lunch time!! Concentrate....? Yes, I need more training.
The cat pot is quite useful so I take it around with me recently.
This is a yoga teacher named Misato, I like her considerable teaching to every student and she is such a cute lady.
Hiromi's partner dog, an American pit bull named Sora (meaning SKY) is my good friend, too, I hope.
It was such a wonderful time.
It is good to exercise outside. Let's do stretching outside!!
Thank you for the beautiful morning Hiromi!
ラベル: Yoga