Chez.Keikoシェイ・ケイコでは5月7日(金)から16日(日)まで、「宮田 徳夫 スタンド展」この企画展、2回目になるのですが、首をなが~~~くして待って頂いてたお客様も多く、初日から沢山の方に見に来ていただいているようです。


The time has come!
'Norio Miyata's ceramic lamp shade exhibition is being held from May7th - May 16th at
Chez.Keiko. This is the 2nd exhibition but many customers have been waiting for it. So we are so glad that so many people have already visited there since last friday. Of course I am one of his fans. Ceramist Mr. Miyata is so cool. Mr.
Kawamata is his partner and sometimes they have collaboration work, too. They have completely different tastes in their work and personality but I really like the art work of both and respect them so I think they share a common habit of sense. I wish I could have more expressiveness. But I want to say that they have a kind of similar virtue even though it's different.

His lamps are ceramic. He makes these in a wickerwork design so it is very dedicated work. It can change even by the level of power with each moment.

もともと友禅職人だったこともある先生の作品には、焼き物の造形の面白さに加え、絵付けにもその 技術が生かされています。そのため、インパクトのある造形に、どこかに和柄の粋を感じる絵を見つけることができます。
He was a designer for Kyo-Yuzen (Kyoto-style KIMONO design), so his work is interesting formative art and the glazed decorations are inspired by his experience. So you might find nifty Japanese patterns somewhere with impacted shapes.

また、なんといってもライフスタイルからしてアーティスト。ご自宅のインテリアは自作でリフォームを重ねていて、それもまた素敵・・。所有しているうちの1件は鹿沼にもあり、なんと08年のDiscover Japan(雑誌)や、ちるちんびと(本)にもそのユニークなご自宅が紹介されています。何度かお邪魔させていただいているのですが、私は特にキッチンが大好きで、遊びに行くとそこで美味しいコーヒーを煎れていただいて、ついつい居心地の良さに帰りたくなくなってしまうくらい・・。
He is a natural artist from his life style. He has been reforming his house himself and I love the house. One of his houses is in Kanuma-city and was in the magazine called 'Discover Japan 08'" and was introduced in other magazines, too. I have been to his house, I like the kitchen and he always makes good coffee so, it makes me want to stay longer.

これは私の自宅にある先生の作品の一つ。ライトスタンド。大切にしています。すてきでしょう。ライトを灯すたびに眺めています。焼き物ですから世界に一つのライトスタンドです。 This is one of his works in my house. A floor lamp. Beautiful, isn't it! This catches my eyes the moment when I turn on the switch. These are handmade ceramic works so it is the only one in the world.

是非是非、見に行ってみてください。―魅惑の灯りの世界― ライトスタンドの新しい灯りにふれることができますよ。
Please go and see his exhibition. - The world of glamour light-This gives you a chance to see a new lighting world.