笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
最近のはまりもの その2
What I like recently 2
(Living food (Raw food), uncooked, unprocessed food)
Here I use bread and boiled potatoes, so it is not 100% raw food, but I just want to try to take raw food as much as I can freely for our table.青菜(ほうれん草、青梗菜、小松菜 etc)が美味しい時期になり、我が家にもべジファームなかやさんから美味しい有機無農薬の青菜が沢山届いています。 茹でたり、ソテーしたりが多いので、これをなんとか生(ローフード)の食べ方ができないものかと。。
Now, greens are in season (spinach, qing-geng-cai, lettuce, raddish leaves, etc.)
We have lots of greens in our house now. Boil or stir-fry...so I was wondering how I can eat them with 'living food'. Then I found "Green sauce recipe".
We like them very much now. (The other day also I took in a lunch box with pasta!)
I have 2 recipes here.
You can enjoy as a dipping sauce for vegetable sticks or put on bread.
・青菜類(2~3束) 今回は冷蔵庫にあった青梗菜など
Qing-geng-cai or any greens 2 or 3 bunches or whatever you found in your refrigerator
(In the living food recipe book which I have suggested using celery and parsley.)
・生カシューナッツ (一晩水につけておいたもの)
Raw cashew nuts - 1 and 1/2 cups (soak in water for 1 night)
・レモン 半分
Lemon half cut
・ゴマペースト 又はタヒニ
Sesame paste or Tahini
・醤油 少々
Soy sauce
・たまねぎ 半コ~1コ
Onion half - 1
Carrots half or 1
・塩 (好みで味噌にしてもよいと思います)
Salt (or soybean paste)
・クコの実 ドライを水に戻したもの(あればでOK・・リビング・フードではゴジベリーといって、栄養価も高くよく使用されています)
Dried Wolfberry (If you have any) Reconstituted by soaking in water
(Rawfooditerian eat and call Goge berry as highly nutritious foods)
Put all ingredients in a blender except carrot and wolf-berries. Then, add carrots and wolf-berries for last 10 seconds because I think it is good to maintain the color rough-grained for having the right look.
Put on toast.
2つめのグリーンソース Here is another green sauce recipe.
Sometimes you can find a recipe for green pesto in a vegetarian cookbook.
・青菜 2~3束(なんでも)
Qing-geng-cai or any greens 2 or 3 bunches or whatever you found in your refrigerator. Usually in a vegetarian book says boiled greens but I used fresh this time)
・レモン汁 半コ分
Lemon half
・ピーナッツ 適量 (乾燥したものでもOK。もちろん生のナッツでも)
Peanuts (as many as you want) (Raw or roasted)
・オリーブオイル 適量
Olive oil (as you want)
Put in a blender, that's it!! So easy!!
Dress with pasta or potato!
(Add salt when you mix them)BUONAPPETITO!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking