笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
GWの締めは、Fine Field Festival ファイン・フィールド・フィスティバル、参加してきましたよ~。楽しかったぁ~。人の愛をも感じましたね。
The closing event of my golden week was to assist at Fine Field Festival. I enjoyed it a lot!! And I felt human love, too.
This time, I attended a flea market with Chitose but it was a little bit of a joyride for us because most of the other booths were handmade art crafts shops and we were selling our used clothes. But people are so nice to us and we had many customers. I appreciate them.
The location of Gallery Yujitsu is a nice spot in converted old stone storage buildings. I visit here for art galleries and cafe sometimes. It is a quiet and laid-back style cafe.なんと今回は私の夢も1つ叶っちゃったんです☆
This time! one of my dreams came true!! I wanted to do an interior shop when I was studying interior design. This time, the gallery owner asked me to sell his antique furniture. Of course I said Yes!! So I set up my flea market with some antique furniture. Dreams come true if you keep in your mind.写真左、SHINBIスタッフのウズラちゃんこと、Maiちゃんも遊びに来てくれました~。かわいいウズラちゃん、小動物のように怯えているのか、半強制的?!(笑)に購入してもらっちゃったりして(笑)
The girl on the left in the picture is Mai. Cute girl. Is she scared of us?!?! She bought some stuff from our shop. We didn't want to force her into buying, hopefully. Haha.
The girl on the right in the picture is Chitose, she is one of my mentors. She has a handle to her name of an image consultant. So she gives advice to customers how to ordinate so even she attended this flea market just in order to reuse her wardrobe. Some costumers were so happy with her coordination and came back the next day to tell us how happy they were. Also some people find her and recognize who she is, then ask her to shake hands because they have seen Chitose in the newspaper. While we were doing the shop, she looked stylish working with her computer at an antique writing desk which was on a sale.
One of the SHINBI students, Ms. Kawamata-san, visited us too. Chitose's coordination suits her! Add more colorful naturally with her personality. I'm proud of SHINBI students! Nice posing☆
In the next booth, my dad attended as a used bookstore. Like father, like daughter...haha.
But, he was completely ignoring about looking after the shop since walking around to other artwork shops. No used book shop store tender...
I put some money in front of a street performer then he came up to our booth to say thank you for me and bought our Nikko hot peppers. I'm touched about people from other booths helping each other.ちなみにかぶっているのは隣のブースで美術学生が作っていたコワイ顔の帽子。The picture on the left is a scary face hat made by an art school student in the next booth.
All told, the festival time goes fast. I 'm grateful for the people who organized the event like this, adults and children can enjoy such a good event.
And for Chitose, we same as always joking when we are both together, but I like this time! So we need Yoko for Team SHINBI and she makes us brace up.
Thank you very much to the people who visited us!!