笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
I had quiet days for New years day and New years eve because of the snow. It is good for me since I'm not staying in the house all the time. haha
Also, I helped father shovel the snow and talked with new friends...猫のカリー(Cully)とタケット(Tucket)。お兄ちゃんのカリーはのんびりしているけれどちょっとクール。タケットはまん丸可愛い目で甘えん坊。2匹とも
Cats Cully and Tucket. Older brother Cully is easygoing but a little bit cool. Tucket is baby boy with almond eyes. They are walking around the house in Mama's shadow.
庭には毎日こんな新しい友達が来ます。Friends....リス Squirrels
ハト Culver
ハウスフィンチ(メキシコマスコ) House finch birds
It is fun to see from the window.
Now, we are heading 6 hours drive to Santa Fe, with Mum's handmade cookies on the seat.
ラベル: Colorado