笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
We said goodbye to family in Colorado then flew 3 hours to Seattle and stayed in a friends house. Next morning, went to Portland in Oregon 3 hours by train.アメリカで電車に乗るのも、ポートランドに来るのも初めて。旦那さまの別の友人に会いに来きました。路面電車のMAXが通っていたり、新しいビルと古い建物が混在している街。川辺の公園も広くて気持ちよさそう。。夏になると沢山の人が集まってくるそうです。
It was my first visit in Portland and my first US train ride. It was to meet my husband's friends. The light Rail MAX runs past new and old buildings which are mixed in the town. A nice and big park at the river side. They said that many people come and visit there in the summer.
旦那さまが久々の友人とのおしゃべりを楽しんでいる間、私はご近所散策。ポートランドは州税(消費税)がかからないのでお得感アリアリです。 アンティークショップを何店か覗いてみましたよ。
While my husband enjoyed chatting with friends, I went around the neighborhood. Since there's no sales tax in Oregon, feel like there are great values! I stopped at some antique stores.そして翌日にまたシアトルに戻りました。 以前も来た時がありますが、今回冬のシアトル、海からの風が冷たい~~。 でも大好きな友人夫婦に会って、沢山おしゃべりして帰ってきましたよ。
Next day, we went back to Seattle. I've been to Seattle before but enjoyed the winter season this time, and there was a chilly wind coming from the sea. We are good friends with a married couple here and enjoyed with them a lot.
So, that's it. We came back to Japan. I feel that I could refresh my self ☆
Thanks to my husband, his family, and friends. And my family, Kuro-chan, my co-worker, Thank you very much! I will continue posting some things about my American life (food?).