笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
From Colorado springs, drove down on the route 25, 6 hours by car to New Mexico. The view is spectacular! We weren't feeling uncomfortable with 6 hours drive. Oh, yah, driver is my husband...anyway, I always drive in Japan so I can excuse for sometimes..
サンタフェの街に入りました。が、リエちゃんのおヘソは見れません。。一番の印象は「芸術と歴史の街」。街中にはギャラリーや美術館が多いことに驚き・・・。それもそのはず、全米でNYについで2番目に芸術産業を誇る街だそうです。We arrived in Santa-Fe. My biggest impression is 'Town of art and history.' I was surprised how many art galleries there are in town.... This is no wonder since the town boasts 2nd art industry of America next to NY.
You will see adobe buildings everywhere in town. It is a kind of architectural style using clay and straw. There are picturesque views around.
We visited 'San Miguel mission', the oldest church in America built in 1626.奇跡の階段と呼ばれる360度の螺旋階段を持つ(釘も使っていないそうです)ロレットチャペル
At Loretto Chapel there is a helical stairway called 'Miraculous Staircase' with two 360-degree turns and no apparent means of support.ネイティブ・アメリカン、スペインやメキシコ文化、カウボーイの街としても知られています。