笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
Last night, I had Share recipe class at SHINBI studio, which was a class to share favorite recipes with other students and I was the navigator last night. This time I introduced Vegetarian Tacos recipe which is a staple dish in our house. Also I use for our home party or bring to potluck parties or BBQs. Is it too much? Haha.今回はタコスのお肉の代わりに豆腐を使った作り方を紹介。 スパイスはタコミックスというすでに調合されたスパイスも参考に紹介しましたが、クラスではスパイスを混ぜて作りましたよ。
This taco uses tofu instead of meat. You can find taco-mix powder (already mixed spices) in the store so I introduce them for reference but this time, we made from mixing each spices.
Just 'Chop'&'Mix', easy recipe.
Taco タコス:
もめん豆腐 1丁 Tofu(hard tofu)
たまねぎ Onion 1個
人参 他好みの野菜等 適当 Carrots (vegetables anything you like) as you like.
シーズニング:パプリカ・チリパウダー・クミン・ナツメグ・コリアンダー・塩 胡椒 大さじ1~2 (又は市販のシーズニングミックスを使ってもOK)
Seasoning: paprika, chili-powder, cumin, nutmeg, cilantro, salt, pepper. Table spoon. 1~2 or you can find taco-mix powder in store.
Stir fry the tofu and oil in a frying-pan, add chopped vegetables and seasoning then fry for 20min. When the liquid is gone, it's ready.
Salsa sauceサルサ:
トマト Tomato
セロリ Celery
ホットソース(タバスコ等)Hot sauce (Tabasco, etc.)
コリアンダー Cilantro
レモン汁 Lemon juice
塩 Salt
Mix, 1cm dice cut tomato, chopped vegetables, hot sauce, chopped cilantro, lemon juice, salt. that's it!
Guacamole ワッカモーレ:
アボガド Avocado
レモン汁 Lemon juice
塩 Salt
たまねぎ Onion
オリーブオイル Olive oil
好みでトマト、コリアンダー Tomato, cilantro
Mix, mashed avocado, lemon juice, salt, chopped onion, olive oil, chopped tomato, cilantro (as you like).
Tortilla トルティーヤ (市販でもOK or commercially available tortilla ):
強力粉またはトウモロコシ粉 flour or cornflour 200g
塩 ひとつまみ pinch of salt
オリーブオイル 大さじ1 Olive oil 1 tablespoon
ぬるま湯 大さじ7 warm water 7table spoon
Put salt and olive oil in the warm water then add flour and mix them. Leave over 30min. Roll out dough to form a 10cm circle and bake on both sides until lightly colored.今回参加していただいた皆さんは、レシピを増やしたい方や、ベジ料理に興味ある方など。楽しくわいわい作らせていただきました。
The participants joined to learn a new recipe, interested in vegetarian recipes and more. We had a good time together. During the class, I thought 'Is it too spicy?!?', they said 'This is alright! and good'... it was sweet words and touching scene for me...haha
So I finished my first cooking teaching class safely?. I was a little tensed but enjoyed a lot!!! I missed chances to take pictures with participants, but took with Mai (SHINBI manager) she tried the taco, too.
ラベル: vegetarian cooking