笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
Vegetarian-style pizza for our dinner recently.
という訳で同じ”白”つながりで餅をのせてみました。 はい、そんな料理の仕方ですがナニか。。。
Usually I make pizza crust, then put tomato sauce, onions, tomato, mushrooms and tofu (marinated in herb oil) then bake in the oven. But, the other day, I forgot to buy tofu, so I used mochi (rice cake) because it is same color as tofu 'white'. Yes, I do that way on my cooking style to replace with same color. Is it a problem? haha
After baking the pizza, I put seasonal green arugula and salad spinach for toppings. I like it to be fresh, too.
Mochi (rice cake) instead of cheese.
I like it and my husband seems happy anyways because there are 2 of his favorite foods pizza and mochi together.
Today, I went to an outside event called 'Design life'. This event's purpose is to make the place where many kinds of various people can meet through design and act something new.
私も微弱ながら協力させてもらった、ある洗剤「ベストウォッシュ」のデザインも発表。これを一般ユーザーにどうやって紹介をしていくか・・? まず、手にとってもらうためにも、パッケージデザインを、CO.MOCHIザインのグラフィックデザイナー武田慶子ちゃんにお願いしてみました。デザイナーズトークもありましたよ!
There was a detergent 'BEST WASH' package design exhibited which I cooperated a few things. How the company introduces the 'BEST WASH' to consumers? So I introduce them to a graphic designer Keiko Takeda of CO.MOCHI design studio. So they had designers' talk event on the stage, too.
それで私は何を・・・? はい、大したことはしていなくて、繋ぎ(つなぎ)役ですね(笑)
And what I did? was... not so significant, I did like a link between them. The client, designer and I had meetings many times and provided ideas, comments, and research for each other. So I was a person taking control of the situation at meetings. This was a very nice experience and I learned a lot.
What I felt was that understanding/sharing of the centerpiece of the vision with each person involved from development ~ commercial realization ~ marketing. So, it would be impossible without good communication even if it was completed in a company or contracted out.
Anyway, here is a simple introduction of 'BEST WASH'
This is an earth-friendly and human-friendly detergent because it uses natural surfactants even though it is a powerful detergent.
So, you can put in the bath as a salt, improving heat insulation and keeping moisture of your body and has cleaning strength (24 h) = rinse of the tub after you had bath as washing the bath tub.
You can use as a dish soap, laundry, or plant activator.
Actually, the cleaning strength is trusted by Chinese and Japanese noodle shops, Chinese restaurants in the city, and me!!
Now they are available in some health food stores in the city or you can ask at Factory Hikari Inc. I'm not selling it.
ラベル: Friends
Last night, I went to see a dance show at a stage theater in Tokyo.The dance is a corroboration with flamenco and Indian dance Oddisi by 2 main dancers. Actually, I went to the place thinking that 'How is it going to be??. Because I've seen flamenco dance as I posted on this blog before and the dancer is Tera Takaseki. I know of her, but Indian dance oddisi I never seen before. The oddisi dancer is Kazuko Yasunobu active in India, Japan, also in the world.
I didn't know before but I heard that the beginning of flamenco is from gypsies in Andalucia and gypsy dance was influenced by Indian music culture, too.
あんなに、激しくて、優しくて、美しくて。。。 また必ず観たいです。素人の私でもこんなに感動できるなんて!・・と、大興奮で、最後は拍手の手が痛くなりました。The stage, very very satisfying!! Ate a lot!! As a dinner, every dish was great from aperitif to a dessert. They had synergistic effect but also they extend themselves to each other... Active. Easy and beautiful... I want come again definitely. I could be amazed even for a laymen like me! ...so, I was excited until the end and my hands hurt from clapping.
Also the flamenco guitar by Hideki Yamanaka, cante (sing) by Miho Kasuyama and indian instruments tabla by UKO Segawa and ghatam by Takaaki Kuno, they have to be contend for the full-course. They are like a main source ☆
It was fun.
Seeing beautiful things enriches emotion.
ラベル: Thinking
The other day, I found a wine made in my hometown in Kanuma-city, the wine name is 'Satono megumi'. The grapes were grown in the city. Fuuumm, may be I should support local products!! So, I got a red wine.
そして夕食をしながら、グラスから1口、2口め、15~20分後には、空気に触れたこともあり、味が面白い程変わっていきました。時間をおく度に落ち着いて、タンニンの味も少しずつ深くなっていました。私は時間が経ってからの方が好み。そうそう、以前の経験で、こういうタイプは長く置きすぎないほうがいいのよね。 でもこうして開けた時とその後の変化を楽しめるのも、ワインの良さだと思う。次は白に挑戦してみようかしら。 At dinner last night.
I'm not familiar about wine....but. could say it is very fruity. Almost like to say 'Is it grape juice?'. and aroma and taste was fruity. I thought that maybe young Japanese girls would like it.
Then we start to drinking 1, and 2 from the glass. After 15-20 minutes, the taste was quite different! It might help that exposed to air, too. The taste becomes deeper and more of the taste of tannin and to be mild as it sits. I think this kind of wine is not keeping long that I had experience with. That is why I like wine that you can enjoy the differences of taste by time. I might try a white one next time.
I like serving steamed vegetables in deep bowl dishes, specially winter season since it keeps them warmer. The bowl is made by Satoshi Yoko in Mashiko.
ラベル: Thinking, vegetarian cooking
コーヒーでも飲みながら、この先の将来計画でもたてようかな・・・とOVAL COFFEE (オーヴァルコーヒー)でひとりランチ。
I thought to have a coffee, so I went to my favorite cafe OVAL COFFEE and had lunch.
週末の昼下が り、窓からの暖かい日差しの中で、ベルギービールを飲みながら、4人楽しそうに人生論談義。
その中の一人のご婦人がなんだかとても綺麗に見え た。
I took a seat and had a pause...
A genteel group of 4 older gentleman and ladies are sitting in front of my table. They were pleasantly chatting about life in the warm sunlight from the window at the early afternoon of the weekend. After that one of the ladies looked beautiful to me.
With white hair and calm peaceful atmosphere. Not too glitzy and elegantly dressed. Oh yeah, and she had good posture.
お金 持ちとか、大きな成功とか、名声とか。。そういう目標じゃなくて。
Future planning?...
I want to be that kind of person.
To be rich? big success? to be famous? These are not my purpose in life.
穏やかな表情で、姿勢よく、そして旦那さまや友人達と週末、昼下がりの近所のカフェ、 ちょっとのお酒とランチを楽しみながら語らうことができる。
Gentle and peaceful expression on face, good posture and can enjoy chatting and small glass of wine with my husband or friends at the weekend early afternoon.
It came to my head as one of my plans.
ラベル: Thinking
自分ではなく、わかくさ文庫さんが選んでくれるのです。 驚くのが、私が読みたかったような本、今の私にとって、とても勉強になる本なのです。 本を選ぶセンスに脱帽です。
In Japan, there is an expression called "Autumn for Reading. People say that means autumn is the best season for reading. Recently, I've been borrowing some books from a friend nicknamed 'Wakakusa bunko'. Wakakusa bunko picks books for me instead of me choosing my self. It is surprising to me that the books are most of like what I wanted to read about or books which I learn a lot from it now. I want to take my hat off to the sense of selecting books. It has become a fruitful time that reading books instead of working on a computer.
そして今日は、夏に貸していた本を返しに友人が遊びにきてくれました。彼は現在精神的な病に悩んでいます。 でも少しづつ、自分を向き合おうと頑張っている姿に、私なりにサポートできればと思います。
And today, one of my friends visited me to bring back books for me which I lent him this summer. He's been bothered by psychological problems for a while. But I thought I like to support him since I can tell that he has been to trying face up to his problem even little by little.
While we were drinking tea and talking, he say quietly
" Thank you for the book you lent, I thought I learned something from the book, 'You don't become happy but rather happiness is something you feel'.
Me: 'Does that book say so?'
Everyone has a different way of how they feel. I like it.
Yes, I've also been enjoying "Autumn Reading" this year.
There are chrysanthemum flowers I saw around town recently. They are beautiful.
Rounded and gracefully bright. Seems like there are many varieties.ご近所さんから、畑で採れた菊を沢山いただきました。
I got some flowers for eating from a neighbor they got from their field.
Lightly boil the chrysanthemum and mitsuba (Cryptotaenia) then quickly cool in water and drain well. Mix with sauce (cane sugar tea spoon 1 , vinegar tbl spoon 1, salt tea spoon 1/2).
Pretty color! so I served over a beautiful colored dish, too. It makes a warm atmosphere for the table. The dish is made by Kyoko Shimada in Mashiko.そしたら翌週、外出から帰ってきたら、玄関に可愛らしい菊が・・・。
先日実家にあったのを見かけて’いいな~~’ と思っていたのですが、兄が持ってきてくれたようです。
うれしい、ありがとう。 日本風のわが家にぴったり。 あまりに可愛いので、見るたび話かけています。
Then next week, there is 1 pot of pretty chrysanthemum in front of our house door when I came back from outside. I saw it in my parents' house the other day and I thought it was pretty! So my brother brought for us. I like it very much! Thanks to Hisa! That is good and matches my very Japanese-style house! I talk to her every time I see, because it so cute flower. Very big!
I like Kiku (chrysanthemum).
実は、私の大好きだった祖母も”菊乃 きくの”という名前でした。素敵な名前でしょ。
Actually, my beloved grandmother's name was 'Kikuno 菊乃' which has 'chrysanthemum' of meaning. Beautiful name isn't it?
ラベル: Thinking
Today, I went to my mum's gallery to set up the next exhibition from tomorrow "Kumagai Youko and Kasai Keiko collection" at Chez Keiko. I could say that most are costumers of Chez Keiko, so they know these two artists. So they have firm favorite.
さすがです。 皆で一生懸命並べるのですが、そのうち自分達で鏡で合わせ始めて、この色素敵!だとかこれイイ!とかはじまる。。 そしてすぐ休憩。 母ケイコが一番働キマセン。。。
Today was cold rain day, but when we started setting up their works, the room became a joyous and pleasant place with colorful warm homespun knits and sensitive designs by Kasai magic clothes. Just what I expected!! We started to work on setting up, but then we started to put the clothes on our self and looking at a mirror and say which is nice or good color for each other. So, start chatting then have rest soon. I think my mum doesn't work hard...
The first day of the exhibition is tomorrow, there is also Cuban dance show from 13 o'clock.
こちらは、私が去年購入したクマガイさんのニットワンピ。色も気に入っていますが、暖かいので大活躍しです。 今年もブルーの綺麗色も沢山ありました。
This is I got this knit skirt last year from Kumagai Youko. I like the color and it's nice and warm so being very useful! There are a lot of beautiful blue color knits for this year, too.
クマガイ ヨウコ 笠井けい子展 at シェイ・ケイコ
Kumagai Youko &Kasai Keiko collection at Chez Keiko
2011.11.12(Sat) - 2011.11.21 (Sun)
ラベル: Chez Keiko
Since we moved to this new house, we have had many marvelous and thank-heavens encounters.
Is it chance or necessity? May the house pull them to us...?
And thanks to those people, they make me like this house more and more day by day.
Mr. Tetsuo Takahashi, he is one of them.
Some photos that he took of the house:
ラベル: house
甘酸っぱくて、秋スイーツ。アイス添えもいいかも。。The other day, I found little apples at the Kanuma local market.
Handy size? Cute looking!
Name is "Arupusu otome (mean: Alps girl)
So, I steamed with English tea, honey, cane sugar and lemon slices.
Sour and sweet, autmun sweets. It would be nice with ice cream, too.
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
Last week, we went to the previous house (apartment) to clean and say thanks.
Even though it was a little bit small for us to live, we loved the previous house. I liked the tile wall and the counter in the kitchen. I could join talk even during cooking when we had guests. I liked the dark brown floor. The toilet took care of my husband when he drank too much alcohol, too. We liked this view from the window.
A lot of memories in those rooms. Thank you!そんなことを考えていたら、翌日会った友人に
The next day I was thinking such things. My friend told me that
"When you deeply thank the house, the house will prepare a nicer house for you next."
I see....
ラベル: Thinking
梨とセロリをスライス。 レモン汁と、隠し味程度に塩をほんの少し。
Cut slices of Japanese pear and celery. Add lemon juice and little bit of salt for a hidden flavor. Mix them and done. Ifelt like I was eating at the restaurant again. Goood!!