笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
The other day, I found a wine made in my hometown in Kanuma-city, the wine name is 'Satono megumi'. The grapes were grown in the city. Fuuumm, may be I should support local products!! So, I got a red wine.
そして夕食をしながら、グラスから1口、2口め、15~20分後には、空気に触れたこともあり、味が面白い程変わっていきました。時間をおく度に落ち着いて、タンニンの味も少しずつ深くなっていました。私は時間が経ってからの方が好み。そうそう、以前の経験で、こういうタイプは長く置きすぎないほうがいいのよね。 でもこうして開けた時とその後の変化を楽しめるのも、ワインの良さだと思う。次は白に挑戦してみようかしら。 At dinner last night.
I'm not familiar about wine....but. could say it is very fruity. Almost like to say 'Is it grape juice?'. and aroma and taste was fruity. I thought that maybe young Japanese girls would like it.
Then we start to drinking 1, and 2 from the glass. After 15-20 minutes, the taste was quite different! It might help that exposed to air, too. The taste becomes deeper and more of the taste of tannin and to be mild as it sits. I think this kind of wine is not keeping long that I had experience with. That is why I like wine that you can enjoy the differences of taste by time. I might try a white one next time.
I like serving steamed vegetables in deep bowl dishes, specially winter season since it keeps them warmer. The bowl is made by Satoshi Yoko in Mashiko.
ラベル: Thinking, vegetarian cooking