笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
There are chrysanthemum flowers I saw around town recently. They are beautiful.
Rounded and gracefully bright. Seems like there are many varieties.ご近所さんから、畑で採れた菊を沢山いただきました。
I got some flowers for eating from a neighbor they got from their field.
Lightly boil the chrysanthemum and mitsuba (Cryptotaenia) then quickly cool in water and drain well. Mix with sauce (cane sugar tea spoon 1 , vinegar tbl spoon 1, salt tea spoon 1/2).
Pretty color! so I served over a beautiful colored dish, too. It makes a warm atmosphere for the table. The dish is made by Kyoko Shimada in Mashiko.そしたら翌週、外出から帰ってきたら、玄関に可愛らしい菊が・・・。
先日実家にあったのを見かけて’いいな~~’ と思っていたのですが、兄が持ってきてくれたようです。
うれしい、ありがとう。 日本風のわが家にぴったり。 あまりに可愛いので、見るたび話かけています。
Then next week, there is 1 pot of pretty chrysanthemum in front of our house door when I came back from outside. I saw it in my parents' house the other day and I thought it was pretty! So my brother brought for us. I like it very much! Thanks to Hisa! That is good and matches my very Japanese-style house! I talk to her every time I see, because it so cute flower. Very big!
I like Kiku (chrysanthemum).
実は、私の大好きだった祖母も”菊乃 きくの”という名前でした。素敵な名前でしょ。
Actually, my beloved grandmother's name was 'Kikuno 菊乃' which has 'chrysanthemum' of meaning. Beautiful name isn't it?
ラベル: Thinking