笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
今日、次回の個展「幸 義明展 Yuki Yoshiaki」の作品がぞくぞく搬入されました。
引っ越し?!と思われるぐらいの大きなスケール。 私のギャラリーハンナで、今まで一番大きな搬入だったでしょう。。でも、幸さんの方のスタッフの方もとても親切な方達で助けていただきました。
Tonight, I have pit-a-pat heart.....
We are taking in the works for 'Yoshiaki Yuki exhibition' for next event at my gallery HANNA.
Is it house moving??! that makes me feel how big scale of stuff. It may say the biggest take-in of Gallery HANNA. But, the artist's supporting staff are nice people so I was helped a lot.
それにしても・・・これらをどうやってレイアウトしてゆこう・・。自慢の建物(笑)が印象薄くなるくらい?!の迫力。 私にとっても大きな大きな刺激です。 だからでしょう・・このドキドキ感が治まらないのは。。
So..... I am considering how I would lay out those in the gallery... They have vigor that makes not have much of a presence in my special building. This is a big inspiration for me, so that is why I am so excited tonight.
幸 義明さん、日本とニューヨークでもギャラリーをお持ちで、自身もアーティストでもあります。
身近なところでは、笠間にある、素敵なギャラリー、回廊”門”の建築をデザインした人としても知られていますが、他にも、東京の Aveda スパ・&サロンの美術デザイン、ドバイにある Burj Khalifaホテルの最上階レストランの壁画等をも手掛けています。
Yoshiaki Yuki has art galleries in Japan and NY and he is an artist him self.
So he had produced many ]artists before. Perhaps
a little closer to home, in Kasama (ceramic art town near by my
prefecture), there is a nice art galley and Yuki designed the building. Also art design of Aveda spa & salon in Tokyo and wall art of highest restaurant of Burj Khalifa, DUBAI.
12月1日にはご本人も在廊です。 幸義明展 Yuki Yoshiaki exhibition 2012.12.1~12.16まで。
Gallery HANNA にて。お待ちしています。
So I have to use
all my knowledge for lay-out and preparation tomorrow and the day after
tomorrow. On 1st of December, that is the first day of the exhibition, so
he'll be at the gallery all day. Below are his new works shown at his exhibition last July in NY!!
Yuki Yoshiaki exhibition at Gallery Hanna will be 2012.12.1~12.16 Don't miss it!!
Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh I'm coming under strain!!
ラベル: hanna
大根も美味しい季節。。 ということで、先日はささっと簡単に大根ステーキ。
大根をお皿に盛りつけたら、そのフライパンに植物性バター、バルサミコ酢、醤油を入れて軽く煮詰めます。 大根にかけて出来あがり。 一つ大根レシピのご紹介です。
Color changed trees are getting started losing leaves and the winter is just around the corner.
Vegetables are changing to winter, too.
Good season for Japanese radishes also. So, we had radish steaks the other day.
To make, first steam the cut radish then fry with olive oil in a pan. Put them on a dish.
Make sauce with the pan, vegetarian-butter, balsamic vinegar and a bit of soy-sauce are boiled-down lightly. Put on the fried radish. This is another radish recipe for you.
So, what shall we make next....
ラベル: Travel
The ' 3 female artists exhibition' began at my gallery HANNA.
”二宮とみ” テキスタイルデザイナー による色彩鮮やかな染めのストールや小物を・・・。
”壬生樹歩” 帽子デザイナー による美しいフォルムを持ち、かぶる人の魅力を引き出す帽子。
”新谷頼子” アクセサリーデザイナー による、ヨーロッパ各地で見つけたアンティークビーズを甦らせたアクセサリー。 展示・販売しています。
Colorful color-treated stoles and bags by a textile designer 'Toi Ninomiya'
Has beautiful form and developed flattering appeal hats by hat designer 'Kiho Mibu' →site
Recreates accessories using antique beads found around Europe by an accessory designer 'Yoriko Shinya'→site are exhibited and sold in the gallery. The artists have clear contrasting personalities.
今回は3人ということもあって、作品数もた~くさん!都合でお越しになれなかった先生方のかわりに搬入は私一人・・・。一人コツコツと夜中までかかってしまいました。 でも、「早くしなきゃっ」と思いつつも、ストールを首に巻き、帽子をあれこれかぶり、ネックレスをしてみたり・・・。 それりゃぁ~忙しい(笑) あれこれ一人ファッションショーしながらですから、搬入も終わるわけありませんね(笑) でもこれが楽しいんです。
Because it is 3 artists there a lot of works arrived. And I had to do the decoration alone since the 3 artists couldn't come before starting the exhibition. It took me until midnight to do alone. But also because of I was trying on stoles around the neck, wearing hats and necklaces on my self. Yeh...was so busy.. haha Preparation for the exhibition as doing fashion-show my self. Would never end!! But I enjoyed a lot.
The 2nd day of the exhibition, the artists arrived. We had good time and chatty 2 days during their stay.
おっとり、のん気?天然自然派?なテキスタイルデザイナー二宮とみ先生はムードメーカー。 でも、アーティストとしての厳しい目もしっかりと・・・。
色彩豊なストールは、形にもこだわっています。アートとしての染色を見事にストールに反映しています。 4枚の染め布を合わせたシルクストール、半分から色が違うストール・・等々。 先生ご自身もとてもオシャレ!! 染め方の本も出版されています。
Textile designer Tomi Ninomiya. She is a mood maker. Unfussy, easy going person. Very natural. But she is demanding, strong eye as an artist. Her colorful color stoles are also unique style. Beautiful dye as an art reflected on stole excellently. 4 of dyed silk stoles gathered in one or half different color stoles...etc. She is also fashionable!! She wrote a book about how to do dyeing.
Cheerful and has chartered nice aura lady is a hat designer Kiho Mibu.
She studied under a famous hat designer and then went to France to study about haute- mode (traditional hat making style). Her hat's impression and atmosphere change with wearing angle or direction and has beautiful line. Also brings out the taste of materials used. Some of my costumers said that they think that they are not good looking with hats. But after they tried on some hats, they found a new self. Seems feel there's magic of Kiho's hand.... I could tell by seeing their face. Woman is true to oneself....!
さっぱり気持ちのよい、キュートでいて、憧れの大人女性!!アクセサリーデザイナー新谷頼子先生!! 初めて先生の作品を見た時は一目惚れでした。。 ヨーロッパ各地で集めたアンティークビーズやボタンを、アクセサリーとして甦らせた先生の作品達。深く呼吸をしているように佇むブローチ達。 時間が創りだした個々のアンティークビーズの存在感ある美しさと、新谷先生の抜群の大人センス。 引きこまれます。先生の写真がまだ・・・ ごめんなさい!後日急いでUPします。
Refreshingly frank character, cute also my favorite adult woman, accessory designer Yoriko Shinya. I fell in love at first sight when I saw her work for the first time. She re-borne antique beads and buttons as accessories which she found around Europe. Brooches look like quietly breathing deeply. Each bead has beauty with a presence created by time and Yoriko's sophisticated taste. Very attractive. I'll post her pic soon. Sorry!
そんなこんなで、21日まで、楽しい秋冬のお洒落で賑やかなHANNA。 愉しみいっぱいです。
So, there are pomp-filled Autumn and Winter accessories in HANNA until 21st of November. Enjoy!!
ラベル: hanna
だいぶ秋も深まり、秋の夜長~、味覚~、芸術の~。 秋には沢山の楽しみがありますね~。
秋といったらキノコ。 というか、冷蔵庫を見たらあったので秋らしく?キノコごはんにしてみました。
洗ったお米に、昆布、酒、醤油、塩(少々)、好みの具(今回はレンコン)、しめじ、まいたけ、えのきそして今回はごま油を少しだけ混ぜて炊いてみたら、それがご飯と醤油の混ざり具合と味がよい感じ・・。 小ネギを散らして、ごはんがすすみました☆
Japan autumn begins to deepen and people say for Autumn is long nights, seasonal food, also season for art...there are many joys for Autumn.
It is nice to think about what shall I enjoy for this season each time.
We say mushroom is best in Autumn!!! Also I found some of them in the refrigerator...Because of the season? I made mushroom takikomi-gohan (steamed seasoned rice)
You need washed rice, konbu (seaweed for soup stock), sake, soy sauce, little bit of salt and water, some favorite vege (this time I used lotus root) and 3 kinds of mushrooms. Also this time I tried to put a little bit of sesame oil and mix them and steam.
Sesame oil makes good flavor and good combination for rice and soy sauce. Then sprinkled spring onion on top.
久しぶりのブログ更新です。 その間、このブログにお立ち寄りいただいた皆さま、申し訳ありません。。
企画展終了してからは、旦那さまがちょいと体調を崩し、入院。2週間病院に通い、家では一人ぽっち・・寂しい思いをしました。 今は勿論、元気いっぱい、回復し日々楽しそうに過ごしています。
10月は毎年恒例の母のギャラリー シェイ・ケイコでのキリム&ペルシャ絨毯展を手伝いました。自分のギャラリーをお休みしてまで、他のギャラリーを手伝うのも不思議な気分もありましたが、やはり母のギャラリーからは学ぶ事多し・・・。 そして、さすがシェイ・ケイコのお客様、皆さんおしゃべり楽しい!!
Long time no update. I'm sorry if you have been visiting this blog. It was so many things past...I've been laughing, crying, grateful for today and days as usual....
We could finish successfully for the exhibition of Makoto Hashimoto in September. Also I coud have opportunity to talk with Mr. Hashimoto during the exhibition. It was good education for me.
After the exhibition in September, my husband got sick and stayed in hospital for 2 weeks. So I visited the hospital almost every day and spent lonely nights in the house. Now of course my husband got well and came back to the house, he seems happy.
In October, I had to help my mother's gallery Chez Keiko for Kilim & Persian carpets exhibition annual events even though I felt strange because of closing my gallery during this month. But this time I learned a lot for my gallery... Also enjoyed chatting with costumers of Chez Keiko.
Now is November from today!! I'll do my best to recover my self!!!