
The other day we went to Yamanashi prefecture for my work. I already have been there for my work in Summer and I really like here so this time, I took my husband and my parents together as a family trip and my work in one. It is good chance to have rest for for my husband and dad because of they have been busy recently with their work.

幸義明(ゆきよしあき)さんは芸術家でもあり、書画、陶、屏風等も創作し、日本は勿論、NY(Gallery Gen オーナー)でも活躍する作家さん。 12月にはHANNAハンナ‐絆和‐で個展をお願いすることになっています。

First of all, we went to Weekend gallery MUU in Yatsugatake. Actually, the owner of this gallery is an artist
Yuki Yoshiaki who creates paintings, ceramic, screens, etc. and actively performs both in Japan and overseas (NY Galley Gen). Also my gallery HANNA is going to have an exhibition with him. The gallery MUU has neat appearance too, and 'week end galley' would be the right words for this gallery surrounded by woods and forest away from the hustle and bustle of the city.


Next day, we went to Minobe-san since my father wanted to go. There are beautiful red leaves which can be viewed from the peak and able to see Mt.Fuji. There is Buddhist Minobusan kuon-temple headquarters of the Nichiren at 400m up of the mountain. And there is a okunoin-shishinkak which has build by Nichiren in remembrance of his parents. We can got on a rope-way to get to the peak of the mountain. Because of the beauty of the view, my mom thanked my dad for long-driving for us'
その後河口湖畔にある、大好きな場所”久保田一竹美術館”。山梨県にいくなら、ここはオススメ。久保田一竹さんの辻が花の着物に感動、制作工程を読んでさらに感動。 そして建築にも注目です。随所にこだわった建物で、インドの古城の門や、ガウディのグエル公園を彷彿させる外観・・・。

After Minobu-san, we visited 'Kubota Itchiku museum' on the lake side of Kawaguchi lake, where is my favorite place I recommend to visit if you come to Yamanashi prefecture. I was impressed with tsujigahana-work kimono made by Itchiku Kubota also thrilled with reading the process how they make tsujigahana. And fascinating architectural affairs can tell awkward appearance throughout the building. with the gate brought from old castle of India and the exterior appearance is reminiscent of Gell Park of Gaudi
architect in Spain, etc. The street outside of the museum has nice color changed leaves...

そして東京に戻りながら、白洲次郎,正子夫妻が住んだ旧居、武相荘に寄りました。はぁぁぁ~~とため息ものです。 こちらも必見。 白洲正子さん、永遠の憧れですね。
On the way of Tokyo, we visited Buaisou, which used to be the house of Masako and Jiro Shirasu. I can't help but sigh You'd love to see it! Masako Shirasu is my everlasting dream.
夜は両親と別れ、都内でノラ・ジョーンズのコンサート。旦那さまに付き合ってもらいました。 初めて生で聴くノラ・ジョーンズ。良いですね。。 大きな声で一緒に歌いたかった・・・。
That night, we left my parents and went to a Norah Jones concert in Tokyo. My husband came with me. It was first time to hear the live voice of Norah. Really nice. I wanted to roar out a song together!!
It was first time trip in a while. (was for work too, but ) it's nice to go on trip with family.
I also thanks to Mr Kurihara and Ms Takahashi, artists of Creative wood factory K, they took us around.