笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
ある程度心得ていたものの、入る前には、彼が”Asucoにはちょっと酷になるかもしれないけど大丈夫?”との問いに ”大丈夫・・” と答えながら、あの南京大虐殺記念館といわれるミュージアムに入りました。(1937年日中戦争時、南京占領時の日本軍による不法虐殺についての記念館)です。(説明の例としてWikipedia にリンクを張っていますが、ここでも日本語と英語のページの内容と量に大きな差があるのが興味深いです・・・)
After the time while admiring the view of yellow flowers, we arrived in Nanjing then had peaceful time walking through the park of the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum. Time has turned around after that. We head to the place where I got real shock.
What do you think when you hear "300,000 victims at Nanjing". (But number is still in dispute).
I was slightly understanding because my husband says to me that it might be depressing for you, will you be OK?" I said "OK" then we went into the museum called The Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall.(Museum about Rape of Nanjing 1937). I put a link to Wikipedia to explain as an example but even the Japanese and English pages are quite different, which is interesting. )
印象的だったのが、他の場所では中国語と英語の表記ばかりなのですが、ここでは、日本語説明文も併記していました。 日本人の訪れを待っているのです。一体何人の日本人が訪れ、何を思って帰ってきたのでしょう。
記念館から出てきたときは彼も 「どうだった?」 とは一切聞かずに、私を気遣っていたのは良くわかりました。
There are so many dreadful pictures, testimonial movies and evidences, and sometimes I felt sick. Theses are burned into my brain. I'm already in Japan and past days but sometimes I remember and think about it.
It was very striking for me that they had explanation in Chinese, English and Japanese even though most places are only Chinese and English. This is showing that they are waiting for Japanese people coming. I wonder how many Japanese have come and how they feel.
After we left the museum, I could feel that my husband was concerned about my feeling so he didn't ask me how I felt.
Nevertheless, past things, it doesn't make everyone feel good, but I had little bit mixed emotions.
’古来中国の格言に ”前事忘れざるは 後事の師(前世不忘后世)”という言葉がある。’と書かれていました。That's a very touchy matter for Japan and China including the rest of the world now. I am glad to visit there since I knew the news about the matter but I could just pass through as a social problem and have no interest.
There are so many arguments around this and I don't know which is the truth but underlying message is "It's important above all to remember that there was such a matter in the past" and I felt that
'War for the cosmos is tied directly into the breakdown of order' from the matter.
The article in the guide book which our friend had says:
”As the ancient Chinese proverb says, "Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future." (Qiansi bu wang hou shi Zhishi)
Beautiful red door of of the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum