笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
初めてのチャレンジです。 今回はいつものアスパン(アスコパン)に粉を混ぜん込んで・・
This is one day's brunch. The other day, I found a corn grits pack in a supermarket. Usually, we don't see so many in Utsunomiya.
So this was my first try. I used it in pita bread this time.
Corn grits, whole grain, yeast, and olive oil mix together.
A taco-like sandwich with spinach, tomatoes, avocado, vegetarian mayonnaise, and tofu.あとはチョルーラソース。ガーリックなどのスパイス入りホットソースがよく合います。 私達のお気に入りを知っているので、USのママ、ティナが昨年日本に来た時に数本持ってきてくれて重宝しています。(さすがママ!)ボトルの絵と、木でできていキャップもカワイイでしょ!?
Do not forget Cholula sauce!! This spiced hot sauce matches well.
Mum in US brought us some of these when she visited Japan last time since she knows that it's our favorite!! This is so appreciated sauce. I like the picture on the bottle and the pretty wooden cap, too.それにカブとキノコの豆乳スープ。
Also I made radish and mushroom soymilk soup.
The bread has a light, soft sweetness from the corn grits that gives a mild flavor.
I will be on a corn grits kick for while...
★先日の鹿嶋田千帆さん(Radioberry DJ)のブログに載せていただきましたぁ
Chiho-Kashimada (Tochigi radio DJ) She posted about me on her blog! Thanks!
→→ http://chiho-o-cha-cha.at.webry.info/201004/article_4.html
ラベル: vegetarian cooking