笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
Finally, we got SAKURA(Cherry blossom) here in Tochigi! Now we are in SAKURA season!!!So, we can't pass through SAKURA season without a Hanami party. We take many lunch boxes, drinks and have a party under the trees.
It's so exiting and fun time!! Yes, of course I enjoy flower viewing, too.今年は、先日のコーングリッツを混ぜて、トルティーヤの皮から作って、現地でサラダやタコをのせて食べられるように。ラップサンドです。それに前の日から煮ておいた湯葉に、季節の菜の花を添えて・・。ペンネのパスタにスイーツはりんごのオートミールクッキー。
こういう野外ピクニックにはお友達のユリヒン、おお~~っとユリチャンね(笑)からいただいた、ネコポットが重宝します。This year, I took wrap sandwiches since I like the corn grits so I tried to make tortilla skins. I think it was successful.
And I made YUBA(bean curd skin). It is steamed with soy sauce from the night before. The green is steamed field flowers. It is a seasonal thing. And pasta and apple oatmeal cookies for sweets. The cat pot I got from friend Yori is quite useful for picnics.
The other day, I read an article about...
Long long time ago, when people have hanami, women and girls hang special dresses (kimono) on the tree and use it to resemble stage curtain.They sing or dance in front of them.
What a lovely story, I'm proud of that Japanese culture have such lovely customs enjoying seasonal things and flowers.彼が最近あたらしい玩具を見つけて、この日はそれを持参して夢中でした。中古の安いデジカメを買ってきて、中のデータを読み替えているそうです。このデータは5秒に1度、自動的にシャッターがおりるように設定して1.5時間くらい撮影していたものを30秒に集約しているとかナントカ・・ とにかく男子って・・・花より機械・・?Meは花よりトルティーヤ。。ムフッ。
My darling got a new toy recently, so he was engaging in play during the party. He found a used digital camera for good cost and changed some program inside of the camera. This data is set for shutter clicks once every 5 seconds automatically for 90min then made a 30 second video.
Specially in this season, there is a saying "Sweet dumplings is better than the flowers" that mean is similar to the words "Bread is better than the songs of birds".
Anyway, here is "Machinery is better than flowers" for him... Me? Of course......Dumplings!
ラベル: Thinking, vegetarian cooking