笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
My only claim to fame is my hands. Sometimes people told me that I have beautiful hands(nails). That is nice to hear....... Even though not about my face..haha..
One of my friends asked me to do a hand model for her nailist study. She is going to take an examination for nailist certification 2 months later so I decided to help her. That is one of her dreams. If my hands will be OK. Now then, she has to start training and get preparation for the exam with my hands. I will give my hands if I can ever be of help to her with it.
乾燥は爪にもひびく。。等々。ということで、少しの間?は私も手のお手入れをしていきますよ。何すればよいんだかワカラナイケド(笑) とりあえず、洗い物はゴム手袋して。。
While my friend (Yukaringo) bends her mind to the work, I just lay out my hands straight and fighting off the urge to sleep but of course I am cheering her in my mind! Haha
A teacher is sitting next to us and checking Yukaringo's work. I was surprise how the nail study thing is very in-depth. I have never thought about it before even though I put on nail color sometimes but don't care so much about my nails and hands. Now I understand that is why she has to be so serious.
I have to start to consider about care for my hands. Might be good to put on rubber gloves for washing? So I have no idea of what they are talking about.
What does bad skin mean? Rough skin?
What?! I didn't know that I shouldn't rub when I take off nail color.
Really? Nails are made from protein substance from the calloused skin.
Nail can be effected by dryness...etc
This time, I got hand care and nail color. You might be surprised at the bright red color. She has to use red color for practice and examination.
I want to help her because, of course, she is a my good friend, but also she is trying what I want to do in the future. She has a little daughter and son. She says that she wants to take it a step at a time and be diligent because the kids are still little. And for the time when she gets time from kids in the future.
Yes, she is considering about 5 or 10 years later. Of course being a wife and being mother is still tough work. Now she is a in the middle of child raising, that is why she doesn't hurry but doesn't forget to prepare for her future. I want to support that kind of opinion. I think that having joy in life, living a full life for own life could be connected to whole family happiness, too.