笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
今朝のラジオ、「ラブ イン アクション」という、献血を推奨するラジオ番組がある。そこでDJの山本シュウさんがこんなことを・・
This morning, I was listening to a radio show called "Love in action". They recommended that people go to blood donation.
The listener : My girlfriend is affirmative response about blood donation, but I will talk to her and will go to the blood donation campaign for our next date since I would like to help helpless people.
Advice from Mr.Yamamoto, the radio DJ: You can think that people are same as a story "The north wind and the sun". Should not try to persuade, should win people's understanding about it. That mean, do not force someone to do something, if you treat warmly and are forgiving, then she might take off the coat (open the heart).
確かに・・・ Sure....That's right..
This can be said about any usual life.
I think that it can replace many things around us.
There are many hints you can learn by a fable reading from child and still now.
What fable or story do you like since childhood. And now,what hints did you learn from it?追伸:最近体調を壊してYogaをお休みしていたのですが、先日Hiromi先生のスタジオに久々行ってきました。気持よか~。身体には堪えたけど、心はとっても軽くなった。そしたら気分もよくなって体調も回復!? やっぱり病は気から!!!Natural flowのブログに載せていただきました☆
PS:Recently, I was sick for awhile, so didn't go to yoga, but the other day, I visited Hiromi's yoga studio. It was really goood even little bit tough for me right now but I feel getting much better and then body got well, too. It reminds me that all illness comes from the mind!!
Hiromi posted about me on her studio Natural flow's blog. Thanks!
ラベル: Thinking