笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
お世話になっている有機無農薬農家ベジファーム なかやさんに相談し、協力してもらいできたもの。
This is the last bottle of basil paste (pesto) which we made and gave to guests at our wedding party on 27th Sep. 2009.
It should be long past its expiration date but I just can't open the last one.
It was supported by organic farmer Vegefarm Nakaya.私たちの思いが沢山たくさん詰まっています。その甲斐あってなのか、パーティー後からはゲストの方やそれを食べてくれたそのご家族、話を聞いた知人の方達までも”美味しかったから、作り方を教えてほしい”との声をいただいています。
The bottle has stuffed full of our hearts. Maybe that's why I got many message requesting the recipe from guests or their families or people heard about it after the party.
So this time I will tell how to make it, including a report about when we made.ベジファーム ナカヤさんの畑で育ったた~~~くさんのバジル達&にんにくもナカヤさん育ちです
This is the basil grown in Vegefarm Nakaya's field. This garlic was grown there, too.
To avoid mixing in water, it is good to spray water the day before to wash dirt from the leaves.Picking off the leaves.
*バジルペースト材料*Basil paste ingredients*
・生バジル 90g Basil leaves 90g
・オリーブオイル110~120cc Olive oil 110-120cc
・塩小さじ1,5 Salt 1.5 of teaspoon
・ニンニク 1/2片 Garlic 1/2 clove
・最後にするオイル蓋用のオイル少々 A little olive oil for covering for filling the jar
Put the all ingredients (Basil leaves, salt, garlic, olive oil) into a mixer then make paste.We prepared 130 bottles, so finally used over 16 liters of olive oil.
Pour the olive oil in to a bottle. Then, coating with rest of olive oil to avoid color change.
Normally, people also add pine nuts or parmesan cheese, but I didn't use this time because I wanted make simple basil taste since we were using fresh organic basil. Finaly we could get the full of taste of basil.
We put some of our basil paste recipe on a card, too. So we finally accorded with our hopes that we wanted to give something delicious, safe (healthy), and made from the heart to all guests.
ペースト作りから、瓶選び、ラッピング選び、レシピカード作成・・・。 仕事をしながらと、他の式の準備をしながらは、確かに時間がかかりました。
It was quite tough work, making basil paste, choosing bottles, wrapping, making recipe card..etc. But I was glad to hear some good comments and good e-mail pictures which they are eating that basil paste, so that made me feel that it wasn't such hard work if I could tell my love to them.
It is a good time to plant basil seeds now, I might try some on our balcony this year. How about if you try, too?!!?
簡単レシピ Simple recipe ideas:
*Dress with pasta or potatoes
*Mix with usual dressing or balsamic vinegar
*Spread on toasted bread
*Mix with soy sauce then sprinkle on tofu.
*Put the basil paste on toasted tofu which has been deep fried.
ラベル: Thinking, vegetarian cooking