笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
シェイ・ケイコにて「川俣 征 陶びな展」が始まりました。昨年もこの時期にブログでUPしていましたね。
The Isao Kawamata ceramic hina-dolls exhibition has started at Chez Keiko. I posted the previous exhibition last year, too. I have seen many hina dolls since I was child, and Mr. Kawamata's hina dolls are the best. Of course they are all handmade pottery so each work is different. That is why they are so special.今年も独創的に飾っていただきました。
This year too they have been creatively decorated by the artist.
The reporter TORORO-chan visited and Keiko got on the radio and introduced this exhibition.今年も初日から「待っていました」かのように、沢山のご来場。ありがたいですね。そして、お待たせいたしました。
There were many customers from day one as like "They have been waiting for today!." It was so great. And thank you so much for it.
There are new faces on lineup in the steady parade of hina-dolls. I wish many people could have a flowery and colorful hina-festival season this year, too.
Ahhh, why do I like them so much?!!☆
シェイ・ケイコにて 2011年2月20日まで開催 11:00~16:00 (火曜日定休)
陶びな 2.8万~
Chez Keiko Exhibition until 20th Feb. 2011. Open 11:00-16:00 (Close Tue)
ラベル: Chez Keiko
Last night, I had Share recipe class at SHINBI studio, which was a class to share favorite recipes with other students and I was the navigator last night. This time I introduced Vegetarian Tacos recipe which is a staple dish in our house. Also I use for our home party or bring to potluck parties or BBQs. Is it too much? Haha.今回はタコスのお肉の代わりに豆腐を使った作り方を紹介。 スパイスはタコミックスというすでに調合されたスパイスも参考に紹介しましたが、クラスではスパイスを混ぜて作りましたよ。
This taco uses tofu instead of meat. You can find taco-mix powder (already mixed spices) in the store so I introduce them for reference but this time, we made from mixing each spices.
Just 'Chop'&'Mix', easy recipe.
Taco タコス:
もめん豆腐 1丁 Tofu(hard tofu)
たまねぎ Onion 1個
人参 他好みの野菜等 適当 Carrots (vegetables anything you like) as you like.
シーズニング:パプリカ・チリパウダー・クミン・ナツメグ・コリアンダー・塩 胡椒 大さじ1~2 (又は市販のシーズニングミックスを使ってもOK)
Seasoning: paprika, chili-powder, cumin, nutmeg, cilantro, salt, pepper. Table spoon. 1~2 or you can find taco-mix powder in store.
Stir fry the tofu and oil in a frying-pan, add chopped vegetables and seasoning then fry for 20min. When the liquid is gone, it's ready.
Salsa sauceサルサ:
トマト Tomato
セロリ Celery
ホットソース(タバスコ等)Hot sauce (Tabasco, etc.)
コリアンダー Cilantro
レモン汁 Lemon juice
塩 Salt
Mix, 1cm dice cut tomato, chopped vegetables, hot sauce, chopped cilantro, lemon juice, salt. that's it!
Guacamole ワッカモーレ:
アボガド Avocado
レモン汁 Lemon juice
塩 Salt
たまねぎ Onion
オリーブオイル Olive oil
好みでトマト、コリアンダー Tomato, cilantro
Mix, mashed avocado, lemon juice, salt, chopped onion, olive oil, chopped tomato, cilantro (as you like).
Tortilla トルティーヤ (市販でもOK or commercially available tortilla ):
強力粉またはトウモロコシ粉 flour or cornflour 200g
塩 ひとつまみ pinch of salt
オリーブオイル 大さじ1 Olive oil 1 tablespoon
ぬるま湯 大さじ7 warm water 7table spoon
Put salt and olive oil in the warm water then add flour and mix them. Leave over 30min. Roll out dough to form a 10cm circle and bake on both sides until lightly colored.今回参加していただいた皆さんは、レシピを増やしたい方や、ベジ料理に興味ある方など。楽しくわいわい作らせていただきました。
The participants joined to learn a new recipe, interested in vegetarian recipes and more. We had a good time together. During the class, I thought 'Is it too spicy?!?', they said 'This is alright! and good'... it was sweet words and touching scene for me...haha
So I finished my first cooking teaching class safely?. I was a little tensed but enjoyed a lot!!! I missed chances to take pictures with participants, but took with Mai (SHINBI manager) she tried the taco, too.
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
昨日は友達のアツちゃんがシェイ・ケイコにてスクラップブッキングのクラスを催しました。 ほとんどの参加の方は始めての方なので ”どんな~~?” みたいな。。
Yesterday I participated in a scrapbooking class at Chez Keiko taught by my friend Atsuko. Most participants are trying for the first time, so they seem just curious at first...
ママのケイコも楽しそう!! 私のママはずっとワーキングマザーですので忙しさもあり、写真整理は苦手。 私の子供の頃の写真もアルバムに貼っているものと貼っていないものと。。この機会にいろいろ作ってほしいものです(笑)They show pictures to each other, hands are working while having a chat but also doing seriously. My mum also seems to be having fun! My mum, she is a working mother most of her life and busy so I think she is not god at organizing pictures. Sometimes my childhood pictures are found in albums but most are not. So hopefully she might have a chance to make some albums this time.
先生のアツちゃんと、アシスタントのヨウ子ちゃんが丁寧に教えてくれるので、短時間でとーーーってもステキな物が仕上がりました。 終わった後はケーキ&ティータイム。
Every one made very nice work even in the short time since the teacher Atsuko and her assistant Yoko take care of them well.
作りながら沢山思い出しました。楽しかったぁ。写真が沢山あるので、これから数ページ増やしていくつもり。HGEDの分も作らなきゃ。。。 Enjoy life!コメントも書いていくので思いが残せます。こんな写真載せても、私のライディングの下手さに皆さん驚かれるでしょうが・・(笑)でも、泥んこになって転ぶのも、悔しいけど楽しいんです!
This time I made one page of my album. My off-road bike event memories. It reminds me of many fun memories. I have a lot of pictures of it so will make some more pages. Oh, yah, I have to make memories of HGED, too. Enjoy life!! We put comments on the pages so it leaves with many pleasant memories. You might be surprised how I am not good at riding even showing this picture, but I like it and it was fun to get muddy! Haha!参加の皆さんからも好評でしたので、これからシェイ・ケイコにて定期的に続けていくことになりました。思い出を残したい方のご参加をお待ちしていますね☆
Participants had fun so they might continue to do at Chez Keiko. If you are interested why don't you try?!
ラベル: Chez Keiko, Motorcycle
Eating in the States!
We can't forget to have Mexican food there.
My husband used to live in New Mexico so he loves Mexican food.
私達は宇都宮でメキシカンを存分に楽しめるお店も知らないので、里帰り中の楽しみになります。Also, we don't know any good Mexican restaurants in Utsunomiya, so we are very excited to have it while go back to his home in America.
I had this big plate,,,, sorry I forget the name...
おっ、大好きなチョルーラソースもありましたよ~ これは日本のキッチンでも愛用中。
Oh, I found my favorite 'Cholula sauce' in a restaurant. This we use at home in Japan.
This is a burrito
ということで、25日に私がSHINBIで担当するシェアレシピクラス(生徒が1レッスン担当してお料理レシピを紹介するレッスン)簡単ベジタリアン・タコスにしようと思います☆ 我が家の夕飯にもなったり、パーティーレシピにも登場する万能レシピです。
So, I decided what I am going to introduce for Share recipe class at SHINBI on the 25th of this month (Cooking lesson). Easy vegetarian Tacos. This recipe is a very useful recipe as sometimes I make for our house dinner parties. People who already applied for the class, lets have fun together!ニューメキシコのレストランで見つけた可愛いメキシコの飾り
This is a pretty Mexican decoration in a restaurant in New Mexico.
ラベル: Colorado, Travel, vegetarian cooking
While I was in the States, I noticed differences in the taste of vegetables even though they seemed like the same kind. Lately, we have been taking delivery vegetables from the same farm (Organic vegetable farm Nakaya).
I enjoyed and felt like the vegetables in the States were safe because they have a good collection and reasonable prices for organic vegetables in supermarkets... but I realized that vegetables from Vege farm Nakaya are so tasty!. It is concentrated vegetable taste!
たっぷりサラダ、野菜の美味しさを塩蒸しでぎゅうっと閉じ込めた野菜蒸し、相性抜群の酢飯焼きおにぎり、そしてスープ。 ベジタリアンの方も安心して楽しめるランチです。
Now, we can enjoy Vegefarm Nakaya's vegetables at Yujistu cafe. The cafe have been using the vegetables from Nakaya, but this time, my long-sought 'Veggie plate lunch' is on the menu from this this week!
Salad, steamed veggies whose flavor is preserved by salt rub, paired wonderfully with roasted vinegared rice balls, and soup. This is an enjoyable menu item for vegetarian people.
この酢飯焼きおにぎり、以前このブログで紹介した’鮨 いけだ’さんのすし飯を使用。
This roasted vinegared rice ball, is made from sushi-rice from 'Sushi-Ikeda' which I introduced on this blog before. The sushi-rice by Ikeda made with red-rice vinegar and salt instead of sugar brings out the natural sweetness in the rice. This deliciously-browned baked rice is a good match with vegetables.
きっと誰よりもMeがこのメニューの登場を喜んでるのではないか・・ 大好きなベジファームナカヤの野菜&カフェのベジメニュー♪♪
It must be that I'm the happiest of anyone to see this appear on the menu. My favorite farm vegetables at the cafe.
You might want to check the appetizers menu if you are vegetarian because they change it every day.
悠日カフェ ランチタイム 11:30-14:00
Yujistu cafe lunch
ラベル: Shop, vegetarian cooking
Since I came back to Japan. I've been enjoying the return to my everyday life. My home, meeting my family and friends in Japan.. Usual time and usual talk, or thinking about New Year's goals, etc. But, of course it is not all sweet. The things came back to me which I was anxious or worried about.
新たな悩みは、新たなチャンスです。 そして良い点といえば、以前持っていた悩みがチッポケに見えてくる。自分が成長してるのかな。。って思えます(笑)なんてオプティミスティックなMe(笑)。
So, think about how I deal with it since now we got New Year. I should stop obsessing about them so long. It makes me feel like a lonely person.
New problems are new chances. Also, a good thing is that they make my problems appear tiny.
And I feel certain that ' I can feel that I'm growing. Ahhh, how optimistic I am! Haha.
This is a very important experience for me in the future.
There are so many unreasonable things in usual life. That is a chance to teach myself. So that nobody is going to have this feeling. If there is someone with me, not them, not me.
If I feel something bitter, that is showing my imperturbable mind. Rippling waves in the mind. It is a message for me to be grown up, not keeping rippling waves but a calm, aqueous surface.
Haaa, I've been feeling like an adult but I still need to grow and learn forever. It must be fun! I'll keep enjoying growth even as an old lady!! Thank you for reading.
ラベル: Thinking
We said goodbye to family in Colorado then flew 3 hours to Seattle and stayed in a friends house. Next morning, went to Portland in Oregon 3 hours by train.アメリカで電車に乗るのも、ポートランドに来るのも初めて。旦那さまの別の友人に会いに来きました。路面電車のMAXが通っていたり、新しいビルと古い建物が混在している街。川辺の公園も広くて気持ちよさそう。。夏になると沢山の人が集まってくるそうです。
It was my first visit in Portland and my first US train ride. It was to meet my husband's friends. The light Rail MAX runs past new and old buildings which are mixed in the town. A nice and big park at the river side. They said that many people come and visit there in the summer.
旦那さまが久々の友人とのおしゃべりを楽しんでいる間、私はご近所散策。ポートランドは州税(消費税)がかからないのでお得感アリアリです。 アンティークショップを何店か覗いてみましたよ。
While my husband enjoyed chatting with friends, I went around the neighborhood. Since there's no sales tax in Oregon, feel like there are great values! I stopped at some antique stores.そして翌日にまたシアトルに戻りました。 以前も来た時がありますが、今回冬のシアトル、海からの風が冷たい~~。 でも大好きな友人夫婦に会って、沢山おしゃべりして帰ってきましたよ。
Next day, we went back to Seattle. I've been to Seattle before but enjoyed the winter season this time, and there was a chilly wind coming from the sea. We are good friends with a married couple here and enjoyed with them a lot.
So, that's it. We came back to Japan. I feel that I could refresh my self ☆
Thanks to my husband, his family, and friends. And my family, Kuro-chan, my co-worker, Thank you very much! I will continue posting some things about my American life (food?).
On the way to Taos, we were driving up a steep hill on a highway, when suddenly a wide view spread of earth appeared in front of us. I gave an involuntary cry because it created the illusion of falling. It was the Rio Grande river from part of south Rocky Mountains going through to Gulf of the Mexico. We wanted to see it again so went to the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge the next day. Height about 200m from the river. It is an indefinable view so I can just put some pictures.それからコロラドへの家路に向かいます。
Then we went back to Colorado. We saw a different sunset than when we came. Grey, light-blue, navy-blue, pink, purple sky at on the way of Cimmaron.
ラベル: Travel
サンタフェを訪れた翌日は、近郊の街を廻ってみます。まずはキャメルロックを通過 します。ほんと、ラクダ。。。
Next day of visiting Santa Fe. We went to a surrounding neighbor town. At first, we visited Camel Rock. Yah, it looks like a camel.車で1時間程の 北のタオスの街へ。ネイティブ・アメリカン、プ エブロ部族の古代集落を訪れました。そしてここはアメリカになるもっとずっと昔から(1000年)も前から彼ら達が定住している集合住宅です。 1992年には世界遺産に登録されています。現在も150人程度が居住しています。
Then we drove up north for 1 hour by car to go Taos, where there is an ancient settlement of a Native American tribe of Pueblo people. The ancient ruins in the Taos Valley indicate that people lived here nearly 1000 years ago so it is a long time before the United States. This has been a world heritage site since 1992. Approximately 150 people live within the Pueblo full time.
ツーリストは村 への入場料を払い、またマナーやルールを守って入所することを徹底されます。それはそうですよね。もし自分が住む側の方だったら・・・と考えると。。現在 も生活水と重要な川、リオプエブロで二分されている小さな村に、多くのツーリスト(知らない土地の)人間が自分たちの街を徘徊するのですから。。。ツー リスト相手の商いで暮らす人もいます。中には重要な収入源であるお土産屋さんや、インディアン・ジュエリー、ビスケット屋など。。
Tourists are required to pay an entrance fee for the pueblo village and follow the rules. I do see the point. If I lived there..... The village is divided by a small stream, the Rio Pueblo, their sole source of drinking water. Many tourists visit and walk around... The tourist trade, arts, traditional crafts and food concessions are important employment sources at the Pueblo.雪を被っていま すがアドビレンガで造られたかまどで、現在もパンを焼いたり、日常で使用しています。
This is an oven made with adobe brick, people still use it for baking.
出会ったネイティブ・アメリカンの方達は親 切で、温かい方達でした。そして自分や家族の誇りを大切にしていました。そして自分達のつくったものに対して。。 素敵でした。
The Native Americans I met were kind and warm to us. They are proud of themselves and their family. Also for their art, too. It is beautiful.
タオ ス・プエブロの訪問は考えさせられる出来事でした。ネイティブアメリカンと、メキシコ、スペイン人や西部開拓者との歴史、そして他の面で例えるのであれ ば、彼らの生活必需品から、土産産業から芸術への発展。歴史が折り重なっています。アメリカというと、400年の歴史ですが、彼らはそのずっと以前からこ の地に存在し、歴史を築いてきたのです。
The visiting of Taos pueblo was thought-provoking for me. Native Americans, people from Mexico, Spain and pioneers of the West. Also it could be said on the other side, development of things from their essentials for life to tourist trade and art industry. The overlapping of various histories. American history is about 400 years, but their history has existed in this place since long before.以前大切な友人 へプレゼントした’今 日は死ぬのにもってこいの日(Many winters 沢山の冬)’という本があります。ネイティブ・インディアンの詩を綴った本です。なぜそ れを選んだのかは自分でもわかりません。読んだこともなかったのに、本屋さんでずっと気になっていたのです。それをちょうど半年前に借りて自分でも読んで みたのですが、その内容がずっと心に引っかかっていました。そして今、ブログ書きながら調べてみたら、その中の詩はタオス・プエブロの人によって書かれた ものでした。今回の訪問は数日前になんとなく決定しただけだったので、偶然が偶然と重なりました。本に呼ばれたかのようです。それから去年、ある女性に自 分の相談をしたら、ネイティブ・インディアンの話を聞かされたことも。。そして私の一番好きな色はターコイズブルー(笑)。いろんなことが重なっていま す。これも小さな私の歴史ですね。
I have a book which I present to my good friend called 'Many Winters' by Nancy Wood and Frank Howell. It is about Native American poetry. I still don't know why I chose that book. It caught my attention since I saw it in the book store even though I have no idea what was written. Then I borrowed the book and read 6 months ago by chance and it stuck in my mind. I searched about the details of the content of the book while I am writing this blog and found out that the poem is from people of Taos Pueblo. This visit was just decided by chance some days ago, so it rests on a number of chance events. I feel strange that it seems I was called by the book. Furthermore, last year, one lady told me about Native Indian stories. And, my favorite color is turquoise blue, haha! Many things come. This becomes also my small history with them.
From Colorado springs, drove down on the route 25, 6 hours by car to New Mexico. The view is spectacular! We weren't feeling uncomfortable with 6 hours drive. Oh, yah, driver is my husband...anyway, I always drive in Japan so I can excuse for sometimes..
サンタフェの街に入りました。が、リエちゃんのおヘソは見れません。。一番の印象は「芸術と歴史の街」。街中にはギャラリーや美術館が多いことに驚き・・・。それもそのはず、全米でNYについで2番目に芸術産業を誇る街だそうです。We arrived in Santa-Fe. My biggest impression is 'Town of art and history.' I was surprised how many art galleries there are in town.... This is no wonder since the town boasts 2nd art industry of America next to NY.
You will see adobe buildings everywhere in town. It is a kind of architectural style using clay and straw. There are picturesque views around.
We visited 'San Miguel mission', the oldest church in America built in 1626.奇跡の階段と呼ばれる360度の螺旋階段を持つ(釘も使っていないそうです)ロレットチャペル
At Loretto Chapel there is a helical stairway called 'Miraculous Staircase' with two 360-degree turns and no apparent means of support.ネイティブ・アメリカン、スペインやメキシコ文化、カウボーイの街としても知られています。
I had quiet days for New years day and New years eve because of the snow. It is good for me since I'm not staying in the house all the time. haha
Also, I helped father shovel the snow and talked with new friends...猫のカリー(Cully)とタケット(Tucket)。お兄ちゃんのカリーはのんびりしているけれどちょっとクール。タケットはまん丸可愛い目で甘えん坊。2匹とも
Cats Cully and Tucket. Older brother Cully is easygoing but a little bit cool. Tucket is baby boy with almond eyes. They are walking around the house in Mama's shadow.
庭には毎日こんな新しい友達が来ます。Friends....リス Squirrels
ハト Culver
ハウスフィンチ(メキシコマスコ) House finch birds
It is fun to see from the window.
Now, we are heading 6 hours drive to Santa Fe, with Mum's handmade cookies on the seat.
ラベル: Colorado