笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
いよいよ明日から待ちに待っていたキリム・ペルシャ展 at シェイ・ケイコです。
Uhhhm. It is time to work for me... haha
Finally, we are going to hold Kilim & Persian carpet exhibition at Chez Keiko. This is the event I've been waiting for. We brought in and set up today. We have to have power because there are so many carpets.そして今年は助っ人も参上。1歳9カ月の瑛ちゃん。ちゃんと「ヨイショ、ヨイショ」って絨毯を運ぶのを手伝ってくれたり、掃除機だってちゃんとテーブルの下までお掃除してくれるんです。
Also, we got help this year. Ei-chan 1 year and 9 months old boy. He helped a lot for as saying oops-a-daisy with us. Although he cleans up with vacuum, even under the table.
He gets hi-tension and frolics on the carpets when we roll them out. That is the son of a carpet shop.
His mum is one of my good friends. I met her when I was in England. She talked with me and was kind when I was whining since I was just started to live in London for first time abroad to study.
She taught me many things when we went to museums since she was studying hard at an antique art school in a famous auction company in London at that time. Now, she goes to Iran for selecting carpets with her reliable eyes for purchasing and becomes a definitive carpets seller.だから彼女の話を聞きたくて、毎年沢山のお客様がこの企画展を楽しみにしていらっしゃてくれます。本当にありがたい。
That why many customers come and enjoy this exhibition every year for listening to her talk.
The exhibition will be held from tomorrow 14th until 18th. I will turn over carpets during the exhibition days although I enjoy doing it. I expect to be there every day except Monday.
Well, we are mostly done for preparation for the exhibition this year. Why don't you come and enjoy hot yummy coffee and warm carpets with us!!
シェイ・ケイコ Chez Keiko
キリム&ペルシャ展 Kilim & Persian carpet exhibition
2011.10.14(Fri) - 10. 18(Tue)
ラベル: Chez Keiko