笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
今日は新居の様子を見に行ってみました。 ここちらが玄関の軒先電灯。
We have decided to move house at the end of this month.
We went to the new house for just checking today. This is the entrance light.
Actually, the new house was built over 80 years ago. Yes, veeeeery old!. But, we found that we like, so it was no choice. haha
We were concerned about the tatami mats (straw mat). Most of rooms are tatami mats. We don't have any knowledge about tatami, so we were worried that 'do we have to change all of them? or change the outside covers?' but we can't pay so much money on tatami... We decided to ask to tatami shop. I searched for reliable tatami shop and asked, then a tatami shop man came to the house and checked the tatami mats for us. During that time, I was waiting for his diagnostic and was nervous about how much the quotation going to be.そこで畳屋さんから出た言葉。「いや~、この畳。手を加えなくて良いと思います。」
Then, he said "Uuuummm, I don't think you need work on these tatami"
Me: 「えっ?古くないのですか?」
" What?!? Are they not old?
「かなりの年数が経っているのでやはり老朽化はしています。ですが状態も良いし、品物が最高級の畳で作られていますね。勿論取り替えもできますが、これと同じものにするとなると、かなりの金額にもなります。それよりも、表面の傷みも少ないし、まだ大切に使えます。なんといっても、今では見られない、手縫いのものなんです。博物館級です(笑) 大切に使われてきたから、もう少し使ってみましょう。畳下の床板も、家の保存状態も良いですね。」写真は手縫いの裏面。
'Yes, they are very old and of course getting run down, but conditions are good and made with high quality straw. Of-course you can change new, too, and will be good. But it will be a high cost if you want to have same quality with now. Rather they could use with good care since they haven't had big damages. And like I said, these are made by hand so these are not common now. It is like a museum piece. How about to use for a while and will see, since they have been cared well. Although flooring under the tatami mat, they seems fine since the house is well preserved." Picture of the back of tatami, you can see it is hand made.
あららら・・・。博物館級? ooh-la-la...like a museum piece?!
So, finally we decided that the tatami will have just treatment for protection from insects and cleaning.
I feel like I was relieved or something and surprised at the unexpected development.
How conscientious and well-knowledge the tatami shop man. I probably worry or paid money if he said ' These are very old and you should change all of them immediately!' because of we have no-idea about tatami-mats and how to care of them.
So I was relieved to have met this tatami shop man. Actually, his name-card inscribed with the title, tatami-doctor, first-class technicians and career of highest award at national title.
It was helpful and a warm day with tatamis and the tatami shop man.
ラベル: house