笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
I couldn't update for a few days.
I had busy days recently... I got called here and there. It is appreciated.
The other day, I got work with Moto GP (Road Racing World Championship Grand Prix). It had been planned for last April but postponed to October because of the earthquake. It was feared to hold the race in Japan but finally was led to convening by ambitions and effort of many participants.
There were many flags showing "Gambaro Nippon"(meaning encouragement for Japan), sending substantial amounts of donations from Dorna, although it becomes proof that Motegi is able to invite riders and guests from around the world. The race makes me deeply concerned this time with emotion.今年は、MotoGPを運営しているドルナ社(スペイン)との通訳の仕事。スペイン訛りに怯みましたが(私の能力がタリナイ?笑)、ドルナ社の方、皆さん陽気で親切なジェントルマン、楽しくお仕事させていただきました。出会いに感謝。
This year, I worked for Dorna company as an interpreter. I was slightly troubled by the Spanish accent at first but I enjoyed working with people from Dorna. Warm, cheery gentlemen! I'm grateful for meeting them. Thank you.
ラベル: Motorcycle