笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
So, we went to Nikko with our lunch boxes, and hiked there where the leaves are just beginning to turn red.
旦那さまと日本に滞在中の友達ブライアン君を誘って。 湯元~戦場ヶ原近辺。言葉よりも写真で語れるかな。
My husband and I took Bryan with us, he is staying in Japan for these days.
Nikko Yumoto-Senjougahara. Maybe I can tell the story with beautiful pictures better than words.やっぱりいつものこの距離・・・縮まらず。
Yah, always have distance like this... as I suspected.温泉の源泉、初めて見ました。湯気が出ています。もちろん帰りは温泉でまったり。
This is first time for me to see a source of hot springs. You can see the steam. Smell of sulfur is hanging in the air. Of course we enjoyed hot springs for relaxing time.普段家族や友達が離れている旦那さまにとっては、こうして友人と会えることが、とても嬉しそうです。ブライアン君は私にとっても大切な友人。上海を拠点にしながら、世界をまたにかけて仕事をする彼の話は知的で聞いていて楽しい。またすぐ会おうね☆
Seems like my husband is having a good time with friends since my husband is living far from his family and other good friends. Also Brian is a good friend of mine, too. It is interesting and enjoying to listen to his intellectual story since he is traveling all over the world with his business based in Shanghai. Thanks and see you soon!!