笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
I had the day off, and my husband also had so this was first time in ages.
I asked him "So, will you invite me for a date? Because we haven't gone in so long"
He usually doesn't pick the date place for us.
On the day, he picked to go to Kawarazuka -kofun (ancient burial mound) in Nagaoka of Utsunomiya-city. (Is he Indiana Jones?!) We went by bicycle and took a short hike.さてさて、サイクリングは嫌いではありませんし・・・数年前に買ってもらったLouis Garneau を走らせましょ。
So, I like cycling.... also I can take my Louis Garneau bicycle which I got from my husband a few years ago.
The cycling course he found recently in that neighborhood. The cycling route started beside the road next to a supermarket and quiet residential area and continue to up to the north. The road was easy to ride.
Can you find him?
We always have distance like this..
Is this a date?そして瓦塚古墳入口。ここ近辺では一番大きいそうです。サイトをみつけました→ココ
Here is the entrance of Kawarazuka -kofun(ancient burial mound) which is the biggest kofun around this area. I found a site→here日差しが強い日でしたが、グリーンのドームに包まれている心良い森林浴。のんびりの午後。
The day was strong sunshine but I was feeling comfortable in the forest. It was like being surrounded by a green dome. It was a restful afternoon. Glad to come.
ラベル: Family