笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
The other day, I made green and yellow vegetable bagel sandwiches.
・フレッシュトマト Sliced fresh tomato
・スライス人参 Sliced carrot
・厚揚げの照り焼き Deep fried tofu teriyaki
・マッシュルームソテー Fried mushrooms
・ほうれん草のソテー(隠し味にカレースパイスを少し) Fried spinach with a little bit of curry spice
This is can be a powerful lunch!!
Yesterday, I went to Tokyo so I stopped by Japan folk craft museum (Mingei kan). 民芸運動を創始した、柳宗悦(インダストリアルデザイナー柳宗理さんの父)によって、1936年に設立され、現在は伝統工芸品や収蔵品を展示する美術館です。
The museum was established in 1936 by Yanagi Sōetsu (father of industrial designer Yanagi sori), the founder of the mingei movement and now the museum exhibits traditional crafts and collections.
中に入ると、無名の陶工達が作ったスリップウェアに魅せられ、その美しさを広く、民芸運動の牽引役の一つとして紹介していった、民芸運動の当時のエネルギーを感じることができます。 バーナードリーチの作品やアメリカン・スリップウェアも観ることができました。
I visited there because I wanted to see the exhibition held now 'Slipware and Western Craft works'. There you can feel the energy at the time of 'Mingei movement'. The beauty of slipwear work which was made by obscure potters is spellbinding, and are introduced as an engine of the movement. I could see some ceramic works by Bernard Leach and some American slipwear works.
Also I could meet European pottery which was new for me. I wish I could explain this impression well.
また、銀座にある知人の古美術ギャラリーも訪ねてみました。 初めて訪ねたのですが、とても素敵なギャラリーでした。 本も出版し、憧れの女性です。
Then , I stopped at an antique gallery in Ginza in Tokyo. I have met the owner lady before. But this is my first visit to her gallery. Very beautiful gallery and she published books about Japanese antiques recently. I like her books very much.
ラベル: Art
ハッとすると、疲れた顔をしていないか気になる時もあります。 疲れているというよりは、楽しんでいたり、学んでいるという実感が強いです。
I've been having busy days for preparation for my shop. It is like a physical capacity challenge? or a race against time?
Sometimes I'm frightened to think about if I have a tired look. But actually I feel that I'm enjoying and learning more than exhausted.
But, it was my husband's birthday the other day. I felt very sorry for him because I couldn't do anything because of my situation now. And he says " you don't have to worry" because he understands that I'm busy getting prepared for the shop.
そんな中、兄をはじめ、くろちゃん、両親が誕生日パーティーを開いてくれました。 プレゼントまで用意してくれて。。。 私がしてあげられなかった分、本当にありがたかった。 なぜか私の方がウルウルしてしまった。 もちろん旦那さまも大喜び。 家族が支えてくれてました。
In this situation, my brother, Kuro-chan, and my parents planned a birthday party for my husband!! There were presents, too. I was so pleased since I couldn't do anything. I almost cried even though it was my husband's birthday party. Of-course he also seems happy. I was supported by family.
Thank you very very much!!
We sang together at the restaurant and in the car on the way home. I think everyone has no ear for music.
This is the first appearance of my dad and happy husband and my brother.
ラベル: Family
自分からコンタクトをとるのは勿論、人づてに紹介いただいたり・・・今までにないくらいの数の出逢い。そしてFace bookも始めてみた。 FBでは、友達を増やしたいと思った事も否めない。
Recent days, I have been increasing the number of encounters since when I decided to start my own business. Of course I make contact and also am introduced by people. It is first time for me to have so many encounters. And another thing is that I started facebook, too. It's undeniable that I wanted to gain friends on FB.今回、自分の仕事のスタートともあって、一生懸命に、出逢う事に夢中になりすぎている自分もいた。
This time, I'm trying hard and wrapped up doing for my job just starting. That means sometimes people could miss something around, too.
So, I almost realized...bring myself up short to "what I want to do?"
”自分のまわりに利害関係抜きのピュアなつながりをたくさん作ってみてください。計算ではなく、ただ、純粋に楽しさを共有できる仲間を大切にしてください。 それが本当の意味の”人脈”だと思います。”
That time I found a book written by Kundo Oyama (tsunagarugijutsu). There are some words which explain well what I was thinking about.
"Never forget your first objective and the grass roots."
"Make many connections with people around you with pure mind and without stakes. Take care of your friends who can just share fun purely and without calculation. That is a 'personal connection' in the true sense of the term." (my translation)
I wish the many encounters will become friends and we can have fun together.
This time, I did some filing away with machine and varnishing to make the top of a shelf.結構良い建材が廃材となっていたので、再利用です。
I can reuse some scrap wood which are still useful and good quality.
床柱をそのまま切って、棚の脚にします。 削ったり、塗ったりの手間が省けてGood!
Also I just cut alcove posts for legs of the shelf. It is good because it saves me the trouble of shaving and varnishing.
OK, almost done!!? hopefully..
ラベル: hanna
I got shop cards for the shop I'm opening from next month.☆並んで置いておいても、目をひけるように赤でちょっと目立つ感じに。
I used red color for up-front design with eye-catching even though lined it up by another shop card.
写真も自分で撮りました。 キレイだねって褒めてもらえて調子にのってルンルン♪です。
Also I took the flower picture myself. So I was praised and got carried away since my friends said that is a beautiful card.
Today, I got a phone call from an artist, he said "Is not the street name wrong on the map?"
Wooo... It says "Heisei-street" even though it is "South main street"!!.
ガガガーーーーン・・・ チーーーーーン
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooops... Oh, my...
またもややってしまいました。2000枚。 どうすんだ・・・
I did once again!! 2000 cards ! What the hell am I going to do!!
Actually I can't complain to the printing company since this is my mistake.
So I' ll start a moonlight job with a white maker-pen as I did for new years cards the end of last year.ということで、めでたく?SHOPカードができて、訂正したものから(笑)各所に配りますので、見かけたら手にとってみてください。
So, anyway, I got shop card fortunately? for my shop!! I will hand out the card around town after I finish correcting them. haha. If you see them somewhere, please take it with you! You can check my lovely white marker!
Asuco, never give-up!!
ラベル: hanna
嬉しい。だって、今朝、先日開けていたワインのボトルを片付けながら「あ~ワイン買いに行こう」と思っていたばかり。。 願えば与えられる?(笑)
Today, my friend Atsuko visited my house. And she brought a wine bottle. haha~
So happy! Because this morning, I was doing clearing out empty wine bottles and thinking to get another bottle of wine. So, can be received by wishing?!また、以前職場でお世話になっていたお友達も一緒に遊びにきてくれて、殿方二人から、お花を・・
Also, friends from a previous job came together and they brought a flower bouquet for me.
I'm so glad to get flowers from nice handsome guys for all time.
Thank you!
あ~今日は嬉しい気分で眠れる・・・ いい夢みるよ。
uuuuummm, I will dream good tonight.
I've started making store fixtures (display shelves) for my shop opening next month.
Store fixtures are quite expensive and difficult to find a nice fit for the space if I want to buy.とういうことで、知人の作業場を借りて、作成にとりかかりました。
So, I borrowed a work space from an acquaintance and started making.
This is time I was looking forward to.
ラベル: hanna
昨夜は餃子。 我が家ではベジ餃子です。
Last night, we made vegetarian gyoza (dumplings) for dinner.
My husband likes gyoza, too.
Now he has improved his gyoza wrapping technique since he is living in Utsunomiya city for 9 years. (Utsunomiya City boasts the largest gyoza consumption in the country) Also, now he makes an excuse to say 'the skin was too thin!' when he couldn't make well.この形は本人いわく”ドラ餃子”だそうです。
He made a strange sharp one and named 'dora-gyoza".
Now he says such shape is like "dorayaki" instead of UFO or others since he is living in Japan for 10 years.
He ate that with a satisfied look.
This time, for gyoza ingredients I used minced soy meat, dried shiitake, Chinese cabbage, Chinese chives, garlic, ginger, red pepper paste, starch, sesame oil and a little bit of soy sauce.二人分で40個。 はい食べ過ぎです。
40 gyoza for 2 of us! Yes, we ate too much. The blue cup is from my parents-in-law in the states. I like it and it is good for enjoying imo-shochu (a distilled spirit).
ちなみに写真にもある、この時期部屋の中でもニット帽をかぶっている旦那さま。 寝る時は違う帽子に着替えます。
Anyway, he (my husband) wears a knit cap in the house during this season (winter). He changes to another knit cap before bed.
Today was Kintsugi class at my house for the first time this year.皆さんは、気に入って使っている器やグラスが欠たり、ヒ ビが入ってしまった時どうしていますか?
そしてまた、大切に使い続けていくことができます。ワ シントンポストでの記事。
What would you do if your dishes or glasses got a chip or crack. Do you throw them out? Or just continue to use them because you like them?
There are special traditional treatment skills for them in Japan. It is called 'Kintsugi'.
It is a kind of ceramic mending by maki-e technique using Japanese lacquer and gold or silver powder. Then you can use for years to come.
Washington post article about Kintsugi
I've been ordering 'kintsugi' for several dishes. They are nice pieces, and also dishes for daily use. Now, I lend a room for the class in my house from the end of year.私も1生徒として勉強を始めました♪。技術がわかれば、今後自分で直せるようにしていきたいからです。
今自分で直しているのは、震災で縁の部分が欠けてしまったお茶碗と、ニューメキシコで買った器。どちらも気に入っていた器なので、早くまた使えるようにしたいものです。 頑張るぞ!And I also start taking the class with them, because I want to be able to mend my dishes myself if I learn how to do it. Now I try to mend a cup which got chipped on the edge by the earthquake and a dish which I got in New Mexico. I love both of them so I'm looking forward to using them again.
金継ぎ教室は月に2回(隔週日曜午前中) 今のところ若干の空きはあるようです。
講師は今井隆文さん 丁寧で楽しい先生です。
Kintsugi class is 2 times in a month. There are small vacancies for the class.
The teacher is Mr. Takafumi Imai. He is nice!
ラベル: hanna
What my goals for this new year are.
There are many. Yes, I'm greedy.
One of them is "maintain balance"
Of course it is important to keep your body balanced by practicing yoga.
But, what I am especially thinking of for this year is "life-balance"
People tend to focus a lot on things that are in front of them since they've spent time with a flurry of activity everyday. At such times, people focus especially on their own self and could be careless or lack talking to other people without even noticing. So you might need a lot of attention. Recently, I learned by seeing people also regret myself, too.
Work, eat, play, learn.
I want to maintain balance, not be rushed and control myself moderately. Then I might able to have room to breathe and I can think about others. Then, I'll be able to care or talk to people.
This 'means of maintaining balance' can be related to creating favorable environments for own self and others.今日は1月7日。 七草粥を作りました。
Today was January 7th. I made "Nanakusa-kayu".
I love such traditional style of Japanese culture which has consanguinity of nature's four seasons and food.
Happy New Year!!!
I would like to talk about my New Year's resolution but before that, I will post some pictures of what I made for new year's days because I like to talk about wealth of food things in this blog this year, too. I couldn't make traditional New Year's food(Osechi) so I may try next year?...
Also, I like to show to my brother that I did cook some! Because he complained and kidding me since I wasn't doing anything and just eating or drinking when I go back to parents' house for 1 day in new years.
今回は料理本を参考にしているのがほとんどなので、レシピは割愛しておきます。気になる方は聞いてくださいね☆ お教えします。
This time, most of the cooking is referred to in cookbooks so I won't explain here. If you want to know how to make them, let me know, I can tell you then.
Mozuku (seaweed) with vinegar sauce
(Mixed with kiku flower, ground apple and yuzu (citrus))
★お正月なので八つ頭の煮物 ゆずの皮をちらして
steamed potato (one of traditional Japanese New Year's food)
★紅白膾 Red-white vegetable pickled in sweetened vinegar with yuzu flavor. (Namasu)
Fried ring-wheat gluten(Fu) steamed with tomato sauce
Sushi-rice (vinegar from plums) with fried tofu, cucumber and kiku flowers
Burdock roots mixed with soybean flour paste (lemon juice, garlic and soy sauce)
Steamed rolled yuba (soybean skin) with tofu paste, vegetables and black sesame paste served with sticky sauce
They loved ! Lotus root deep fried with almond slices and deep fried polypore mushrooms with batter which is mixed with ground Japanese yam and aonori(green seaweed).
Ozoni with black rice mochi (soup: carrot, turnip, green leaf, mushroom, lily bulb, yuzu, soba-sprout)
This is kurikinton (sweet chestnuts) which was made by friend Maho-chan!!
So, as I just showed, I will go on with a simple (easy!) cooking for this 2012, too!