笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
I got shop cards for the shop I'm opening from next month.☆並んで置いておいても、目をひけるように赤でちょっと目立つ感じに。
I used red color for up-front design with eye-catching even though lined it up by another shop card.
写真も自分で撮りました。 キレイだねって褒めてもらえて調子にのってルンルン♪です。
Also I took the flower picture myself. So I was praised and got carried away since my friends said that is a beautiful card.
Today, I got a phone call from an artist, he said "Is not the street name wrong on the map?"
Wooo... It says "Heisei-street" even though it is "South main street"!!.
ガガガーーーーン・・・ チーーーーーン
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooops... Oh, my...
またもややってしまいました。2000枚。 どうすんだ・・・
I did once again!! 2000 cards ! What the hell am I going to do!!
Actually I can't complain to the printing company since this is my mistake.
So I' ll start a moonlight job with a white maker-pen as I did for new years cards the end of last year.ということで、めでたく?SHOPカードができて、訂正したものから(笑)各所に配りますので、見かけたら手にとってみてください。
So, anyway, I got shop card fortunately? for my shop!! I will hand out the card around town after I finish correcting them. haha. If you see them somewhere, please take it with you! You can check my lovely white marker!
Asuco, never give-up!!
ラベル: hanna