笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
自分からコンタクトをとるのは勿論、人づてに紹介いただいたり・・・今までにないくらいの数の出逢い。そしてFace bookも始めてみた。 FBでは、友達を増やしたいと思った事も否めない。
Recent days, I have been increasing the number of encounters since when I decided to start my own business. Of course I make contact and also am introduced by people. It is first time for me to have so many encounters. And another thing is that I started facebook, too. It's undeniable that I wanted to gain friends on FB.今回、自分の仕事のスタートともあって、一生懸命に、出逢う事に夢中になりすぎている自分もいた。
This time, I'm trying hard and wrapped up doing for my job just starting. That means sometimes people could miss something around, too.
So, I almost realized...bring myself up short to "what I want to do?"
”自分のまわりに利害関係抜きのピュアなつながりをたくさん作ってみてください。計算ではなく、ただ、純粋に楽しさを共有できる仲間を大切にしてください。 それが本当の意味の”人脈”だと思います。”
That time I found a book written by Kundo Oyama (tsunagarugijutsu). There are some words which explain well what I was thinking about.
"Never forget your first objective and the grass roots."
"Make many connections with people around you with pure mind and without stakes. Take care of your friends who can just share fun purely and without calculation. That is a 'personal connection' in the true sense of the term." (my translation)
I wish the many encounters will become friends and we can have fun together.