笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
The other day, I had a sad thing by my mistake at the station.
Still now, I'm in trouble so this is hard and makes me depressed.
I tried to force myself to be cheerful in front of people but sometimes cry or couldn't sleep being alone. Think this pain will take time...
It could be have meaning that I should learn something from this.
I wonder what message I can read from this.
It makes depressed more deeper and deeper at times like this, since the feeling surrounded out of insecurity and intensifies those kinds of actions.
Yes, I realized that is the spiral of negativity.
Is it so much bad luck??
I know, I have so many of good things! Think!
I have friends, sister and brother, family and husband who I love. Have everyone's face in my eyes then I could cheer up. This is so wonderful, I can smile even just thinking of them. I was glad to everyone. They make me cheer up .. Thank you.
Then I could remember other good things around me.
And I could find my self for to learn, regret, also have become strong. So now, I might have to be grateful for the happening this time.
I stop crying.
There are so many chance to have bad luck on the long rest of my life, then I will remember everyone's face in my eye to make me get emboldened.
Yes, that's you....
ラベル: Thinking
☆デーヴィッド・サーガニーDavid Sirgany。アイアンガーヨガとよばれるヨガを教える先生。アメリカ・サンフランシスコを拠点とし、世界で活躍しています。私は昨年の夏、ヨガのトレーニング合宿でお世話になった人です。自由時間には一緒に海に皆で行った大切な思い出もあります。サーフィンも趣味でしていて、バランス感覚を補うのに、ヨガが大いに役立つことを身をもって体験している人です。
This weekend, I was supposed to do work for MotoGP Japan in Motegi which had been scheduled for this weekend. But it has been canceled due to the confusion caused by the volcano in Iceland. So the race has been extended to Autumn. Wow.... I was so excited to do and made up schedule for it. I was bummed. But!!! good things are waiting for me! because I could go to a yoga workshop which I had given up since I had to do MotoGP work. And that I could make the deadline for entry.
David Sirgany is an Iyengar certified instructor. He is based in San Fransisco and teaches yoga and continues training all over the world.
And he also does surfing so he knows that yoga can contribute to valance training for surfing. I have had his training before during the yoga training camp last summer. And we (David, some friends and me) went to the sea for a free time at the training, this is a cherished memory.
He loves yoga purely, that is my impression of him. That is deeply pervaded to how he teaches. His teach from his kindness and in-depth teaching is popular among students. So I am glad to meet him and take a lesson again.
This time the lesson was about restorative yoga (yoga aimed to have deep physical and mental relaxation. David says that should do small number of poses, carefully and take time for each poses for restorative yoga. Sometimes people think that easily. But this is a big misunderstanding. Don't push yourself and do restorative yoga slowly that makes you feel inside of your body more deeply and releases your mind. This is very important work for yourself and it can have a large benefit for yourself with your age of life. We were listening to so many instructions and I felt I can't cover everything in my notes. It should be learned in practice. What strikes me is when we were at the end of the lesson, I was feeling that my mind is so tender, right and openly refreshed which I never had before. I was enjoying that feeling, then he told us "Do not forget what you feel now, remember when you freak out or get depressed in your daily life....."
How he knew that my feeling was....
ラベル: Yoga
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
ある程度心得ていたものの、入る前には、彼が”Asucoにはちょっと酷になるかもしれないけど大丈夫?”との問いに ”大丈夫・・” と答えながら、あの南京大虐殺記念館といわれるミュージアムに入りました。(1937年日中戦争時、南京占領時の日本軍による不法虐殺についての記念館)です。(説明の例としてWikipedia にリンクを張っていますが、ここでも日本語と英語のページの内容と量に大きな差があるのが興味深いです・・・)
After the time while admiring the view of yellow flowers, we arrived in Nanjing then had peaceful time walking through the park of the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum. Time has turned around after that. We head to the place where I got real shock.
What do you think when you hear "300,000 victims at Nanjing". (But number is still in dispute).
I was slightly understanding because my husband says to me that it might be depressing for you, will you be OK?" I said "OK" then we went into the museum called The Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall.(Museum about Rape of Nanjing 1937). I put a link to Wikipedia to explain as an example but even the Japanese and English pages are quite different, which is interesting. )
印象的だったのが、他の場所では中国語と英語の表記ばかりなのですが、ここでは、日本語説明文も併記していました。 日本人の訪れを待っているのです。一体何人の日本人が訪れ、何を思って帰ってきたのでしょう。
記念館から出てきたときは彼も 「どうだった?」 とは一切聞かずに、私を気遣っていたのは良くわかりました。
There are so many dreadful pictures, testimonial movies and evidences, and sometimes I felt sick. Theses are burned into my brain. I'm already in Japan and past days but sometimes I remember and think about it.
It was very striking for me that they had explanation in Chinese, English and Japanese even though most places are only Chinese and English. This is showing that they are waiting for Japanese people coming. I wonder how many Japanese have come and how they feel.
After we left the museum, I could feel that my husband was concerned about my feeling so he didn't ask me how I felt.
Nevertheless, past things, it doesn't make everyone feel good, but I had little bit mixed emotions.
’古来中国の格言に ”前事忘れざるは 後事の師(前世不忘后世)”という言葉がある。’と書かれていました。That's a very touchy matter for Japan and China including the rest of the world now. I am glad to visit there since I knew the news about the matter but I could just pass through as a social problem and have no interest.
There are so many arguments around this and I don't know which is the truth but underlying message is "It's important above all to remember that there was such a matter in the past" and I felt that
'War for the cosmos is tied directly into the breakdown of order' from the matter.
The article in the guide book which our friend had says:
”As the ancient Chinese proverb says, "Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future." (Qiansi bu wang hou shi Zhishi)
Beautiful red door of of the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum
Today, I will post about another recipe from my short absence.
Do you have an experience concerning the contents of your fridge when you leave your house for a few days?
もちろん我が家も・・・ 菜食中心の食事にしていると、生野菜もたくさん冷蔵庫にストックしておくので、こりゃまたどうしよう・・ということになります。そこで、こんなにときに作るのが、カレー!!
For us also, specially we stock many fresh vegetables in the fridge since we have a vegetable diet in the house. I always feel like "What should I do!!" about that. In such times, I always make curry!! This is always useful to use up vegetables in the fridge.
今回は季節ものの美味しいほうれん草等も頂けたりしていたので冷蔵庫にもたくさんありました。 贅沢に使えるぅぅ~~! 嬉しいです☆ほうれん草のカレー。
This time, we have a lot of seasonable tasty spinach in the fridge which I got from a friend.I'm glad that I can use a large amount without concern for how much I have to keep! The spinach curry!!
Usually, I don't use instant curry block [roux] (because most curry blocks in Japan has animal products) so I use curry powder. Sometimes my friends say that it's difficult to make curry from curry powder, but I like easy cooking and lazy cooking so that mean it isn't so difficult.
Ingredients I use are seasonable and finds from the fridge, so you don't have to rush into a supermarket. That is why my curry always has a different taste and different way to cook.
This time, ingredients:
Burdock root, carrots, mushrooms, spinach, garlic, ginger, tin of whole tomatoes (usually stocked in my kitchen) and spices.
Heat the oil in a saucepan and put cumin seeds in row, cook until it is aromatic then add other spices (chili-pepper, turmeric, coriander, cardamon, etc anything for curry) , minced garlic and ginger.
Next, put cut roots( burdock roots, carrots) continue to heat then add mushrooms and tomato whole thin. You can add some water if you want,too.
Do not forget to add bay leaf. Steam until it looks good.
Put coarsely-chopped spinach and stems for 5 min.
5・塩で味付け、ガラムマサラを好みで加えて(カレー粉売り場でみつけられまース)、我が家は最後にシナモンを入れるのが仕上げ。 玄米ライスととっても合います。
Put the salt and pepper for seasoning and add garam masala (You might find on a spice corner at a supermarket) and cinnamon last. It goes well with brown rice.
These are recommended to eat the next day but in this time, we had to leave next day so, we finished eating on that day. If you have same left, you can freeze in tupperwear and have it when you came back, if you were tired and don't feel like cooking.
Other vegetable are used for preparation of pickles so we don't find any miserable vegetable in the fridge when we came back.
Thank you!! Yummy spinacheees!! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ゛
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
ラベル: Travel
ラベル: Travel
ラベル: Travel
ラベル: Travel
ラベル: Travel
ラベル: Travel
今朝のラジオ、「ラブ イン アクション」という、献血を推奨するラジオ番組がある。そこでDJの山本シュウさんがこんなことを・・
This morning, I was listening to a radio show called "Love in action". They recommended that people go to blood donation.
The listener : My girlfriend is affirmative response about blood donation, but I will talk to her and will go to the blood donation campaign for our next date since I would like to help helpless people.
Advice from Mr.Yamamoto, the radio DJ: You can think that people are same as a story "The north wind and the sun". Should not try to persuade, should win people's understanding about it. That mean, do not force someone to do something, if you treat warmly and are forgiving, then she might take off the coat (open the heart).
確かに・・・ Sure....That's right..
This can be said about any usual life.
I think that it can replace many things around us.
There are many hints you can learn by a fable reading from child and still now.
What fable or story do you like since childhood. And now,what hints did you learn from it?追伸:最近体調を壊してYogaをお休みしていたのですが、先日Hiromi先生のスタジオに久々行ってきました。気持よか~。身体には堪えたけど、心はとっても軽くなった。そしたら気分もよくなって体調も回復!? やっぱり病は気から!!!Natural flowのブログに載せていただきました☆
PS:Recently, I was sick for awhile, so didn't go to yoga, but the other day, I visited Hiromi's yoga studio. It was really goood even little bit tough for me right now but I feel getting much better and then body got well, too. It reminds me that all illness comes from the mind!!
Hiromi posted about me on her studio Natural flow's blog. Thanks!
ラベル: Thinking
Finally, we got SAKURA(Cherry blossom) here in Tochigi! Now we are in SAKURA season!!!So, we can't pass through SAKURA season without a Hanami party. We take many lunch boxes, drinks and have a party under the trees.
It's so exiting and fun time!! Yes, of course I enjoy flower viewing, too.今年は、先日のコーングリッツを混ぜて、トルティーヤの皮から作って、現地でサラダやタコをのせて食べられるように。ラップサンドです。それに前の日から煮ておいた湯葉に、季節の菜の花を添えて・・。ペンネのパスタにスイーツはりんごのオートミールクッキー。
こういう野外ピクニックにはお友達のユリヒン、おお~~っとユリチャンね(笑)からいただいた、ネコポットが重宝します。This year, I took wrap sandwiches since I like the corn grits so I tried to make tortilla skins. I think it was successful.
And I made YUBA(bean curd skin). It is steamed with soy sauce from the night before. The green is steamed field flowers. It is a seasonal thing. And pasta and apple oatmeal cookies for sweets. The cat pot I got from friend Yori is quite useful for picnics.
The other day, I read an article about...
Long long time ago, when people have hanami, women and girls hang special dresses (kimono) on the tree and use it to resemble stage curtain.They sing or dance in front of them.
What a lovely story, I'm proud of that Japanese culture have such lovely customs enjoying seasonal things and flowers.彼が最近あたらしい玩具を見つけて、この日はそれを持参して夢中でした。中古の安いデジカメを買ってきて、中のデータを読み替えているそうです。このデータは5秒に1度、自動的にシャッターがおりるように設定して1.5時間くらい撮影していたものを30秒に集約しているとかナントカ・・ とにかく男子って・・・花より機械・・?Meは花よりトルティーヤ。。ムフッ。
My darling got a new toy recently, so he was engaging in play during the party. He found a used digital camera for good cost and changed some program inside of the camera. This data is set for shutter clicks once every 5 seconds automatically for 90min then made a 30 second video.
Specially in this season, there is a saying "Sweet dumplings is better than the flowers" that mean is similar to the words "Bread is better than the songs of birds".
Anyway, here is "Machinery is better than flowers" for him... Me? Of course......Dumplings!
ラベル: Thinking, vegetarian cooking
My only claim to fame is my hands. Sometimes people told me that I have beautiful hands(nails). That is nice to hear....... Even though not about my face..haha..
One of my friends asked me to do a hand model for her nailist study. She is going to take an examination for nailist certification 2 months later so I decided to help her. That is one of her dreams. If my hands will be OK. Now then, she has to start training and get preparation for the exam with my hands. I will give my hands if I can ever be of help to her with it.
乾燥は爪にもひびく。。等々。ということで、少しの間?は私も手のお手入れをしていきますよ。何すればよいんだかワカラナイケド(笑) とりあえず、洗い物はゴム手袋して。。
While my friend (Yukaringo) bends her mind to the work, I just lay out my hands straight and fighting off the urge to sleep but of course I am cheering her in my mind! Haha
A teacher is sitting next to us and checking Yukaringo's work. I was surprise how the nail study thing is very in-depth. I have never thought about it before even though I put on nail color sometimes but don't care so much about my nails and hands. Now I understand that is why she has to be so serious.
I have to start to consider about care for my hands. Might be good to put on rubber gloves for washing? So I have no idea of what they are talking about.
What does bad skin mean? Rough skin?
What?! I didn't know that I shouldn't rub when I take off nail color.
Really? Nails are made from protein substance from the calloused skin.
Nail can be effected by dryness...etc
This time, I got hand care and nail color. You might be surprised at the bright red color. She has to use red color for practice and examination.
I want to help her because, of course, she is a my good friend, but also she is trying what I want to do in the future. She has a little daughter and son. She says that she wants to take it a step at a time and be diligent because the kids are still little. And for the time when she gets time from kids in the future.
Yes, she is considering about 5 or 10 years later. Of course being a wife and being mother is still tough work. Now she is a in the middle of child raising, that is why she doesn't hurry but doesn't forget to prepare for her future. I want to support that kind of opinion. I think that having joy in life, living a full life for own life could be connected to whole family happiness, too.
初めてのチャレンジです。 今回はいつものアスパン(アスコパン)に粉を混ぜん込んで・・
This is one day's brunch. The other day, I found a corn grits pack in a supermarket. Usually, we don't see so many in Utsunomiya.
So this was my first try. I used it in pita bread this time.
Corn grits, whole grain, yeast, and olive oil mix together.
A taco-like sandwich with spinach, tomatoes, avocado, vegetarian mayonnaise, and tofu.あとはチョルーラソース。ガーリックなどのスパイス入りホットソースがよく合います。 私達のお気に入りを知っているので、USのママ、ティナが昨年日本に来た時に数本持ってきてくれて重宝しています。(さすがママ!)ボトルの絵と、木でできていキャップもカワイイでしょ!?
Do not forget Cholula sauce!! This spiced hot sauce matches well.
Mum in US brought us some of these when she visited Japan last time since she knows that it's our favorite!! This is so appreciated sauce. I like the picture on the bottle and the pretty wooden cap, too.それにカブとキノコの豆乳スープ。
Also I made radish and mushroom soymilk soup.
The bread has a light, soft sweetness from the corn grits that gives a mild flavor.
I will be on a corn grits kick for while...
★先日の鹿嶋田千帆さん(Radioberry DJ)のブログに載せていただきましたぁ
Chiho-Kashimada (Tochigi radio DJ) She posted about me on her blog! Thanks!
→→ http://chiho-o-cha-cha.at.webry.info/201004/article_4.html
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
先日注文しておいた解剖学の本が届き、さらに嬉しいこともあったのでちょっとご紹介。ルルルン (ノ∀≦*)ノ゛
The other day, I got a new book which I ordered and it was good for me so I will post about it.
去年のYoga合宿では、解剖学の講義を現在ニューヨークでアイアンガーヨガを教えてるジェニーにトレーニングしても らいました。
彼女は本当に素晴らしい先生で、NYでは口コミ でYogaの先生達が集まるスタジオだそうです。
いつか必ず!彼女のスタジ オを訪ねよう!!と心に留めています。。彼女のトレーニングに関してはまた別の機 会に・・。
Last year, I had yoga training camp for some days and I had anatomy lecture from Jenny. Usually she teaches Iyengar yoga in NY and I heard that her studio is popular for people who teach yoga.
I thought that I really want to visit her studio someday since her lecture gave a lot of wonderful realizations.
そして、ジェニーの解剖学講座の 中で使われていたテキストブックの中に1枚の絵がありました。その時は’まだ解剖学の世界????????で目が点だった私に は、講義の話そっちのけで、どうしてもその絵の方が気になり見入ってしまいました。(勿論その後はちゃんと講義に集中しましたよ!)
一見ちょっ と・・・と、思える絵なのですが、人体の背面にある筋肉が美しくも、繊細に描かれているのです。背景の自然とも、調和しています。
その時にジェ ニーに絵について質問していました。家に帰ってから少しは調べてみたものの、そのままでした。
Anyway, that time was the first anatomy lecture for me so, I was just like 'Anatomy'????? uuuummmmm.....'. (Of course I paid attention in the class)
Meanwhile, a picture I found in the text book, it caught my eye!!! You might think 'UUUUuuuu, what is that?!" but when I looked more closely, it was a beautiful picture of muscular lines of the human back and good harmony with the background, too.
I asked Jenny about the picture after the class and searched on the internet at home but then just forgot about it for awhile.
ラベル: Yoga
Last weekend,I unusually stayed home all day instead of going out.
So, I was hanging around, staying on the couch and wearing a gown from morning to evening.
Meanwhile, I got an e-mail from one of my friends saying that "I saw your blog! It is so surprising how you are active!"
I couldn't tell her that "I am being a couchgirl day!"
Anyway, here is an a la carte dish for such a lazy day.
I thought we should at least have some fresh food...
りんごとかぶのサラダ Apple and radish salad
This is so easy and you can have fresh yummy foods!
I just made easily and it was good so you might like it!
材料 Ingredients
*りんご 1個 (今回は青) 1 apple (This time I used a green apple)
*カブ 1個(我が家は皮を剥きませんが、気になる方は剥いても・・)
1 Radish (I usually don't peel the skin off)
*レモン juice from 1/4 lemon
*ピーナッツ 適量 peanuts
*いろどり用グリーン 今回は置いてあったにんじんの葉先(好みのドライハーブでも
green leaves for colorful (This time, I used carrot leaves)
1. ピーナッツは粗く刻んで、トースターでローストしておく
Put the chopped peanuts in a toaster.
Slice the apple and radish to about 0.3mm-0.5mm.
Mix the roasted peanuts, apple, radish and green leaves with lemon juice.
Well, we can have a fresh day with this, even on such a couchgirl day....
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
お世話になっている有機無農薬農家ベジファーム なかやさんに相談し、協力してもらいできたもの。
This is the last bottle of basil paste (pesto) which we made and gave to guests at our wedding party on 27th Sep. 2009.
It should be long past its expiration date but I just can't open the last one.
It was supported by organic farmer Vegefarm Nakaya.私たちの思いが沢山たくさん詰まっています。その甲斐あってなのか、パーティー後からはゲストの方やそれを食べてくれたそのご家族、話を聞いた知人の方達までも”美味しかったから、作り方を教えてほしい”との声をいただいています。
The bottle has stuffed full of our hearts. Maybe that's why I got many message requesting the recipe from guests or their families or people heard about it after the party.
So this time I will tell how to make it, including a report about when we made.ベジファーム ナカヤさんの畑で育ったた~~~くさんのバジル達&にんにくもナカヤさん育ちです
This is the basil grown in Vegefarm Nakaya's field. This garlic was grown there, too.
To avoid mixing in water, it is good to spray water the day before to wash dirt from the leaves.Picking off the leaves.
*バジルペースト材料*Basil paste ingredients*
・生バジル 90g Basil leaves 90g
・オリーブオイル110~120cc Olive oil 110-120cc
・塩小さじ1,5 Salt 1.5 of teaspoon
・ニンニク 1/2片 Garlic 1/2 clove
・最後にするオイル蓋用のオイル少々 A little olive oil for covering for filling the jar
Put the all ingredients (Basil leaves, salt, garlic, olive oil) into a mixer then make paste.We prepared 130 bottles, so finally used over 16 liters of olive oil.
Pour the olive oil in to a bottle. Then, coating with rest of olive oil to avoid color change.
Normally, people also add pine nuts or parmesan cheese, but I didn't use this time because I wanted make simple basil taste since we were using fresh organic basil. Finaly we could get the full of taste of basil.
We put some of our basil paste recipe on a card, too. So we finally accorded with our hopes that we wanted to give something delicious, safe (healthy), and made from the heart to all guests.
ペースト作りから、瓶選び、ラッピング選び、レシピカード作成・・・。 仕事をしながらと、他の式の準備をしながらは、確かに時間がかかりました。
It was quite tough work, making basil paste, choosing bottles, wrapping, making recipe card..etc. But I was glad to hear some good comments and good e-mail pictures which they are eating that basil paste, so that made me feel that it wasn't such hard work if I could tell my love to them.
It is a good time to plant basil seeds now, I might try some on our balcony this year. How about if you try, too?!!?
簡単レシピ Simple recipe ideas:
*Dress with pasta or potatoes
*Mix with usual dressing or balsamic vinegar
*Spread on toasted bread
*Mix with soy sauce then sprinkle on tofu.
*Put the basil paste on toasted tofu which has been deep fried.
ラベル: Thinking, vegetarian cooking
Sometimes, we get e-mail from aunt Bev in Texas, if she finds some interesting site.
It can tell that she has a bright personality by what she chooses.
これって・・・ 年のせい??
This time is "Bloopers ". I used to watch this kind of TV program when I was child. I like it.
I was glad because this makes me unchanged laughing as a child. What is changed is I say like 'Oh, no!', 'Wow' or Gee!! or such words. Talking to the monitor. Haha
Why is that? because I'm getting old??
よかったら覗いてみて★ →→
See the link below if you are interested!
It seems this is a fishing TV program in US. They introduce fishing tools, etc.
ラベル: Family