笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
The other day I visited Jesualdo and Akane's house. They are pottery artists. Jesualdo is from Spain and Akane is from Awaji-island in Japan. Now they enjoy having a natural life and also organizing an atelier called LUBA in Tochigi.さすが・・・アーティストの家、ステキ!ダイニングのロールカーテンは市販のものにお二人で絵を描いたそうです。
That as may be expected of an artist's house! I was impressed by their house!
This roll curtain was painted by both, on a regular market one.壁の絵はあかねさんの作品。
The picture on the wall is painted by Akane.
そしてそして・・・ 生後6ヶ月の有吾くん。プクプクしてかわいい~~!!愛嬌をふりまいてくれました!
Here! Their angel. A 6 month old baby named Yugo. So bouncing pretty!! He gave me a winsome smile all the time!田んぼの海原を見渡すように建つ家。絶景です。オリジナリティが沢山詰まった家。ステキな時間を過ごしました。
The house overlooks an ocean-like green rice field. It is a lovely view!! I like houses that are original like this. I spent a lovely time in there.
They both have had exhibitions at Chez-Keiko and will again. Jesualdo's pottery work is sensitive and Akane's work is powerful and massively atmospheric, but, if they juxtapose both works, it seems to me that they are harmonious (lovebirds) and respect each other. If you have a chance, let's watch their work!! I appreciate having met them.
ラベル: Chez Keiko, Friends
The fat is in the fire... I fell off by mistake and got ligaments insertion injury, so I have to stay quiet for 1 or 2 weeks. I feel sorry about causing all kinds of trouble for my friends. Especially, for share class, which has been canceled. I was preparing and studying for the class so I feel frustrated and ashamed. My teacher Chitose advised me that I should have the class when my condition is perfect, rather than trying while injured. I feel I've given SHINBI and people who already reserved the class a hard time.
そして初めての松葉杖生活。 いろいろ勉強になりました。
Why now?!?! I asked my self. It should have some meaning. I could have time so that I can think about making the class more specifically.
And, this is my first time for using crutches. I learned a lot.
I could ask to the doctor about intriguing questions about the body other than about my injury when I went to the hospital.
またエレベーターでは、他のお客様がドアを押さえてくれたり、モタモタする私に店員さんが親切に声を掛けてくれたり。 こういったところでCS(顧客満足度)にも影響してくるんだろうな・・とふと思いました。後ほど気づきましたが、さすが企業理念が「親切一番店」だそうです。
私も、もう少しこういった不自由な方達に目を向けることを考えなおされました。And, I learned about how people feel who have to use crutches or have physical imperfections. When I went to a department store, one of the shop assistants passed by in front of me but then he came back and held the door for me. I was impressed. At the elevator, a customer was holding the door for me. A shop lady asked me nicely what she can help while I was dillydallying. I thought that such things will be influenced for customer satisfaction. I found later that as may be expected thier corporate philosophy is ' No1 hospitality shop'. And also that makes me cast new light on caring for people who have physical imperfections.
In the house, another person seems trying his best. My husband, usually, he never adjures me. But this time, he orders me to lay low for a couple of days. 'hhhhmmmmmm, OK, maybe for 1 week.'
One time, he made a dinner himself. This is his favorite instant noodle. This time public debut here!!
In addition, we get this vegetarian instant noodle in health food store. No animal products, no deep frying and uses lye water. They have several flavors and all of them are good so we always keep some in our pantry. I order him to use vegetables in the refrigerator so he put fried eggplants and mushrooms.
He eats all with a satisfied look on his face.
All told that I made trouble to many people and I am thinking it over and feeling people's heart warmth today.
ラベル: Motorcycle
This season, I am excited to have carrots leaves inside of the delivery box from organic vegetable farm 'Nakaya'. It could be one of my top five favorite vegetables! We get a lot especially this time of year because of the thin seedling carrots, otherwise I order them with leaves on. This is very yummy and there are many ways to use for cooking. They have good smell same as herbs so they are useful for soup, stir fry, also the soft part of the leaves is good for salad or decoration. This time, let me show you carrots leaves cooking parade!まずはパスタ。お友達のケイちゃんから頂いたイタリアのお土産ポルチーニ茸、トマト、新たまねぎとガーリックをつかって、唐辛子でいためます。
Pasta, with Italian porcine mushrooms, tomato, spring onions, garlic and hot peppers.
Roasted new potatoes. When you are almost done roasting the potatoes, put the lower part of the carrot leaf stems (hard part) first and fry well. Add upper part of leaves last.葉の部分はお弁当の彩りにだって使えます。
Leaves are good to use for adding color for lunch boxes.
I didn't take a picture but it is good to have with tempura, too. I got the recipe from a macrobiotic cooking teacher.
This is stir fry with zucchini and mushrooms. Pretty colorful and can be useful for lunch boxes, too. Good flavor with carrots leaves.
This is pasta with olives, cabbage, and carrot leaves. Seasoned simply with salt.
See? so easy to use and they are delicious!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
This weekend, I went off road bike riding. It was wonderful weather, not strong sun, no rain (even in a rainy season) so that was perfect weather for having a fun ride.
I wonder why I don't see any improvement in myself even though I do off road for more than 3 seasons...
But I want to do it. Actually, I enjoy challenging myself for that which I can't to do in regular life. There is the tense excitement that I can enjoy. It could come from the belief in my self.今回はコースにちびっ子ライダー達も遊びに来ていましたよ☆ほんっとかわいいの!7歳のお兄ちゃんと5歳の妹ですって。
I met cute kid riders there. They are so sweet!! 7 years old brother and 5 years old younger sister.
妹の方に質問 I asked to the 5 year old girl.
私: 「何歳から乗ってるの?」 'When did you start riding?'
女の子: 「5歳のときから」 She said 'Since 5 years old'
私:「あらはじめたばかりなのね・・*☆d(゜▽゜*) でも何で私よりはるかにライディングが上手なの?!教えて~~~!!」
'Oh! You just started!! ,,,,,,,,mmmhhh but, why you so good at riding? I'm dying to know! Put me out of my misery!!
7 years old brother's riding was great, his skill put the adults to shame. (I heard that he has got a championship in a class of a race recently.)私はテキトーに数周走り、楽しみランチは今回’’胡麻だれ冷やしうどん’を用意し
I enjoyed riding then had lunch - that's part of the fun of it. This time I made 'Cold udon (wheat noodle) with sesame soup!! I am so happy to hear 'Oishii! (yummy!)' from kids and friends.
I hope I can enjoy this season, too...
At that time, I didn't know what was gonna happen after this on the weekend.
ラベル: Motorcycle
The other day on my favorite radio program, 'Word's from teachers'
’人の心は 広い宇宙より もっと広い ’
’Human's minds are larger than the universe. '
You are always free to fill your broader mind with anything'
I quite like these words.
先日、ブログを見てくれている友人から、’’幸せそう’’ とありがたい言葉をもらった。
The other day, one of my friends who saw my blog, said 'You seem to be having a happy life!.' I appreciate hearing it. Even though I'm just writing about a small part of my life so there is a chance that I may be having a bad life and just not writing about it.
However, making lunch boxes, meeting people, having friends and family... I put on this blog and the reader seems to think that I'm having a happy life. I am grateful that I can fill with such parts of my life, even if they are not a big deal to some people.
ラベル: Thinking
The other day, my husband got new sports shoes. He was reading the introduction that was in a box and laughing. I think he found some culture shocking funny thing on it even though he has lived in Japan for over 9years now already.
これ Here
Please do not step on the heel.
へぇ~~ こんなところにわざわざ注意書きが・・・
Huh!? Here you see such a cautionary statement!!
He said that it was quite a surprising thing that how many people in Japan wearing slipshod shoes or stepping on the heel as in the picture.
Oh yah, when I was child, I did the same thing, and I used to get an earful from my mum. Maybe that is why, now I don't do that, and I don't like to do and don't think it's comfortable.
He said that 'you could find such an instruction only in Japan.'
Really? It's shocking. Do you think so?
Is it difference of cultures?! Very interesting....
ラベル: Thinking
One of my yoga teachers, Hiromi, is going to have an event. I will introduce it here. If you are interested in Yoga, healthy food or music. Why don't you come and join us.!!
19th of July.2020
17:30-18:45 Happy Yoga サンセットの中での心地よいSunset Yoga
19:00-20:30 Happy food 自然食ビュッフェ Healthy food buffet
19:30-20:00 Happy sound ジャンベ&ジジリドゥ 野外ライブ Jembe & Didjerido Music live
全て通しです。3500円 /yen per 1 person
Here is the information
私の結婚式の時の写真を24ページものスクラップブッキングのアルバムにしてくれました。(スクラップブッキングとは:通常のアルバムとの大きな違いは、1ページごとのデザインを創作できることの他、特別な紙やのり等を使っているので写真をキレイなままで長期保存できるそうです。これで数十年先も黄ばみのないキレイな写真として残せます。)The other day, I got a surprise present from one of my friends. It is a 25pages scrap booking album with pictures from the time of my wedding.(What is scrap booking?:the main difference between it and a normal picture album is that you can create your own design for each pages and they use specialized paper or props to ensure optimum freshness of pictures forever, so you can enjoy beautiful color of album many years later.)
I almost cried and hugged it.
I can imagine that she must have spent so much time and a lot of thought.
I really like the album but her kindness is most precious and pleasing.本当に、ありがとう。
I heartily thank her.
And grateful for drawing power by meeting her.
I wonder how many times I open and smile to see this album in my life.
I will cherish this album.
While we were in Ashikaga, we stopped by BAGEL&BAGEL, which is my favorite shop because they have labels on the shelf so I can find vegetarian style easily. This time I got 10Grains bar and Potato pepper. These turn to be bagel sandwiches next morning for lunch box.
1つはクルミのコールスローサンドに One is for walnut coleslaw sandwich.
ベーグルを半分に切って軽くトーストしておきます。べジマヨまたは豆乳バターをうすく塗っておく。ぶ つ切りキャベツやきゅうりに刻んだクルミとベジマヨを加えて。ナツメグなどのスパイスをちょっときかせると、さらに美味し。
Slice a bagel in to two and toast. Spread soy butter on it. Cut cabbages and cucumbers into lumps and put them in a bowl. Mix them with chopped walnut and vegan mayonnaise. Add some spices as you like. My recommendation is nutmeg and thyme.
Another one is zucchini, mushroom(elyngii) and tomato sand
ベーグルを半分に切って軽くトーストしておきます。オリーブオイルと粒マスタード(ウチは少し多め)を塗っておく。スライスしたズッキーニとエリンギを焼 いたものに塩で味付け。プチトマトをのせてサンドしするだけ。
Slice a bagel in to two and toast. Spread olive oil and mustard (we put extra) on it. Saute sliced zucchini and mushrooms (elyngii) then put salt. Sandwich with cherry tomatoes.
Roasted potatoes for a side dish.'ランチボックスは会社の社食よりもパワーがでるよ!'・・と旦那様。
My husband says 'The lunch boxes you make give me more power than the canteen lunch!', I say in my mind 'That's natural."
I can make it gladly if it makes his happy workday lunch.
ラベル: Shop, vegetarian cooking
Last week, I went to Ashikaga-city(80 min from Utsunomiya by car) as an assistant for Chitose's walking lesson. We got power from upbeat and smiling students there. Chitose was talking about 'Form an impression, it makes limits of your body limit your self" and students were listening to the lecture seriously
普段、キャリアウーマンとして働いているみなさん、身体の悩みも似ています。骨盤の歪みや、猫背など。。 一度は背筋を伸ばすものの、5分後には忘れてしまい、10分後には元の姿勢に後戻り。。
They usually work as career women so some students have some problem with their physical health. Pelvic distortion, rounded backs, etc.. They straighten their back, but they forget it 5min later and 10min later, and they completely turn back to the initial posture. I know so well how they feel.
I've been obsessing about my rounded back since when I was child. Actually, my mother was worried about it more than me when I was child. After becoming an adult, I notice that how my posture is bad since I saw myself in the mirror or picture which I saw or taken by a mere accident. Or someone told me. I seriously wanted to correct it but I didn't know how.
Now, some times I forget (haha), but I get better compared to that time. Specially when I walk. This is what I get from learning SHINBI walk. I didn't make special time for exercise of correction of posture. This is an outcome from just paying attention to 'walking' for example when I walk to the car park or go to the bathroom, it is just usual walk.
Now, I am glad to do an assistant with my experience to pass on to the people who are worried about their own posture like I was, and they can step forward from their problem.
This time lesson, Yoko was an assistant together. We were wearing SHINBI T-shirts. Isn't it cute!! I also learned many things this time as an assistant.
ラベル: Walking
ラベル: Thinking
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
I got near an objective. I'm going to be in charge of a lesson at SHINBI studio where I usually go. They have unique classes each month which are called 'Share class'. It allows students to have class to share their knowledge with each other.
So I got a chance to do for next month as a navigator.
Last year, I decided to study for SHINBI walking and yoga more deeply. Since then, I realize and am surprised that they have many similarities. Yah, I knew that their points of view are 'Health and good conscience'.
ほんの1回のレッスン。でも私にとっては、とてもとても意味のあるレッスンです。 だからこの機会をくれたSHINBIには心から感謝しています。 人前で話すことになかなか慣れないわたし。でもSHINBIウォーキングとヨガを組み合わせた内容は、両方を学んでいる私だからこその解釈も取り入れてみようと思います。上手に伝えられるか心配だけれど、私にウォーキングを教えてくれたちとせ先生、ヨガを教えてくれてた素晴らしい先生方がガッカリすることのないように。。そしてなによりも、レッスンに参加してくれた生徒さん(参加してくれる人がイタラ笑)が何か1つでも今後に役立てられるように、頑張ってみます。今からドキドキしています。結果も報告しますね!
And now, I step forward to one of my objectives this year: 'Do output.' This is just one lesson, but it has very big meaning for me so I am grateful to SHINBI for giving me an opportunity.
I have still not got used to speaking in front of people. But a combination of the contents combined from SHINBI walk and yoga is why I can introduce my own interpretation. I don't know if I can do well but I want to try for my walking teacher Chitose and my great yoga teachers to not make them disappoint in me. Keep foremost in mind that for people coming to my class (if anybody comes!), I want to try to place my experience and expertise at the disposal of them in any way that may be of assistance.
Recently, that makes me nervous and excited. I will report again!
Walk in Yoga ウォーク イン ヨガ Navigatorナビゲーター ASUCO
Lesson info in the advertising
New exercise to groove SHINBI walk in to your body more beautifully and assuredly. Approach from yoga anatomy helps you to know how to use skeletal and muscle systems with deep conscious and it could be a royal road for beautiful and healthy posture walking.
今日から実家のChez-Keiko シェイ・ケイコでは「永井 素憧 ながいそどう さんの急須展」が始まりました。
My mum's gallery, Chez-Keiko, is having an exhibition for "Kyusu by Sodou Nagai." Kyusu is the name for Japanese teapots.
Last night, we finished the display so I was so excited waiting for morning because one could say that they change expressions even though they are just pottery.
Every time in an exhibition, I enjoy the expression changes of the exhibits. First of all, we receive the piece and open the box...
They look twitchy and disturbed, feel like voices saying 'Where we are now?!'
We take them from the box, they fit in the palm of your hand and is chillaxing. I whisper them to say 'Hello, thank you for coming!" to each Kyusu.以前、絵画の作家さんが教えてくれました。作品は沢山の人に見てもらえるほど、絵自体が心を持つようになる・・と。
A painter told me that artworks come to have a heart as people see them much. I agree with him, especially artworks that are hand made.
It is wonder that expressions change every day because of having heart?
This morning also kyusu are changed. They express one's identity with liveliness under the morning sun. Then, they will change more confidentially by words from visiting people and listening words such as, "Wow, this is gorgeous!", "That is pretty!", "This fits comfortably in my hand!"
Kyusu are likely showing the personality of the artist, Mr. Nagai, by serene curves that are also tenderly sensitive.
This is my favorite now. This Kyusu is called "Mokake kyusu." It is wrapped with seaweed when it is fired. The pattern of seaweed creates a fragile beautiful pattern.こちらは「緋襷ひだすき急須」備前焼きの特徴ですがこの美しい緋色ひいろ(赤い色)を出すために藁を巻いて窯で焼くそうです。
This is called "Hidasuki kyusu." this 'Hidasuki is the name of the pattern. This pattern is a feature from Bizen ware (a kind of Japanese pottery). They wrap pottery with straw when it is fired to make a beautiful scarlet color.
毎日使うものだからこそ、気に入ったものを見つけたいです。皆さんも急須達に会いに来てくださいね。 6月20日まで開催です。
Mr. Nagai taught me how to make delicious Japanese green leaf tea. Use the smallest Kyusu you can find. Put a generous amount of green leaf. Make boiled water once but then allow the water to cool using a vessel called 'Yuzamashi (meaning cooling hot water)', then make green tea slowly. Don't swing the kyusu and make tea gently. Green leaf tea has a depth method. I was swinging a lot when I make tea!! But Mr.Nagai says that you don't have to swing the kyusu if you have one which doesn't get clogged.
Of course his Kyusu are sought after for ease of use so it doesn't get clogged, it is easy to grasp, and drops don't stick on Kyusu. That is why he has many repeaters from specialists of Japanese leaf tea and people who drink green tea in usual life. I can tell he has an obsession with in-filter for ensure maximum flavor from leaves. Hope to find good thing since use daily use. Why don't you come and meet Kyusu!! The exhibition is held until 20th of June.
ラベル: Chez Keiko, Thinking
私もリビング・フードを通じて知りました。ナツメヤシの実です。詳しくはこちらで。 日本でも馴染みがないので、ここ宇都宮でもなかなか見かけない。。しかも見つけても割高のような。 でも、これで作ったローフードレシピは美味しいんだよな~~。干し柿で代用もできるそうですが、若干甘さも変わるしね。
Raw food style, what I like currently. They use 'dates' for their recipe. I learned dates from raw food recipes. This is dried fruits of the dates palm. I usually don't see in Japan and if I find in Utsunomiya-city, it is relatively expensive. I like raw food recipes that use these dates. Sometimes people say it can be replaced with dried Japanese persimmons, but still have a bit of different sweetness.
このデーツ、エジプトやイランではよく食べられているそうです。イラン??!ムフフッフ。イランといえば~~ 彼女!!
Dates are eaten commonly in Egypt or Iran (Middle eastern).
Iran?!!? Woooo! Talking about Iran, what that brings to my mind !! My friend!!
数日後、早速届きました。あの、珍しくて、高級デーツが!!!!我が家に。 彼女が女神様に見えました。。 彼女いわく、デーツは栄養価がとても高いので、中近東の国では日常的な栄養補給食だそうです。ラマダンの直後の栄養補給にも使われるとか。。美容にもよいとのこと。
I e-mailed to ask my friend Chako, "Have you heard of dates?! Do you know?." She said "Of-course!! I have in the refrigerator now." Someday later, I got dates from her. Those dates!!! Unique and high-grade dates are in my hand now! I could imagine her as an angel for me! haa..
She said that dates are rich in nutrients so people eat daily for nutraceutical food. Also they use it for nutraceutical food after Ramadan.
Raw food recipeブラウニー(ローフードのレシピ本を参考に) Brownie( based from raw food recipe book)
・デ―ツ Dates 40g
・くるみ(生) Walnuts (raw) 100g
・ココアパウダー Cocoa powder 20g
・カシューナッツ(生) Cashew nuts (raw) 30g
1.くるみを一晩水につけておいたものを水気をとる。くるみ、デ―ツ、ココアパウダーをフードプロセッサーに入れてなめらかになるまでかける. 麺棒で平らに伸ばして冷蔵庫で一晩冷やす
Soak walnuts in water overnight then dry out water. Put walnuts, dates, and cocoa powder in a food processor and make smooth. Roll out the dough using a rolling pin then leave in the refrigerator.
Put cashew nuts in water and soak overnight, put them in a food processor with a little bit of water and make cashew nut cream.
3.ブラウニーにカシュークリームを飾って できあがり。
Put cashew nut cream on top of brownie. It is ready to eat.
Not baked, but tastes like it. Good to have cold so you can enjoy for summer time. You might feel plentiful rich taste even for the first bite without butter, eggs, and sugar.
Banana & dates smoothie
・デ―ツ 好みで(私は4粒くらい) Dates (as you like. I used 4)
・バナナ 2本 2 Bananas
・生カシューナッツ 1カップ (ローフードにこだわらなければ、豆乳を使っても。ナッツを入れるとさらに美味しいです) Cashew nuts 1 cup (if you don't care for raw-food, it is good to use soy-milk, too. You might like to put some other nuts as well)
Soak cashew nuts in water overnight, put the cashew nuts, frozen bananas, and dates in a mixer to make smoothie.
I used to make smoothies with just bananas, but after adding dates, it makes more well-seasoned sweetness and a rich sweetness fit for adults.
Today, Japan had a warm day so I enjoyed this smoothie. I thought I might leave half of it for my husband, but he was having a nap. I decided to put in the freezer to make ice cream so we can enjoy ice cream together. haha~
そう、ペルシャ絨緞を探しに・・また今年も素敵な絨緞を見つけていることでしょう。 自分で現地に飛び、目で確かめ、触れて確かめる彼女だからこそ、良いものを見極める目を持っています。
今年もシェイ・ケイコでの秋のペルシャ絨緞・キリム展を楽しみにして待っています。 My friend Chako who gave me this dates, she is flying to Iran now from yesterday to look for Persian carpets. I am sure that she will find beautiful carpets this year as usual. She goes to the local scene to see carpets with her naked eyes, and touch to determine for herself, so that is why she has a discerning eye for quality carpets. I am really looking forward to having the Persian carpets and kilim exhibition at Chez Keiko this autumn, too.
This is my wool Persian carpet which I got from her some years ago. I enjoy looking at this carpet every day. It wasn't a high rank and expensive carpet but it becomes something in my bottom drawer as a treasure now.
ラベル: Chez Keiko, Friends, vegetarian cooking