笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
On the weekend, I had a BBQ party with co-workers at my parents' house.
だんだん子供達の参加も増え、BBQの内容も、子供達が参加して作れるものに工夫です。 パン生地を作っておけば、ソーセージに巻いたり、バリエーションも楽しめます。We hang out at motorcycle events a lot. This is the 5th time to have this party. The number of kids has increased every year so I try to prepare BBQ cooking in which kids can participate. For example I make dough which they can roll around sausages and there are many variations they can enjoy.
ダンボールに網を挟む切込みと空気口を作って、10分で完成。(これで私の担当料理は完了しました:笑 簡単カンタン)
もちろん、香ばし~~く、美味しくできあがりました。This year, I tried making smoked food (Salmon, cheese, eggs, and fish). And, I made a smoker myself with cardboard. Also I got a grill and s-hook at the 100yen shop, so I just spent a little bit of money to make a smoker! Make a cut in the cardboard for slipping the grill in and an air hatch. It is only takes 10 minutes! That is all I was in charge for when it came to cooking!
Set wood chips inside which is mixed with coarse sugar. Of course it was spicy and delicious!!
やっぱり私、泣いちゃいました。And the party doubles as a send-off party for Mr.Isumi H, who is going to transfer to the Kumamoto (south Japan) office. He is a good friend and he is not fussy despite my sharp tongue. Haha. So we like him a lot.
In the office, many times he tried to explain or teach me about engine structures even if it is too complicated for me. But we went to an island for fishing together, went to cheer for motorcycle enduro race...etc. So many memories.
This time, we presented him a cake which is made by other members (Wasse) and group singing.
Yah, I cried... I knew I would.翌朝は近くの川に。みんな川ガキに変身です。松っちゃんは飛び込みに夢中・・・。
Next morning, we went to the river nearby the house. Everyone becomes a river kid. Matsu-chan was glued to diving into the river...
そしてしめくくりは、オススメの蕎麦屋にご案内。鹿沼市石裂山の神水蕎麦 うえ田さん。趣のある、神社境内の建物です。街中とは格段の温度差。涼風の中でいただく、美味しい水で打った蕎麦は格別です。 是非是非尋ねてみてくださいね。 For the finale, I took them to my favorite 'soba' restaurant nearby. It is called 'Ueda'. There is a pleasant old house near a shrine. The temperature is much cooler than in town. Soba made with delicious clear water in a refreshing breeze tasted wonderful. I recommend that place to you!!
Haaa I passed one of the my annual summer events.
ラベル: Friends, Motorcycle
反応力 Reaction ability
I have been thinking about 'reaction ability' lately.
Concern "Reaction" from various viewpoints from daily life.
For example, a 'Reaction' to make your own antenna higher up.
Many people could be glad if they get a reaction to their words or information.
I will also be glad. So, I feel affection from people or I look to search some information from my list which can be helpful for other people.
That reminds me to 'react' in social work as much as I can.
Then, my antenna gets higher or I catch information which I wanted, also I receive introductions to people and have many of nice encounters.
でも年に一度くらいは「反応」を見せてもらえたら、私もきっと役にたてたかもしれない・・。 そんなことをふと思ってみました。チャンスを逃すも、つかむのも、自分の種まきも必要。そこには「反応力」の力が役に立つ。
The other day, one of my friends said with slight compliment, 'Why didn't you tell me that there were such fun events you knew about!.'
Actually, I took out her name from the my information list in my mind because I thought she didn't need my information anymore since I was telling her if I knew an interesting event each time, but I never get any response or reaction from her for a few years. So I was worried about her but, if she showed me her response or reaction even once, I could send helpful information to her. It started me thinking.
I need to plant the seeds for catching or grabbing an opportunity myself. 'Reaction' can be of advantage.
反応力2 Reaction ability 2
Reaction ability, it is related to your impression.
One of mentors, Chitose, talks about reactions of the seminar participants. The atmosphere of the seminar hall can be different by the 'reaction'. If a participant's reaction was good, then the atmosphere of a whole seminar can bring a feeling of unity and all of the seminar can have an enjoyable atmosphere.
Lectures zip along in a good atmosphere and it is makes the lecturer want to lecture more and more. That means the participants can get an opportunity to learn further.
I think this is like a music concert. If an audience is rousing good, musicians can be rousing and the live music can bring a feeling of unity between musician and audience. The live concert will be a fantastic triumph.
This can also be the skill of 'Acting for others' (or you might say 'other-made', as opposed to self-made, which Chitose talks about in the impression seminar.)
Act for others then you can share good times together.
Here the 'Reaction ability' can be useful for you.
I think many of situations will be helped with 'Reaction ability'.
There are so many tips which makes your life more affluent and enjoyable.
ラベル: Thinking
そこで・・ 彼の好きなものをなるべく使って食欲を戻してもらうように、あの手コノ手。。
Japan has been extremely hot this summer. I've also been bothered by the temperature even though I like summer. My husband grew up in Colorado where they have strong sun but it is dry and cool during summer. It seems like he gets a little bit hurt by the Japanese high humidity summer. I am a little bit worried because he has little appetite.
Now, I have to try to get him to get back his appetite.まず、もともと寿司好きなので、ベジ海苔巻き(ナムルとそぼろをいれて)
He likes sushi, so I made veggie rice rolls (Korean style)
A: 好みの野菜でナムル Make Namul with vegetables
・きゅうり Cucumber
・人参 Carrotsあればもやしなどの好みの千切り野菜(さっと茹でてもいいですね)に軽く塩と、ごま油、おろしにんにく 、すりごまで和えておきます。
Any of your favorite vegetables (boiled or raw). Put and mix with a little bit of salt and sesame oil, grated garlic, and grated sesame on each julienne vegetables.
B :高野豆腐使ってそぼろをつくる Make farcemeat (veggie).
・高野豆腐 freeze-dried bean curd
Put freeze-dried bean curd back in water again and chop it up. Put sesame oil in a frying pan and stir fry the bean curd, add rice liquor (3 table spoons, a little bit sugar) or mirin, 3 table spoons of soy-sauce. If you like spicy, you can add hot pepper powder or paste, too. Simmer until water evaporates, then mix starch with water and mix together in the pan.C: 他に一緒に巻く具材 Other ingredients for roll.
C Lettuce, macrophyll(if you have), A-namul, B-farcemeat (veggie), rice. Roll them with seaweed paper.
Fresh vegetables with sesame flavor and seasoned farcemeat (veggie) will work on your appetite.
また、納豆好き・・でもあつあつご飯の気分でない時 暑い日のランチ
He likes nattou very much, but doesn't feel like eating hot rice for lunch on a hot day.
Put nattou on cold white wheat noodles (Udon).
Chop your favorite vegetables and put on udon and nattou as a topping.
今回は、This time, I put...
きゅうり cucumber
大葉 macrophyll
みょうが myoga
すりごま sesame
わかめ seaweed
焼き茄子 fried eggplant
納豆 nattou
トマト tomato
It is easy and refreshing.
I hope he gets his appetite back...
I am such a sweet wife!! Aren't I?♪
Now, keep up the good work darling!!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
Natural flowのヒロミさんが催してくれました。
On Monday at the beginning of the week, I went to the Under the sunset yoga event after work. It was held by Natural flow Hiromi.
The event was held at 'Slow'. They have a dog-run and cafe together. So, of course!! I met some dogs and they were watching our yoga. My buddy Sora (meaning sky)! Also I met my favorite dog! 2 Boston terriers!!
It was a hot day but by the time we started yoga, there was a nice breeze around us so we did blissful dog poses next to doggery.
It feels really good to look up at the sky when I do yoga outside.その後はお待ちかね・・沢山の種類のベジタリアン・ブッフェ。それがそれが、皆その美味しさにうなずき!!ひとつひとつのメニューが丁寧に作られていました。ヘルシーなナチュラル・フードだからいっくら食べても
罪悪感なんてものありません(笑)。本当に美味しいです。Slow カフェ、オススメ!!その後お楽しみは続きました。
After that, it was what everyone had been waiting for. Buffet style of many kinds of vegetarian foods. Everyone was nodding with satisfaction. Each dish was made with great care. Also, they were guilt-free food because it was healthy natural food! Really tasty. I recommend that you go to cafe Slow! The fun continued.
芝生の上で、皆で手をつないだバランスポーズ、皆が一体になった瞬間でした! ありがとう。West African traditional hand drums call 'Jembe', Australian Aborigine's instrument called Didjerido live. An allcomers belly dance joined, too. Sax player was good.
And, my cousin and his wife, who I introduced before in this blog, came to try yoga for the first time. Whew! Tadashi joined the music session with them with his Jembe which he had in his car. I knew he could do it! He warmed up everyone!
Yoga, good and healthy foods, inspirational music..
Everything was a beautiful session together.
One yoga balance pose, holding hands with everyone on the grass, that moment I could feel harmony with everyone. Thank you.
I got a sand colored breeze from South Africa.
This is a mail from one of my friends Sato-chan has been to South Africa for volunteer work. I wanted to introduce for all but I picked some parts from the mail.
It has feels like the festival is over since the world cup has finished. A local newspaper says that the world cup was successfully closed so it seems like they have determined to think they can be a host country for the Olympics 2020 or 2024.
(Newspaper says that they got good evaluation by FIAFA, too)
But there is not only good news. The government is on alert against the xenophobia by South African people. In fact, there are some cases existing already. It is not against Asians like me, seems like it is against the people from neighboring states of South Africa (Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique) are getting worse damage from the campaign. The original cause of the problem is that people from such neighboring states come into South Africa and take jobs away from South African people. Actually, this problem has occurred before the world cup but...
自分の担当教科はMathematical Literacyという教科で、純粋な数学じゃなくて例えば%の計算とか銀行の領収書の読み方とか、生活に直結するような算数を交えた数学の様なものを担当しています。
I am teaching in a 'vocational training school, with students age being intended for over high school students (sometime seems like older than me). Students behave impertinently and it makes me feel emotionally stressed. But they still have pure part of them so I enjoy with them every day.
I'm in charge of the class for Mathematical Literacy which is not pure kind of mathematics, for example, how to read bank receipts, how to account percentage such kind of use for mixed with usual life.
Most of the time, it reminds me that they are no good at figures. The students who come to this vocational training school are people who couldn't go to college because of money or people want to get jobs more than go to school, so some people don't have basic academic skills. They use a calculator even if it easy one and sometime they don't understand English questions. Also sometime there are mistakes in English words of questions, too.
There are many problems.. But on the other hand, sometimes I have learned English from them, they take me around the village, teaching me religious things. I can say which is the volunteer?! haha.
So I can say that I'm having enjoyable time. I will tell you again.
These are some animal pictures I took in the Kruger National Park.
That means there are no lions or elephants around my house.
こういった友人からのメールって刺激になります。I love it!!!
This is a stimulating e-mail for me..
週末は横浜にBryan Kest ブライアン・ケストのパワーヨガとロング・スロー&ディープのWSレッスンを受けてきました。彼は世界的に活躍するパワーヨガの第一人者です。
On the weekend, I went to Yokohama for power yoga and long/slow & deep workshop lessons from Bryan Kest. He is known for a matchless range of power yoga.
Last year, I took his lessons and had a thrilling shock, so I was looking forward to taking this lesson for 1 year.
今年もまた新しい衝撃でした。楽しかった~~。彼のパワーヨガのクラスは正直私はついていけていない・・。ダイナミックで。 でも楽しくて仕方ないんです。前屈のポーズをとる度に、汗が目に入り、口に入り、マットに水玉が出来ていきます。意識を集中していく自分と、’できるか?’と自身に問いながら。。また彼の紡ぎだしていく言葉が耳に入ってくると、楽しくて仕方ないのです。時たま、クラスに笑いが広がります。
I was impressed again and enjoyed it a lot. Actually his class is hard for me to follow... It is so dynamic... But I just enjoy it.
When I do forward-bending pose, every time I get sweat in my eyes and mouth. I also get a dot pattern on my yoga mat because I'm drenched with sweat.
Concentrate into the mind and asking my self 'Can I do this?'. And I caught his juxtaposing words and enjoying it, too. Sometimes there was laughter in the room.
He says that sometimes people ask him about the level people should have for taking his class, but he teaches so that people of all levels can take the class. That means he wants student to find their own level.
"For example, at the class in LA, a granddaughter and grandmother were taking the same class next to each other. So they understand their own level and that is why they can take the same lesson together.
Don't push yourself too hard.
If someone shows a face like they are being in a torture room.
It's not my fault.
If someone gets hurt.
It's not my fault.
It is your fault if you push yourself or twist your body too hard. Don't push yourself too much. If you feel like having a rest, you should have a rest. If you feel like challenging yourself, do it as well. But both people have to remember to do conscious breathing.This is important."
All in all, the most important thing was told in the beginning of the class. So I could do yoga with resting myself.
It was releasing my self in the true sense of the word.
He left Japan for his next classes somewhere else in the world.
I am looking forward to seeing him next time.
ラベル: Yoga
ほんとうにありがたい!! やっぱり野菜好きって言いふらしておくものね~~☆ヘヘ
We love vegetables. But I don't mean to expect something by advertising. But I got many homegrown vegetables from kind friends! Yahoo!! I appreciate that! So maybe I should spread around that we like vegetables so much!! Haha
I like summer vegetables but feel like they are a little expensive. I don't know why I have such an idea of that, might be an idea from supermarket prices in winter?? But we have plenty of them now.今年はキュウリが豊作?沢山いただいたキュウリちゃん達。贅沢に使えます。
It looks like cucumbers are having good innings this year.
I can use them for many recipes.
This time, I put a cucumber in my Nukadoko (salted rice-bran paste for pickling) which we have been using for over 7 years now. We like cucumber Nukadoko pickles. I used one that looks like the Japanese character 'SHI': し
On hot days, it will be good to have cold miso-soup with cucumbers.
This is very delicious. I found it in a cook book .
材料 ingredients
A・だし用昆布 細切り Konbu (kelp) for soup stock
・きゅうり Cucumber 1 1/2
・水 Water 500ml
・味噌 Miso-paste 大匙3 table spoon
・氷 Ice cubes 1,2個 (すぐに冷たいのを頂きたいとき)
B 各適量(お好み)as much you like
・大葉 macrophyll leaves
・みょうが Myoga (Japanese ginger)
・すりごま Grated sesame
・あさつき Chives or Spring onionsAの材料をミキサーに投入。できた味噌汁を器に入れたら刻んだ大葉、みょうが、あさつき、すりゴマをちらしてできあがり。
Put all the A ingredients in to a mixer. Dish in to soup cup. Put all the B ingredients (all chopped) on the soup.
This is good for when you have little appetite because of the hot season. It is makes you Genki (meaning healthy or cheerful in Japanese) with cold and good taste so it goes down smoothly.
とっても気に入っているトマトのレシピ ここ2日間食べてます。
My favorite tomato recipe:
トマトのマリネ Tomato marinade
中玉か小玉のトマト 10個
Middle or Small size tomatoes 10
にんにく 2かけ 細かくスライス
Garlic 2 cloves (sliced into small peaces)
オリーブオイル 適量
Olive oil
1. トマトを半分に切って、
Cut tomatoes in half.
Put a slight amount of oil in the pan. (If it doesn't cake up, you may not need)
Fry on both sides until lightly colored. *Make sure that they are slightly cooked (tomatoes can disappear if overdone).
Put tomatoes into a bowl then mix with sliced garlic, olive oil, salt. That's it.
I usually make a lot and store in a refrigerator. It is nice with rice and bread, too. Very delicious!
This recipe is good for middle or small sized tomatoes which I get from friends' farms.
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
ジメジメした日本の梅雨が続いています。でもこれが草木の成長を助けてくれるものね。ガマンしなくちゃ。 そのジメジメを吹き飛ばせるように、気分を変えようと、友達のユカリンゴにジェルネイルを施してもらいました~~☆ちょっとハデかしら?!でもいいよね、気分転換!! こういうのって、女子には必要!!
The marshy rainy season has come to Japan now, which gives big influence to vegetation.
But I got nail art by my friend for something refreshing on me from this marshy mood.
Is it a little too bright?!! Haha, but it is a good change for the mood some times!
If you want to try my friend's nail art, let me know. I will give you the number. First time is 3000yen, Next time 4000yen.
おめでと~~う!! 技術と知識が認められたね!!一緒に東京行った甲斐があったよ(笑)。私は両手を伸ばしておく手伝いしかできなかったけど、ほんっと自分のことのように嬉しい!
As for Yukaringo's nail examination which I posted about before on this blog, she passed the exam!!! Congratulations!!! Your skill and knowledge got credit for nail art. I could help you just by holding out my hands to you, hahaha but I experience your delight vicariously.
In the morning, when I was preparing to go to work, a bad thought occurred to me. 'Aghhhhh That repulses me!!' and time wore away with the busy morning as usual.
’結果に原因あり、 原因、我にあり ’
After that, I was driving my car and listening the my favorite radio program, words were coming to me.
That bad thought I felt in the morning, It is prone to get caught up in my mind to inquire about the outside cause, but now, I will try to ask and look back inside of myself.
'The result has causality, The causality is mine. '
I felt admonished by it.
I'm glad to find these words!
ラベル: Thinking
母のギャラリー シェイ・ケイコでは「松原 秀子さんの 型染版画展」が催されています。
Now in gallery Chez-Keiko, they are having an exhibition for 'Hideko Matsubara print art.'
Her print art work・・・Actually, my image of print art has been overturned. I think some people who visit Chez-Keiko this time had the same idea as me about art prints. They are so colorful! Her art work is soft touched and the color is amazingly beautiful. Also, the pictures have presence. I felt the story of print art come through and around in my head.
It is fused compassionate (Tenderness?), personal and uplifting feeling. A lady was one of the customers who was moved to tears, also a daughter and mother were enjoying to see the prints together.
I am so glad to see such people enjoying.松原さんは本の装丁なども手がけていらっしゃいます。海外向けの本や、宮沢賢治集など、作品は多々。 そのせいかシェイ・ケイコも初日から沢山の松原さんのファンが早速いらっしゃっていただいたようです。
Ms. Matsubara does book-binding work, too. A book is for abroad (English), a story book for Kenji-Miyazawa, and more. So Chez-Keiko had many of her fun visits since the first day of the exhibition.
今回、私が一瞬にして、おとぎ話の世界に引き込まれた作品はこちら。アラビアンナイトのシリーズの1作です。 音楽まで聞こえてきそうでしょ!?
This time, I was attracted into the world of fairy stories in a blink of an eye. One was the series of Arabian Nights stories. Can you hear? Feels like some music from the picture!
ほか沢山の作品で、今シェイ・ケイコはにぎやかです。 7月18日まで会期。是非らっしゃってください。
Now Chez-Keiko is a cheerful atmosphere with many art print works. Please join the party! Open until 18th July.
ラベル: Chez Keiko