笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
悠日ギャラリーでは、23日より、affordance 革鞄・小物展が始まりまりました。
'affordance leather& gadget Exhibition is being held in Gallery Yujitsu from 23rd of November through 4th of December.作り手の小川さんが、企画・仕入れ・試作・生産までひとつひとつ丁寧につくった皮鞄や小物。普段は東京で活躍している若い作り手さん。爽やか君です。
The bags and gadgets are hand-made piece by piece from designs by Mr. Ogawa, then purchase, pre-production and to the production. He is a fine young artist working in Tokyo now.
Actually, when I first felt them, I was surprised how soft and lightweight the leather was, more than I expected by seeing pictures before. 'Well-made' is my first impression. We'll take good care of the artists like him. Most people are surprised how pliant and lightweight they are.
I entrusted him with the decoration for the exhibition this time.あれ・・バックが中に浮いている・・・・・・
Hooow?! Bags are suspended in the air........
Yah, I knew it, create neat decoration since he is an artist!
小川さんはライブペインターとしても活躍しており、ライブペイントを施した帆布を、キャンパストートに作り替えてもいます。色がカラフルでキレイ・・ もちろん一点もの。
Also he works as a live painter so he makes canvas tote bags by his paint work. It's pretty colorful isn't it? Of course they are one of a kind.
This is corroboration work with a Japanese painter, Mr.Daisuke Kagawa.
Mr. Ogawa is going to do live paint with music live from 'rabirabi' 28th of November at Yujitsu cafe.
The exhibition is being held until 5th of December at Yujitsu Gallery.
ラベル: Art